The Misses Ely's School for Girls YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE Windsor, A Home School for Girls of all ages. Refers to the Board of Examiners of five colleges as to the thoroughness of its instruction, and to its patrons for the care of the health and morals of its pupils. Terms, $350 to $500. For circulars address Miss J. S. WILLIAMS, Prin. District of Columbia National Park Seminary For Young Women, WASHINGTON, D. C. Charmingly located in the suburbs of Washington, D. C., 400 feet above the city: 20 minutes out B. & O. R.R., 20 trains a day; city and country advantages. Station on the grounds. Its proximity to Washington, whose wonderful educational facilities are offered by no other city. Libraries, Museums, Departments of Government. Foreign Legations, official and social life at the National Capital are all interesting and profitable study. Its equable climate, free from the rigors of the Northern winter, inviting outdoor life. Tennis, basket-ball, bowling, croquet, riding, etc. Its complete equipment. Handsome $75,000 building, 330 feet front, 400 feet verandas, Libraries, Laboratory, Fine Gymnasium, extensive and picturesque grounds. Courses of study planned especially for the development of womanly women; also College preparation. 25 teachers, 70 resident pupils. Graduate courses in Music, Art, and Elocution. A bright, cheery, happy, artistic, and loving home. Health a matter of first consideration. Personal care in sickness and in health. Abundant table. Every home comfort. No Nerve-Straining Examinations; promotions depend on daily grades. Training in CharacterBuilding given by a mother who has made it a study. See catalogue, page 35. Limited number enables us to select our students carefully and to supervise habits, manners, associations, etc. Provision made for pleasure and happiness as well as study. See our calendar of Pleasant Home Happenings. Expense, $350 to $400. Early application necessary-22 States represented last session. Send for catalogue giving views of the school and opinions of enthusiastic patrons. Address J. A. I. CASSEDY, B.S., Pres., Forest Glen, Md. P. O. Box 211. Chevy Chase French and English Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies.-Half an hour from Washington, D. C., by electric cars. French the Language of the house. Reopens October 1, 1896. Address Mlle. Léa Bouligny, P. O. Station E, Washington, D. C. WASHINGTON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES Thorough courses. Experienced facuity. Bountiful table. Charming location in park of ten acres. New buildings, elegantly furnished. F. MENEFEE, President, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. (Cor. M and Eleventh Sts., N.W.) Mount Vernon Seminary English, French, and German Boarding and Day School for Young Girls. Opens September thirtieth. Mrs. ELIZABETH J. SOMERS, Principal. France GRANCE, Paris. St. Margaret's Church French the language of the household. Autumn term opens October 1. Terms, $1,000 a year. Address Miss JULIA H. C. ACLY, 50 Avenue d'Jéna. A teacher will conduct pupils from New York to Paris in September. Address, until Sept. 1, Miss Mary Davy, care Finch. Van Slyck & Young, St. Paul, Minn. Germany BERLIN, GERMANY THE TACONIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS American Home School for Girls LAKEVILLE, CONN. Opens Sept. 30. Admission to college by certificates. SCHOOL Mrs. and Miss Cady's FOR GIRLS 56 Hillhouse Avenue, New Haven, Conn. Circulars sent on application. Address, until Sept. 1st, Grenell, Thousand Islands, New York. Mrs. MARY B. WILLARD, Principal, will spend the month of August in the United States, and will return to Germany with pupils in September. Address 2019 O Street, Washington, D. C. GERMANY, BERLIN Kleiststrasse, 26. Fräulein Lange's school for young ladies offers the best opportunities in languages, music, art, literature, and home culture. Also Normal course. Beautiful and healthful location. Students enter any time. Best American references. Maryland 1405 Park Ave., Baltimore, Md. RANDOLPH-HARRISON Boarding and Day, College Preparatory, and Finishing School. Resident native French and German Teachers. Special advantages also in Music, Art, and Gymnastics. Mrs. JANE RANDOLPH HARRISON RANDALL, Principal. Massachusetts Mount Doma Home School for Girls Prepares for college. Send for circular. Rev. E. C. WINSLOW, A.M., Amherst, Mass. OAKGROVE HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Amherst, Mass. Reopens September 23d, 1896. Certificate admits to Smith and Wellesley. Miss VRYLING WILDER BUFFUM, A. B., Principal. Massachusetts AMHERST, MASS. Mrs. W. F. Stearns's Home School for Young Ladies. Reopens Sept. 22, 1896. Auburndale, Mass. (10 miles from Boston) FOR Lasell Seminary Young Women suggests to parents seeking a good school consideration of the following points in its methods: Ist. Its special care of health. Resident Nurse supervising work, diet, and exercise; abundant food in good variety, and well cooked; early and long sleep, a fine gymnasium, furnished by Dr. Sargent of Harvard; bowling-alley and swimming-bath; no regular or foreknown examinations, etc. 2d. Its broadly planned course of study. Boston proximity both necessitates and helps to furnish the best of teachers, including many specialists; with one hundred and twenty pupils, a faculty of thirty. Four years' course in some things equal to college work; in others, planned rather for home and womanly life. Two studies required and two to be chosen from a list of eight or ten electives. One preparatory year. Special students admitted if eighteen years or over, or graduates of high schools. 