The name of the child, the air of the mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recollections in his mind. "What is your name, my good woman ? " asked he. The Sketch Book - Página 52por Washington Irving - 1895 - 423 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | 1820 - 646 páginas
...child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. " Hush, Rip, " cried she, " hush, you little fool, the old man won't hurt you. " The name...— " And your father's name ? " — " Ah, poor man, his name was Rip Van Winkle ; it's twenty years since he went away from home with his gun, and never... | |
 | 1819 - 610 páginas
...child in her anus, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. " Hush, Rip," cried she, " hush, you little fool, the old man won't hurt you." The, my good woman ?" asked he. " Judith Gardenier." . . .,.' . , ." £nd your father's name?'' f< 'Ah, poor man, his nqme was Rip &c Winkle; it's twenty... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1822 - 424 páginas her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. " Hush, Rip," cried o2 she, " hush, you little fool, the old man won't hurt you." The name...Gardenier." "And your father's name?" "Ah, poor man, his name was Rip Van Winkle ; it's twenty years since he went away from home with his gun, and never... | |
 | 1821 - 502 páginas
...child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, ' began to cry. " Hush, Rip," cried she, " hush, you little fool, ' the old man won't hurt you." The name...mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recolVOL. II. 23 1 lections in his mind. " What is your name, my good woman ?" * asked he. — " Judith... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1824 - 804 páginas her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. « Hush, Rip, » cried she, « hush, you little fool ; the old man won't hurt you.» The name...Gardenier.» « And your father's name?» « Ah, poor man, his name was Rip Van Winkle ; it's twenty years since he went away from home with his gun, and never... | |
 | Tobias Merton (pseud) - 1824 - 476 páginas
...child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. ' Hush, Rip,' cried she, ' hush, you little fool ; the old man won't hurt you.' The name of the child, the Sir of the mother, the tone of her voice, all awakeried a train of recollections in his mind. 'What... | |
 | 1826 - 654 páginas
...child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. " Hush, Rip," cried she, " hush, you little fool, the old man wont hurt you." The name...all awakened a train of recollections in his mind. — 4 What is your name, my good woman ?" asked he. " Judith Gardenier." " And your father's name ?"... | |
 | 1819 - 606 páginas
...child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. " Hush, Rip," cried she, " hush, you little fool, the old man won't hurt you." The name...mother, the tone of her voice, all awakened a train of recollectigns in his mind. " What is your name, my good woman ?" asked he. " Judith Gardenier." " And... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1834 - 320 páginas
...child in her arms, which, frightened at his looks, began to cry. " Hush, Rip," cried she, " hush, you little fool ; the old man won't hurt you." The name...Gardenier." " And your father's name?" " Ah, poor man, his name was Rip Van Winkle ; it's twenty years since he went away from home with his gun, and never... | |
 | Washington Irving - 1835 - 196 páginas her arms , which, frightened at his looks , began to cry. « Hush, Rip, » cried she,« hush, you little fool; the old man won't hurt you. » The name...awakened a train of recollections in his mind. « What it your name, my good woman? » asked he. » Judith Gardenier. » • And your father's name? ». '... | |
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