The Outlook A-ramily-Paper New Series of The Christian Union Copyright, 1896, by The Outlook Company. Entered as second-class matter in the New York Post-Office. The Outlook is a weekly Family Paper, containing this week forty pages. The subscription price is Three Dollars a year, payable in advance. Postage is Prepaid by the publishers for all subscriptions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. For all other countries in the Postal Union add $1.56 for postage. Changes of Address. When a change of address is ordered, both the new and the old address must be given. The notice should be sent one week before the change is to take effect. Discontinuances.-If a subscriber wishes his copy of the paper discontinued at the expiration of his subscription, notice to that effect should be sent. Otherwise it is assumed that a continuance of the subscription is desired. How to Remit.-Remittances should be sent by Check, Draft, Express-Order, or Money-Order, payable to order of THE OUTLOOK COMPANY. Cash should be sent in Registered Letter. Letters should be addressed: Clinton Hall, Astor Place, New York. Books Received For Week ending November 6 AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, PHILADELPHIA Drinkwater, Jennie M. Dolly French's Household $1 25. Caverno, Rev. Charles. A Narrow Ax in Biblical Criticism. Mason, Caroline Atwater. The Quiet King. $1.50. AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, NEW YORK Wherry, Rev. F. M., D.D. Islam; or, The Religion of the Turk. 35 cts. Banks, Martha B. Heroes of the South Seas. $1.25. Gottheil, Dr. Gustav. Sun and Shield. $1.50. CONGREGATIONAL SUNDAY-SCHOOL AND Hazard, M. C. The Tearless Land. $1.50. DODD, MEAD & CO., NEW YORK Bulwer, Edward, Lord Lytton. Richelieu; or, The Conspiracy. Illustrated by F. C. Gordon. $2. Maclaren, Ian. The Days of Auld Lang Syne. $2. Dobson, Austin. Eighteenth Century Vignettes. (Third Series.) $2. Macdougall, W. B. The Book of Ruth. $3.50. Beeching. Illustrated by Walter Crane. $2. Maclaren, Ian. Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush. $2. Barr, Amelia E. A Rose of a Hundred Leaves. $1. Ellwanger, George H. Love's Demesne. 2 Vols. $2.50. Arditi, Luigi. My Reminiscences. Edited by the R. F. FENNO & CO., NEW YORK Dickens, Mary Angela. Some Women's Ways. $1.25. GINN & CO., BOSTON Moulton, F. P. Preparatory Latin Composition. 90 cts. LEE & SHEPARD, BOSTON Shirley, Penn. The Merry Five. 75 cts. Le Baron, Grace. The Rosebud Club. 75 cts. Johnson, Clifton. A Book of Country Clouds and Sunshine. $2.50. LITTLE, BROWN & CO., BOSTON Grimm, Herman. Life of Michael Angelo. Translated by Fanny Elizabeth Bunnett. 2 Vols. $6. MACMILLAN & CO., NEW YORK Maddison, Isabel, and Others. Handbook of Courses Open to Women in British, Continental, and Canadian Universities. 50 cts. Kipling, Rudyard. Soldier Stories. $1.50. Greenidge, A. H. J. A Handbook of Greek Consti tutional History. $1.25. Moulton, R. G. The Kings. (Modern Reader's Blble.) 50 cts. Crawford, F. Marion. Taquisara. 2 Vols. $2. Evil and Evolution. By the Author of "The Social Horizon." $1.50. Spenser, Edmund. Faerie Queene. Edited by Thomas J. Wise. Illustrated by Walter Crane. Book VI., Part XVI. $3. Bryce, James. The American Commonwealth. $1.75. Gale, Norman. Songs for Little People. $2. Edited by Grace Toplis. $1.25. Andersen, Hans. Tales. Illustrated by Helen Stratton. $1. The Book of Wonder Voyages. Edited by Joseph Bouvet, Marguerite. Pierrette. $1.25. FREDERICK A. STOKES CO., NEW YORK HERBERT S. STONE & CO., CHICAGO Pool, Maria Louise. In Buncombe County. $1.25. Morrison, Arthur. A Child of the Jago. $1.50. Raimond, C. E. The Fatal Gift of Beauty, and Other Stories. Chatfield-Taylor, H. C. The Land of the Castanet. Malet, Lucas. The Carissima. WAY & WILLIAMS, CHICAGO Housman, Laurence. Green Arras. $1.50. At Tuskegee The fifteenth annual report of the Principal of Tuskegee Institute shows that no curtailment of the work has been made during the hard times. Last year $97,000 was received, of which two-fifths has been expended in bettering the plant. Over 1,000 students have been educated along the