3d. Its homelike air and character. Training in self-government limited number (many declined every fall for lack of room), personal oversight in habits, manners, care of person, room, etc.; comforts not stinted. 4th. Its handiwork and other unusual departments. Pioneer school in scientific teaching of Cooking, Millinery, Dress-Cutting, Business Law for Women, Home Sanitation, Swimming. Regular expense for school year, $500. For illustrated catalogue address (mentioning The Outlook), C. G. BRAGDON, Principal. Eastern Teachers' Agency Miss E. F. FOSTER, Manager 50 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass. TELEPHONE, BOSTON, 775-2 Teachers furnished for all grades of public and private schools, Specialists in any desired branches, Tutors and Governesses. Boston University Law School New Hall, Ashburton Place, Massachusetts ATTRACTIVE LIFE CALLING An unequaled opportunity for some of our best men and women in the "new profession"-lay Sunday-school and Missionary work. The School for Christian Workers, Springfield, Mass., should enter 100 leaders Sept. 2d in order to begin to fill the demand. New: Ladies' Home, recognized practical missionary instructor, decision by trustees to place Institution on highest educational basis and secure as president a leader among college and seminary presidents. Arouse vour friends and send for catalog. WESLEYAN ACADEMY WILBRAHAM, MASS. Both Sexes. Nine Courses. Specialists in Classics, Arts, and Music. Enlarged endowment insures superior advantages at moderate expense. 80th year. Opens Sept. 16, 1896. For Catalogue address Rev. WM. R. NEWHALL, Prin. QUINCY MANSION The Quincy Mansion School for Girls Will open at Quincy, Sept. 23. Regular Courses; experienced teachers; special attention paid to vocal and instrumental music; certificate admits to college; new school building; class-rooms on first floor; stairs few and easy; beautiful grounds-four acres; view of Boston, the harbor, and Massachusetts Bay; rooms high and light; fireplaces; steam heat; electric lights: open plumbing; 13 min. ride from Boston. Send for prospectus to Dr. HORACE MANN WILLARD, Wollaston, Mass. Main Building New Jersey Riverview Academy POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. 61st year. Gives Boys a thorough preparation for College, for Business Life, and for Govt. schools. Riverview students are found in all colleges and scientific schools. The Instructors, nine of whom are resident, are men of experience in their departments. United States officer detailed at Riverview by Secretary of War. The Buildings of the school are beautifully situated on high ground overlooking the Hudson. Careful attention has been given to drainage, lighting, and ventilation. J. B. BISBEE, A.M. PEDDIE INSTITUTE Hightstown, N. J. New York Fort Edward Collegiate Institute For young women and girls. A choice of six courses or special studies. 39th year Sept. 22d, 18%. $350. Illustrated catalogue. JOS. E. KING, Pres., Fort Edward, N. Y. Miss Kimball's School for Girls Worcester, Lakewood Heights School MISS BENNETT'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Thorough preparation for College. Intermediate, Academic, and Special Courses. Send for Illustrated Circular. HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMYswor cester ("The Academic City"), Mass. 41st year. Best preparation for College, Professional or Business Lite. Healthful location. Careful selection and supervision of students. Small Classes. JOSEPH ALDEN SHAW, A.M., Head Master. New Hampshire "Among the Pines." THOROUGH AND ATTRACTIVE. Classical, Scientific, and Commercial Courses. JAMES W. MOREY, Principal. Lakewood, N. J. Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. Opens Sept. 23d. 1996, An exceptional school with the most desirable school features, 20 miles from New York. Refers to Charles Dudley Warner, &c. Apply to the Principals, Miss MAY F. BENNETT, Miss ELEANOR W. ROSE. Miss Townsend college Preparation. ST. JOHN'S SCHOOL 54 Park Place, NEWARK, N. J. Miss Dana's School for Girls, The Phillips Exeter Academy Colleges. Music and Art Resident native French and German teachers. York affords cial advantages. Boarding pupils, $700. The Misses Anable's English, French, and German Boarding and Day School NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY College Preparation, Art, and Music. Apply for circulars. The Kent Place School for Girls The Clinton Classical School for Boys SUMMIT, N. J. Near New York Principal, Mrs. Sarah Woodman Paul, late of Wellesley College. Modern methods. College preparation. Home comforts for boarding pupils. HAMILTON W. MABIE, President. New York CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. Granger Place School for Girls A Collegiate Course of Study. Diplomas given. Preparatory cou course admits to leading colleges by certificate. Special attention given to the culture of girls who are not expecting to enter college, but desire a thorough and practical education. New York Military Academy CORNWALL-ON-HUDSON For boarding cadets only. Distinctively military in organization and discipline. Located on the Hudson River four miles from West Point, in a region famous for its beauty and healthfulness. For catalogue address S, C. JONES, C.E., Superintendent, Portable Camping Houses The thing to take to the Seashore or Mountains All sizes. Moderate in price. Good floors and roofs. Nicely finished. Per- Send 4c. in stamps for Illustrated Catalog. Take a And a.. We make all kinds of Frame Combination LARKIN SOAPS AUQUAD Oven 12 x 14 x 13. CASE CONTAINS 100 Bars Sweet Home Soap. 10 Bars White Woolen Soap. IF CHANGES IN CONTENTS DESIRED, WRITE, And on thirty days' trial. If satisfied, you remit $10.00; The Larkin Soap Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Our offer explained more fully in The Outlook, June 20th. NOTE. The Larkin Soap Mfg. Co. make our readers a wonderful offer. Not only do they give you a box of NOTE. The Larkin Co. never disappoint. They create wonder with the great value they give for so little money. Pennsylvania WALNUT LANE SCHOOL Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies. Reopens THE WALTON-WELLESLEY SCHOOL Williamsport Dickinson Seminary E. J. GRAY, D.D., President, Williamsport, Pa. Rhode Island PROVIDENCE, R. I. Not a Patent Dyspepsia is largely of nervous origin, showing exhaustion of the nerve centres. Hence the value of a nerve tonic, and especially of one containing phosphorus, to reach the brain and spinal cord. Over forty thousand physicians are successfully prescribing Freligh's Tonic A Phosphorized Cerebro-Spinant, in such cases, and relief is almost immediate. Regular bottle, $1.00, 100 doses. All druggists. Concentrated, prompt, powerful. Sample by mail, 25 cents. Descriptive pamphlet, full directions, testimonials, etc., mailed to any address. I. O. Woodruff & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, 106-108 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Formula on STAMPED DECORATIVE, DURABLE, for Dwellings, Churches, or Business Houses. CeilFRIENDS SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES ings of any shape, old or new. Send for Catalogue. H. S. NORTHROP, 29 Cherry St., N.Y. Founded in 1784. Excellent home. Students from 18 Science, Classics, Music, and Art. Address B Virginia ETHEL MILITARY ACADEMY, VIRGINIA. -Value, $100,000. Located 56 miles from Washington in Northern Virginia. Prepares for advanced study and for business. Charges extremely low. Patronage from 22 States. Address for illustrated catalogue Col. R. A. MCINTYRE, Bethel Academy P. O., Va. SAPOLIO Don't take substitutes to save a few pennies. It won't pay you. Always insist on HIRES Rootbeer. Made only by The Charles E. Hires Co., Philadelphia. TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS, 102 Fulton st., New York, sell all makes under half price. Don't buy before writing them for unprejudiced advice and prices. Exchanges. Immense stock for selection. Shipped for trial. Guaranteed first class. Largest horse in the world. Dealers supplied. 52-page illus. cat, free. Volume 54 F The Outlook A Family Paper Saturday, 18 July, 1896 HE Chicago Convention was far more exciting than the Republican Convention at St. Louis. The earlier Convention was practically a registration body; the later Convention was characterized by a fierce struggle between the two elements in the Democratic ranks, and an apparently final departure from the traditional Democratic positions. An account of the proceedings of the Convention will be found on another page; the platform, together with the minority report of the platform committee, is reprinted in full on page 109, and editorial comment on the platform is made in another column. So far as the action on the free coinage of silver was concerned, the result at Chicago was so definitely foreshadowed that the resolutions finally adopted on this subject gave no surprise to the country at large, although they were somewhat more radical than was anticipated. The abrogation of the time-honored unit rule as to the voting of delegations was also part of the revolutionary character of the proceedings of the Convention. When it came to the question of nominating candidates for the Presidency and Vice-Presidency, the divisions among the free-coinage men indicated in these columns last week became very apparent. The dramatic