1873. Directors-term of office and pow ers. §7. The board of directors shall be elected on the first Saturday in January, and hold their offices for one year, or until their successors are elected. In election for officers, and transaction of other business, each member present shall be entitled to one vote for each share owned. The board of directors shall elect one of their number president, and shall elect a treasurer, who shall give bond, with good and sufficient surety, for the safe-keeping of the assets of the association, and a faithful discharge of the duties of his office. §8 The object of this association is to enable its memObject of asso- bers, by their savings and accumulations, to acquire homes ciation. sell bonds. and other property; its business to buy and sell real estate, to loan its capital stock as paid in, and the accumulation thereof, preference being given, in all cases, to members of said association; said loans shall be made at such rate of interest, not exceeding ten per cent., as may be agreed by the parties thereto. The association shall have the right to insure the mortgage property of the borrower for any space of time, not to exceed the time of payment of the loan, at the expense of the borrower; but the association may, if the board of directors think proper, invest a part of the funds in establishing and conducting manufacturing establishments in or near Auburn. § 9. Said association shall have power to issue and sell May issue and or hypothecate its bonds, with coupons attached, for any sum, not exceeding the sum of its capital stock paid up, and make the same payable at such time and place as may be deemed most advisable; but such bonds shall not bear a rate of interest exceeding ten per cent. per annum, to be paid annually or semi-annually, as the corporation may direct. § 10. As soon as practicable after the association is Meeting to elect ready to go into operation, as provided in section six, officers, the corporators shall call a meeting of the stockholders, giving reasonable notice of the time and place of such meeting, for the election of officers, who shall have authority to make and pass by-laws for the government of said association, not inconsistent with this charter, nor the Constitution and laws of the United States or of the State of Kentucky. § 11. This act shall take effect from the date of its pas sage. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 457. AN ACT to amend an act, entitled "An act to amend the charter of the city of Augusta, in Bracken county." Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 61. That the charter of the city of Augusta, in Bracken county, be, and the same is hereby, so amended, that whenever any hotel-keeper in said city shall make application to the council thereof for a license to sell spirituous, malt, or vinous liquors, and shall make the proof now required by law in such cases, the said council shall grant the license upon the payment of any sum that may be fixed by said council, not less than one hundred nor more than three hundred dollars. §2. That this act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. 1873. CHAPTER 458. AN ACT to amend the charter of the town of Monticello, and to regulate the traffic in spirituous liquors therein. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: Unlawful to sell Certain excepрtions. §1. That from and after the first day of April, 1873, it shall be unlawful for the judge of the Wayne county Liquors in said court, or the board of trustees of the town of Monticello, in Wayne county, to grant a license to any person or persons to sell or vend spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors, or any mixture thereof, within the corporate limits of said town, or within one mile of the court-house thereof: Provided, however, That druggists and apothecaries may be licensed to sell the same for medicinal purposes alone; but the person or persons applying for a license under this provision, before the same shall be granted him or them, shall take an oath before some officer authorized to administer the same, that he will not sell spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors, or any mixture thereof, or knowingly allow or permit any person in his employ to do so, except upon the written order of some practicing physician or surgeon of said county, which order shall state the person to whom it may be sold, the quantity to be sold, and the date thereof, and that the same is, prescribed by him for medicinal purposes; the said order shall be good for one selling only. §2. Each and every person, except a druggist or apothecary, as provided for in the first section of this act, who shall, within the limits aforesaid, sell, or cause to be sold, Spirits, when sold under exceptions, in 1st section, to twenty-four hours 1873. be removed in or knowingly suffer or permit any person in their employ to sell, in quantity less, at one time, than ten gallons of spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors, or any mixture thereof, shall be held and deemed a retailer in violation of this act, and subject to the penalties herein imposed. All such liquors, or the mixture thereof, which may be sold under the provisions of this act, shall be delivered to and removed by the purchaser from the premises where the same is bought immediately after the purchase; and if the same, or any part thereof so sold, shall remain upon the premises where the same is sold for a longer period after the sale than twenty-four