industrial, literary, and religious lines pursued by the Institute. The students performed $45,000 worth of work while carrying on their school work. So successful are the industrial education courses that "a building of any size can now be completed without going off the grounds for labor." Besides keeping twenty-four other industries in constant operation, the students cultivate with their own hands 650 acres of land. Last year the Institute was asked to assume control of Christianberg Institute in Virginia. This is now the third school that has placed itself under the direction of Mr. Washington. There is certainly no work for the uplifting of the negroes of the South that has borne so much fruit in so short a period. Like all men who are doing a great educational work, Mr. Washington feels the need of still more financial aid to carry the work still further. Fifty dollars pays the tuition of a scholar for a year's practical training for his or her life-work. Taking Out the Ambassadress Mr. W. E. Curtis, the author of an entertaining work of Eastern travel, relates an instance of his sojourn in China which represents the great Lí Hung Chang in an attitude of characteristic ignorance of Occidental customs. The French Ambassador at Peking gave a dinner party, and invited Li Hung Chang. Previous to sitting down to dinner, the party, which included the wives of the European guests, were conversing in an apartment which adjoined the dining-room. Presently the butler threw back the portières and announced the dinner. The French Ambassador stepped up to the great Chinese, statesman and said: "Will your Excellency take my wife out to dinner?" Li interpreted the request literally. The French ambassadress was a tiny woman, and Li Hung Chang is six feet three. He picked the little woman up under one arm, and to the amazement of the company as well as the distress of the victim, carried her bodily out to the dining-table. SINGERS AND ARTISTS GENERALLY are uses of "Brown's Bronchial Troches" for Hoarseness and Throat Troubles. They afford instant relief. "Chautauqua” Rocker and Reclining Chair It can be adjusted to any position, and changed at will by the occupant while reclining. A synonym of luxurious ease and comfort. It is built, of oak, polished antique finish, with beautifully-grained three-ply veneer back. The seat, head and foot rests are upholstered with Velours in crimson, old red, tobacco brown, old gold, blue or olive, as desired. It is very strong and perfectly simple in construction. It is fully guaranteed. Our soaps are sold entirely on their merits with a guarantee of purity. Thousands Most Popular of families use them, and have for many years, in every locality, many in your vicinity. POMONA COLLEGE, Claremont, Cal Full courses B.S. Degrees recognized by University of California Connecticut 10 BARS WHITE WOOLEN SOAP .70 12 PKGS. BORAXINE SOAP POWDER (full lbs.) 1.20 .25 .25 THE CONTENTS, BOUGHT AT RETAIL, COST $10.00 $10.00. (You get the Premium you select Gratis.) Subscribers to this Paper may use the Goods 30 Days before Bill is Due. After trial you - the consumer - pay the usual retail value of the Soaps only. All middlemen's profits accrue to you in a valuable pr mium. The manufacturer alone adds Value; every middleman add. Cost. The Larkin plan saves you half the cost - saves you half the regular retail prices. Thousands of readers of this paper know these facts. If after thirty days' trial you find all the Soaps, etc., of unexcelled quality and the Premium entirely satisfactory and as represented, remit $10.00; if not, notify us goods are subject to our order, we make no charge for what you have used. Many people prefer to send cash with order - it is not asked - but if you remit in advance, you will receive in addition to all extras named, a nice present for the lady of the house, and shipment day after order is received. Your money will be refunded without argument or comment if the Box or Premium does not prove all expected. Weguarantee the safe delivery of all goods. Booklet Handsomely Illustrating other Premiums sent on request. Estab. 1875. Incor. 