incident in the Convention was Mr. Bryan's speech, and that speech settled the question of the nomination. It captured the Convention. Neither Mr. Bland, Mr. Teller, nor Mr. Stevenson had any chance after Mr. Bryan's eloquence had assailed the ears of the delegates. The nomination for the Vice-Presidency, as has happened many times before, was mainly a matter of accident, and illustrated anew the absurdity of leaving to the last hours of a great gathering, when the interest is spent and everybody is anxious to get away, the selection of a candidate who may become President of the United States. The currency question, which has been steadily growing in interest and importance for twenty years, is now sharply defined, and the reorganization of parties along the lines of this issue is rapidly going on. William Jennings Bryan, the nominee for the Presidency, was born March 19, 1860, in Salem, the county seat of Marion County, Illinois. His father, Judge Silas L. Bryan, was a Virginian by birth, and a man of standing and integrity. Mr. Bryan's early days were spent upon the Bryan farm just outside the village, and he attended the public schools. In 1877 he entered Illinois College in Jacksonville, and four years later graduated at the head of his class. He thereupon began the study of law in Union Law College, Chicago, at the same time serving his legal apprenticeship in the office of Lyman Trumbull. In 1884 he married Miss Mary E. Baird, who had been a fellowstudent in Jacksonville, graduating from the young woman's seminary in that place the same year that Mr. Bryan graduated from the college, and holding the same rank in her class. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan have been fellow-students ever since for she studied law under him, and kept with him in his intellectual life just as he has kept with her in Number 3 her devotion to domestic life. In 1887 they removed to Lincoln, Neb., and three years later Mr. Bryan was offered the Democratic nomination for Congress. The district had been strongly Republican, but Mr. Bryan canvassed it from one end to the other on the tariff issue, holding joint debates with his Republican opponent, and won by nearly seven thousand majority, In Congress he won his laurels as an orator by a speech on the tariff which was by far the ablest free-trade argument made during the session. In 1892 the Populist party had been organized, and commanded the allegiance of a large portion of Mr. Bryan's farmer supporters. Mr. Bryan, however, secured enough Populist votes to be returned to Congress, and at the new session was Mr. Bland's chief supporter in the fight against the unconditional repeal of the Sherman Act. His speech on the repeal bill was the most scholarly as well as the most eloquent argument for the free coinage of silver that had ever been delivered in the House of Representatives. The State Convention of his party in Nebraska that year repudiated his position, but the year following, after a hard fight, indorsed it by an overwhelming majority. At the close of his second term in Congress he was the candidate of the fusion-Democrats and Populists for United States Senator, but a Republican Legislature was chosen. He has since been editor of the Omaha "World-Herald," that paper accepting his position on the currency question when he assumed the post. His private character, like that of ex-Governor McKinley, is beyond reproach. Arthur Sewall, the candidate for Vice-President, was born in Bath, Maine, in 1835. His father, William D. Sewall, was a large ship-builder. Mr. Sewall was educated in the public schools, and began his business life as an apprentice in his father's ship-yards. When nineteen years old he formed a partnership with a somewhat older brother in the ship-building business, and the firm was remarkably successful. On the death of his father Mr. Sewall succeeded to his business, and has gone on increasing it during years in which most New England shipping houses have retired from the sea. A few years ago Mr. Sewall became convinced that the age for wooden vessels was past, and, after a prolonged visit to the English yards, erected a modern steel plant in Bath. The firm of which he is at the head are the largest owners of sailing craft in this country. Mr. Sewall has faith that the superiority of American workmanship may yet re-establish our old supremacy in the ship-building industry. Apart from his shipping interests he has been a stockholder in a large number of Maine corporations; was at one time President of the Maine Central Railroad, and is now President of the First National Bank of Bath. It is said that he began the study of financial questions at the time the greenback movement was victorious in Maine. He became a bimetallist, and finally, less than a year ago, declared himself in favor of the free coinage of silver by the independent action of the United States. He was then believed to represent only a small minority of Maine Democrats, but at this year's Conven |