having been held as required by law, there being an inter- 1873. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 464. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled "An act to incorporate the Big Sandy Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That section thirteen of said charter be amended as follows. Strike out the word "six," and insert "ten;" strike out the word "three," and insert "five;" strike · out the word " five," and insert "ten;" strike out the word "two," and insert "three;" strike out the words "two and a half," and insert "five," in lieu thereof. § 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 465. AN ACT to exempt the property of the Danville Theological Seminary from taxation for certain purposes. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: §1. Hereafter all real estate and property owned by the board of trustees of the Theological Seminary of Danville, under the control of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church of the United States, within the corporate limits of the town of Danville, in Boyle county, and used by said board of trustees for educational purposes, shall be, and is hereby, exempted from taxation for State, county, or municipal purposes, so long as said property is occupied and used for educational purposes. §2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 466. AN ACT for the benefit of J. F. Hatten, committee of Geo. Clay (an idiot), of Lawrence county. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 1. That the Auditor of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby, directed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the sum of ($50) fifty dollars, in favor of J. F. Hatten, of 1873. Lawrence county, in satisfaction of his claim against the State for maintaining a pauper idiot, George Clay, for one year from the 25th day of October, 1870, to the 25th day of October, 1871, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. § 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 467. AN ACT to incorporate the Masonic Temple Company, of Owensboro. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That the members of Owensboro Lodge, No. 130; of Stephen F. Ogden Lodge, No. 356; of Jo. Daviess Chapter, No. 32, and of Owensboro Commandery, No. 15, of A, F. and A. Masons, individually and in their corporate capacity, as well as all other persons who may hereafter join either of said fraternities, or become stockholders in the building, be hereby created a hody-corporate and politic, in the city of Owensboro, Daviess county, Name and style. Kentucky, to be styled the "Masonic Temple Company, of Owensboro," with a capital stock of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), divided into shares of twenty-five dollars ($25) each; with the power of contracting and being contracted with, with suing and being sued, by and in the corporate name aforesaid; and to have all the powers necessary and incident to corporations of like character. Capital stock. to vest in corporation. § 2. That the title to the real estate in the city of OwensProperty owned boro now owned by either of said fraternities shall vest by certain bodies in the corporation hereby created, upon the acceptance of this act by said fraternities respectively; and said corporation shall have power to sell and convey the same at any time, and may, in case of sale, purchase other real estate in said city of Owensboro, not exceeding one acre, and erect thereon the necessary and proper buildings for lodge and other purposes promotive of the welfare of said Masonic fraternities. gers, and their duties. §3. The present Masters of Owensboro Lodge, No. 130, Board of mana- Stephen F. Ogden Lodge, No. 356, the High Priest of Jo. Daviess Chapter, No. 32, and the Eminent Commander of Owensboro Commandery, No. 15, and their successors, are hereby constituted a board of managers for the purpose of organizing said company as named in section one; to issue stock certificates, and when as much three thousand dollars ($3,000) stock [is] sold, the stockholders will then meet and elect for themselves a board of managers and prescribe rules for the government of same. as § 4. That said company appropriate or lease out any room or rooms of any buildings owned by it, for store and other purposes. 1873. May lease out storerooms. How books of subscription may § 5. That the chief officers of said Lodges, &c., as enumerated in section three, may, at any time, open books be opened. for the subscription of stock in said company, the said stock to be due and payable at such time and in such amounts as the board of managers may direct. Certain bodies authorized to take § 6. That the said Lodges, Chapter, and Commandery shall be entitled to take shares of stock in said company, stock. to the value of the lot and building and furniture now owned by them, and the title to which is vested in said company as aforesaid, and to any further amount they may see proper to invest in said building. of stock to issue. §7. Certificates of stock shall be issued to each stock- When certificates holder so soon as his stock is paid in; and may be transferred from one owner to another, by written indorsement on the back thereof, and proper entries upon the stockbooks of the company. § 8. Dividends may be declared, from time to time, at the discretion of the managers. Dividends may be declared. ment of stock. 