1892. The Cambridge School personally know they carry out what they promise. - The Independent, New York. THE HIGHER CRITICISM AND THE TEACHING OF THE YOUNG With others on THE BIBLE AS LITERATURE THE BIBLE AS REARRANGED BY MODERN CRITICISM Readers of THE OUTLOOK will remember these papers, first issued in its columns, and will welcome their publication in a convenient and attractive book form. The work will prove of vital interest to many who seek the right way of presenting the Bible to the young in the light of the HIGHER CRITICISM. "The Bible and the Child" will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of one dollar, by either THE OUTLOOK COMPANY, 13 Astor Place, New York, or the publishers of the book, THE MACMILLAN COMPANY, 66 Fifth Avenue, New York. Recreation Department Proprietors of first-class city or winter resort hotels desiring a manager, or one to take charge of steward's department, are requested to address the advertiser, who has indorsements of the highest character for either position. Address G., No. 2,028, care The Outlook. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY Personally Conducted Tours Matchless in Every Feature Three tours to California and the Pacific Coast will leave New York and Philadelphia January 27, February 24, and March 27, 1897. Five weeks in California on the first tour, and four weeks on the second. Passengers on the third tour will return on regular trains within nine months. Stop will be made at New Orleans for Mardi-Gras festivities on the second tour. FLORIDA Jacksonville tours, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York and Philadelphia January 26, February 9 and 23, and March 9, 1897. Rate, covering expenses en route in both directions, $50 from New York, and $48 from Philadelphia. WASHINGTON Tours, each covering a period of three days, will leave New York and Philadelphia December 29, 1896, January 21, February 11, March 11, April 1 and 22, and May 13, 1897. Rates, including transportation and two days' accommodation at the best Washington hotels. $14.50 from New York, and $11.50 from Philadelphia. OLD POINT COMFORT TOURS returning direct, or via RICHMOND AND WASHINGTON will leave New York and Philadelphia December 26, 1896, January 28, February 20, March 18, and April 15, 1897. For detailed itineraries and other information apply at ticket agencies or address Geo. W. Boyd, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. A Treat for Artists The autumn scenery of the Hudson River and Mohawk Valley lends additional charm to a trip over the New York Central at this season. Fourteen fast trains every day between New York and Buffalo and Niagara Falls. EUROPE Raymond & Whitcomb Tours Tours to the Old World, sailing from New York January 23, March 27, and May 4, by the North German Lloyd Line. May 15 by the French Line, and May 19 by the White Star Line. North ern Africa, including Algeria and Tunis, the Travel GAZE'S NILE TOURS Bern Bermuda or West Indies Faultless Climate. Malaria Impossible. Nile Tours Orient, South France Personally Illustrated progranime of our OUR ORIENTAL TOURS, visiting As Passenger Agents for the Independent best Transportation Lines, we furnish tickets at lowest rates Tourist Gazelle Free. &c. Programs free. Apply to GRAND WINTER CRUISE TO Bermuda, West Indies, Venezuela, and Mexico Sailing from New York Feb. 6, 1897 For Bermuda, St. Thomas, St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY 6 BOWLING GREEN, NEW YORK EGYPT Connecticut Crest View Sanitarium A quiet, restful establishment for District of Columbia THE HAMILTON" Corner Fourteenth Washington, D. C. A first-class family and transient hotel, modern in all its appointments. Beautifully located. Rates, $2.50 and $3,00 per day. American plan. BALL & POLLARD, Prop's. Florida EUROPE For Winter Tours WEST INDIES "Untouched by the Frost" Island of Sicily, Italy, Special vestibuled trains will leave New York frequently for CALIFORNIA Choice of routes and entire freedom of movement. Diningcars are used and the service is intended for those who wish to travel comfortably and leisurely. Other tours to Mexico, Florida, Nassau, Jamica, Round the World, etc. Send for circulars, mentioning the tour desired. 