hours, then such seller shall be deemed and held to be a seller within the meaning of this act, and liable to the penalties prescribed for a violation thereof. §3. Every person violating either of the provisions of Penalty for vio- this act shall be fined in a sum not less than fifty dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, in the discretion of the jury. lation of law. § 4. On each finding for a violation of this act, and judgFees of attorney. ment thereon, the attorney prosecuting same shall be allowed a fee of ten dollars, which shall be first paid out of any money collected under said judgment. § 5. Capias pro fines upon such judgments as may be Capias to issue rendered under this act, may be instantly issued after immediately. judgment, by the officer before whom judgment is obtained, and parties may be discharged therefrom as is provided by law in cases of similar process issued from the circuit courts. § 6. Any physician or surgeon who shall give an order Physician to be under the provisions of this act, except in good faith for liable for evading medicinal purposes, or who shall give an order to any person in evasion of the true spirit and meaning of this act, shall be liable to the same penalty as provided herein against a seller of liquors in violation thereof. Jurisdiction conferred on certain courts. §7. Upon information to the chairman of the board of trustees and police judge of the town of Monticello, or to the county judge of Wayne county, of a violation of this act, either of said officers may issue their warrant against the accused, and either of them, together with the circuit court of Wayne county, shall have jurisdiction to try the case, render judgment upon the verdict of the jury, and issue capias pro fine, as now provided by law in other cases. Appeal may be taken to the circuit court of Wayne county, on cases tried before the chairman of the board of trustees or the county judge atoresaid, as is now provided for by law for appeals in similar cases. § 8. All warrants and prosecutions under this act shall be in the name of the board of trustees of the town of Monticello. § 9. Elections for trustees of the town of Monticello shall hereafter be held on the first Saturday in the month of April in each year, and shall hold their offices for two years, and until their successors are duly elected and qualified; which elections shall be held and conducted as now provided for in the charter of said town; and the present - board of trustees shall hold their offices until their successors e elected and qualified, as provided for in this act. § 10. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with the pro- visions hereof are hereby repealed. § 11. This act shall take effect and be in force from its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. 1873. Trustees-when to be elected, and term of office. CHAPTER 459. AN ACT to amend the charter of the town of Elizabethtown. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: §1. That the trustees of Elizabethtown shall have power, at the general expense of the town, to grade, curb, and pave the sidewalks of said town in front of the lots on which are or may be erected any church or seminary of learning, and in front of the cemetery of said town. §2. This [act] to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 460. AN ACT to define the boundary line between the counties of Rockcastle and Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: 1. That the boundary line between the counties of Rockcastle and Jackson be so changed, as to include the land and premises where Jones A. French now resides, in the county of Jackson. §2. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. 1873. CHAPTER 461. AN ACT to authorize the trustees of the town of Columbia to sell and convey part of Jefferson alley, in said town. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That the trustees of the town of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and empowered to sell and convey that part of Jefferson alley, in said town, running southeast from Pinkney alley to the property now owned by W. W. Miller. §2. That this act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 462. AN ACT for the benefit of Henry C. Fitzpatrick, collector of the revenue of WHEREAS, It appears to the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky that Henry C. Fitzpatrick, collector of the revenue of Floyd county for the year 1870, accepted and received in payment of taxes red fox and wild cat certificates to the amount of ($1750) seventeen dollars and fifty cents, which the Auditor of Public Accounts declined to pay because the clerk, in issuing the certificates, used the word scalp instead of the word head; for remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: §1. That the Auditor of Public Accounts be, and he is, directed to credit the said sum of seventeen dollars and fifty cents on the balance due by said Fitzpatrick on the revenue for the year 1870. § 2. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. Approved March 22, 1873. CHAPTER 463. AN ACT for the benefit of Jeremiah Overton, an idiot of Wayne county. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: § 1. That the Auditor of Public Accounts be directed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of this State in favor of David L. Powers for the sum of forty-five dollars and eighty-three cents, for the benefit of Jeremiah Overton, an idiot of Wayne county, the inquest upon said idiot not |