9. The said company shall have power, by the usual May coerce payproceedings of law, to coerce the payment of any arrears in subscription of stock. Board may pay off and take up § 10. That each and all of the individual holders of certificates of stock shall surrender them to said Masonic stock. bodies, at any time, on being paid the face of said certificate, with such interest as may be agreed upon by the board of managers. § 11. That said company may, in lieu of opening books for stock, borrow money, not exceeding ($7,000), if said amount be needed or required in paying off any indebtedness now owed by said Masonic bodies, or in erecting, furnishing, and outfitting their building, and may issue certificates therefor, the same to bear such rate of interest, not exceeding ten per cent. per annum, as may be determined by the board of managers. May borrow money. Certificates to run at pleasure of lien to secure pay § 12. That said certificates shall run for such time as . said managers may fix, and shall be redeemable at the managers to have pleasure of said company; and to secure the payment of the principal thereof at maturity and interest, the holder shall have a lien on all the property of said company. § 13. That said board of managers shall provide a book in which they shall register the certificates so issued by them, and the same shall be constantly open to the inspection of any and all persons interested. § 14. That this act shall take effect from its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. ment. 1873. CHAPTER 468. AN ACT to charter the Elizabethtown and Middle Creek Turnpike Road Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: §1 That a company shall be, and is hereby, incorporated, to construct a turnpike road, on the macadamized or gravel plan, from Elizabethtown, Hardin county, Kentucky, to Middle creek, in the same county, to be known Name and style. by the name and style of the Elizabethtown and Middle Creek Turnpike Road Company; and by that name and style may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all the courts and places; may have and use a common seal, and change or alter the same at pleasure. Capital stock. § 2. The capital stock of said company shall be twenty thousand dollars, with the right to increase the same at pleasure, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each; and each share shall entitle the holder to a vote in all meetings of the stockholders, and one vote each for every share he or they may hold in the election of the officers of said company and for all other purposes. § 3. That Samuel B. Thomas, Harvey Slaughter, Robert Commissioners' L. Wintersmith, J. H. Thomas, Sam'l Haycraft, A. Beeler, names and duties. Charles G. Wintersmith, J. W. Hays, Martin H. Cofer, A. M. Brown, Robert D. Murray, W. D. Woodin, C. M. Fraize, George Cressap, Thomas B. Munford, A. B. Montgomery, and Thomas Patton, are hereby appointed commissioners, whose duty it shall be to open books for the subscription of stock, at such times and places as any three of them may deem expedient; and so soon as two thousand dollars of stock is subscribed, by individuals or corporations, they shall give ten days' notice of the time and place of the meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of electing a president and four directors of said. company; and a majority of whom, and their successors in office, shall be competent to perform all acts and things. authorized by this act to be done by the president and directors of said company; and the management of the fiscal and prudential concerns of said company shall be confided to the president and directors of said company and their successors in office, to be chosen annually, at such times and places as said president and directors. may, from time to time, direct, and who shall continue in office until their successors are elected and qualified. directors. § 4. That no person shall be eligible as president or diQualifications of rector who shall not at the time be the owner of at least one share of stock in his own right; and any president or director ceasing to be an owner of that amount, shall cease to be president or director, as the case may be, of said company; and said board may at all times fill 1873. any vacancy that may occur in said board. 5. The president and directors shall have the power of appointing a treasurer, gate-keepers, and all other officers or agents necessary to perfect and carry out the objects of this act, and to renew the same at pleasure; they shall have power to require of the treasurer and all the officers or agents a bond, and security in such penalties as they may, signed conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties incumbent on them as such. § 6. The commissioners hereby appointed shall procure a book or books, and the subscribers to the stock of said company shall enter into the following obligation in said book or books, to-wit: We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do promise to pay to the president and directors of the Elizabethtown and Middle Creek Turnpike Road Company, the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every share of stock in said company set opposite to each of our names, in such manner and proportion, and at such times, as shall be required by the president and directors of said company. Witness our hands this of —, 187 —— -- day Board to appoint quire bond. officers and re Obligation of subscribers. Width of road, and time when gate may be § 7. That said road shall be opened at least thirty feet wide; the width of the grade and its elevation shall be left to the judgment of the president and directors of said erected. company. That the president and directors of said company shall have the right, when two and one half miles of said road are completed, to erect a toll-gate, and receive and collect half toll on the travel and transportation on said road, at a rate of toll not exceeding that on the road leading from Louisville to Elizabethtown, in this State. 8. That in order to effect the building of said road, the president and directors shall have the right to procure the release of the right of way from any person or persons over whose land said road may run; and should any person or persons, over whose land said road may run, fail or refuse to release the right of way, they may institute the proper proceedings, in the proper court, in the county in. which the land lies, and have the same ordered and set apart for that purpose, in the same manner that mill-seats or public roads are now condemned, at the cost of the company. Approved March 22, 1873. VOL. II-LOC. L.- -2 May acquire right of way by condemnation writ. |