31 East Fourteenth St., Lincoln Building, go to 30 days' trip, fifteen days in the tropics. For further par- THREE young ladies wanted to form a party for foreign HOTELS AND RESORTS Bermuda HAMILTON HOTEL Tropical Florida at PUNTA The Punta Gorda, on Charlotte Harbor, accommodates 300. Opens in December. Tarpon fishing, shooting, boating, driving; 400 feet of veranda. Plenty of fruit. Special rates for the season. For pamphlet address F. H. Аввотт, Room 23, 131 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass. Georgia an A Very Comfortable Resting-Place fold can be found by addressing Box 113, Centre Moriches, Long Island. Sunny rooms, overlooking South Bay. Especially adapted for cases of nervous prostration. Dr. Strong's Sanitarium Saratoga Springs, N. Y. For health or pleasure. The appointments of a firstclass Hotel. Elevator, electric bells, sun-parlor, and promenade on the roof. Suites of rooms with baths. Massage, Electricity, all baths and health appliances. New Turkish, Russian, and Natural Sulphur-Water baths. Dry tonic air, Saratoga water, croquet, lawn-tennis, etc. Open all the vear. Send for illustrated circular. A Sanatorium for those Seeking Health and Rest under the Medical management of experienced Physicians. Neptune Brine Baths, for RHEUMATISM, GOUT, and NERVOUS DISEASES. Neptune Spring is a 67° Brine, containing the largest amount of Chloride of Calcium of any Spring in the world. Carbonated Neptune Brine Baths (the Nauheim treatment), for chronic diseases of the Heart. All approved forms of Hydrotherapy and Electricity, Massage, Swedish Movements, Turkish and Russian Baths. Valuable Mineral Springs, Muriated, Alkaline, Chalybeate, Iodo-Bromated, and Brine, especially efficacious in disorders of Digestion, Gouty conditions, Diabetes, Anæmia, Nervous diseases, and Chronic affections of the Kidney. Climate mild, dry, and equable. No Malaria. No HayFever. Location overlooks thirty miles of Seneca Lake. Sixty acres of private Park, Golf Links, Tennis Courts, Bowling-Alleys, &c. All the appointments of a first-class hotel. No Insane or other objectionable cases reccived. Correspondence with physicians solicited. Send for illustrated book. WM. E. LEFFING WELL, Manager, Watkins, N.Y. Oak Crest Spring Valley, N.Y. A private home for invalids and aged people. Situated in the beauti ful Ramapo Hills. A very healthy neighborhood. Pleasant drives over well-kept roads. Modern improvements Write E. E. POTTS, Spring Valley, N. Y. ARE YOU GOING SOUTH ? If so, for health, pleasure, and comfort, go to Pine y Woods Inn, Southern Pines, N. C. Those desiring to escape the rigors of the climate North will find a mild, dry climate at Southern Pines, N. C., the heart of the long-leafed pine section of America. The elevation is 600 feet above sea-level, the highest point in the turpentine long-leafed pine belt, delightful climate, within the influence of the Gulf Stream, with all the advantages of resorts further South and free from many disadvantages; it is the place the tourist and health seeker will appreciate. Piney Woods Inn, an elegant new hotel, is now open. The house accommodates 200 guests, has all modern conveniences, sanitary plumbing, electric lights, call-bells, wide verandas, sun parlors, steam heat, &c.; in fact, Piney Woods Inn has been fitted up that guests may enjoy the comforts of every-day life at home at moderate prices. Piney Woods Inn is reached by the Seaboard Air Line. For terms, &c., address CHARLES ST. JOHN, Southern Pines, N. C. RYON, Western North Carolina, on the AsheThermal Belt. Delightful winter climate; unexcelled for healthfulness and grand mountain scenery. Pine woods. Good board in a beautiful location. Mrs. CANΝΟΝ. South Carolina Pines-Pines-Pines-Pines AIKEN, S. C. The Highland Park Opens December 1st. A high-class winter resort, accommodating 300. Driest climate east of the Rockies. Plenty of sunshine. Purest water. Golf, Fox-Hunting, and Polo. Write for book. Second season management of PRIEST & EAGER, Aiken, S. C. AIKEN, S. C. BUSCH HOUSE -$2 per day. Special rates by week. Electric lights, etc. Hygienic baths and Kneipp's water cure. HENRY BUSCH, Prop. Pennsylvania WALTER'S SOUTHERN PA. IS THE SANITARIUM BEST. "Sunnyside Stock Farm" Noted for its fine by young gentleman who makes prolonged stay abroad and must sell; 500 acres; station on farm; produced 250 tons hay, 60 tons straw, 1,200 bushels oats, 1,400 bushels turnips, and 15 acres corn this season; best farm buildings in region; the show farm of the county; cost over $100,000 (unincumbered); price $20,000; details in Illustrated Farm Book, describing many beautiful country homes offered for fraction of cost, post-free by CHAPIN'S FARM AGENCY, Herald Building, Boston SUBSCRIBERS' WANTS Want advertisements of thirty words or less will be published under this heading at one dollar a week. Four cents a week is charged for each word in excess of thirty. SHOPPING done at any New York store and lowest market prices obtained. Samples sent, goods matched, and styles given without charge to purchaser. Peculiar advantages for buying all kinds of merchandise. Highest references given. Address Mrs. M. W. WIGHTMAN, 139 West 41st St., New York. A LADY, practiced in copying manuscript and in reading aloud, desires an engagement as secretary or companion, or to take charge of a house as directing housekeeper. The very best references will be given. Address F. D., Room 131, Arcade Building, 71 Broadway, New York. AN AMERICAN LADY who has studied and traveled in Europe would be glad to conduct a small party of young ladies wishing to spend a few months abroad. Best of references given and required. Address H. C., Westfield, Mass. A LADY who intends to spend one half of each day in a New York school would act as companion the rest of the time. She is a college graduate, with unexceptionable references. Address Miss H., General Delivery, Auburn, N. Y. BIBLE GAME-For old or young. Interesting, instructive. Appropriate gift for Sunday-school classes. 100 cards in box, 30 cents, postpaid. MISS C. SMITH, 54 Farm St., Ithaca, N. Y. WANTED-A position as housekeeper, companion, or to care for an invalid, or any position of trust. Best of references. Address Miss H. E. W., 129 Rutledge St., Brooklyn. in word To Subdue all Inflammations A Free How many words do you think you can correctly spell with the letters "FASHIONS"? JUST Thus: As, Is, In, On, Son, Sons, Fashion, Fashions, etc. Our Offer We will pay $100 for the largest list (foreign words do not count), $50 for the second largest, $25 for the third, $10 each for the next five, $5 each for the next ten, and $1 each for the next twentyfive. That is to say, we will divide among forty-three contestants the aggregate sum of $300, according to merit. Don't you think you could be one of the forty-three? TRY IT. Our Purpose The above rewards for mental effort are given free and without consideration for the purpose of attracting attention to MODES, by May Manton, the most popular up-to-date Fashion Magazine in the world. Its 36 pages, replete with beautiful illustrations of the latest styles in ladies', misses', and children's garments, make it a real necessity in every household; the Designs and Fashion Hints, being by May Manton, render it invaluable as an absolutely reliable Fashion Guide. Our Conditions You must send with your list of words 25 cents (stamps or silver) for a Three Months Trial Subscription to MODES. Our Extra Inducement Every person sending 25 cents and a list of 15 words or more, will, in addition to three Use POND'S EXTRACT The genuine is put up in bottles only, enclosed in buff wrappers, on which is printed our landscape trademark. AVOID SUBSTITUTESWeak, Watery, Worthless months' subscription, receive by return mail a pattern of the FRENCH MODEL BASQUE, No. 6914 (illustrated above), in any size from 32 to 46 inches bust measure. The regular retail price of the pattern is 25 cents. Our Aim The present monthly circulation of MODES is 50,000. We aim to make it 500,000. This contest will close January 15th next, so the names of successful Note our name on every label and wrapper C |