The Outlook BOOKS BY IAN MACLAREN A-ramity-Paper New Series of The Christian Union The Outlook is a weekly Family Paper, con Postage is Prepaid by the publishers for all subscriptions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. For all other countries in the Postal Union add $1.56 for postage. Changes of Address. When a change of address is ordered, both the new and the old address must be given. The notice should be sent one week before the change is to take effect. Discontinuances.-If a subscriber wishes his copy of the paper discontinued at the expiration of his subscription, notice to that effect should be sent. Otherwise it is assumed that a continuance of the subscription is desired. How to Remit.-Remittances should be sent by Check, Draft, Express-Order, or Money-Order, payable to order of THE OUTLOOK COMPANY. Cash should be sent in Registered Letter. Letters should be addressed: THE OUTLOOK, Clinton Hall, Astor Place, Contents for 31 October, 1896 (REV. JOHN WATSON, D.D.) JUST PUBLISHED THE CURE OF SOULS $1.50 Being the " Lyman Beecher" lectures on preaching, recently delivered at Yale University. CHIEF CONTENTS.-The These lectures were received with the greatest possible interest by those who heard them at Yale University, and it RECENTLY ISSUED THE MIND OF THE MASTER $1.50 "No history of Jesus, no series of sermons on the nature of religion and the destiny of the human race, ever gave to THE UPPER ROOM The chapters of the book are all the more effective because they are strongly marked by the qualities of mind and By STOPFORD BROOKE THE OLD TESTAMENT AND MODERN LIFE By the Rev. Stopford A. Brooke. author of "Tennyson, His Life and Work," "A Primer of English Literature," etc." etc. Svo, cloth, gilt top, $1.50. 1 Mr. Brooke has taken the character and life of such men as Abraham, Moses. Samuel, and David, and admirably shown how their lives can be applied to the present day and to present people. He has given us not only a series of valuable dissertations upon the great Bible characters, but has also increased very materially our respect for the humanity and for the healthy vigor of their lives. By COULSON KERNAHAN THE CHILD, The Wise Man and the Devil By Coulson Kernahan, author of God and the Ant. 18mo, cloth, 50 cents. The remarkable little book entitled God and the Ant has had a sale of more than 40,000 copies, and has won the enthusiastic approval of English critics and religious teachers, including Ian Maclaren, who says: It is a striking idea worked out with great power and reverence." This new work is a wonderfully imaginative picture of a Christless world. READY SHORTLY THE GOSPEL OF THE DIVINE SACRIFICE A study of Evangelical Belief, with some Conclusions touching Life. By the author of Does God Send Trouble? etc.. etc. 16ino, cloth, gilt top, $1.25. A new book by the author of Does God Send Trouble? is sure to be in demand. The above books are for sale by all booksellers, or will be sent, mail prepaid, on receipt of the retail price, by the publishers, DODD, MEAD & COMPANY, Publishers Fifth Ave. and 21st St., New York City Jubilee Meeting of the American Missionary Association. 793 The Industrial Church League.. 793 Baptist Union and Church Congress. ..... 794 Either Premium is worth $10.00 Both if at retail $20.00 gratis. Both $10. You get the Premium AND ON THIRTY DAYS' TRIAL. IF SATISFIED, YOU REMIT $10.00; The Larkin Soap Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Our offer explained more fully in The Outlook, Sept. 26th, Oct. 17th. The ten-dollar box of Soap which the Larkin Mfg. Co. of Buffalo advertises so largely is well worth the money. The soap is good, and without a single premium would fetch its price The premiums offered are the best of their kind, and are useful and ornamental articles which will please the most fastidious.-New York Observer. BUFFALO LITHIA WATER DIURETIC IN CALCULI DR. HENRY M. WILSON, of Baltimore, ex-President Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland: "My experience charter that BUFFALO LITHIA WATER has not been large, but it is pre Sold by Druggists. Pamphlet free. What Brings Release from Dirt and Grease? Why, Don't You Know? Proprietor, Buffalo Lithia Springs, Va. SAPOLIO HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO.'S NEW BOOKS The American Revolu tion By JOHN FISKE. Illustrated Edition. Containing 22 photogravures of portraits and paintings, 15 colored maps and plates, and 280 text cuts and maps. 2 vols., 8vo, $8.00. Large-Paper Edition, limited to 250 copies, printed on English hand-made paper, 2 vols., large 8vo, $16.00, net. These volumes, which are of a very high order of value and interest, are profusely illustrated with superb portraits, maps, plans of battles, pictures of historic buildings and scenes, medals, facsimiles, etc. They are very handsome books, suitable for Holiday gifts. Chapters from a Life By ELIZABETH STUART Phelps, author of "A Singular Life," "The Gates Ajar," etc. With 24 portraits and other illustrations. 12mo, $1.50. This is a remarkably attractive book of biographical and literary interest. It describes her girlhood, her entrance into the field of literature, her life at East Gloucester, and gives glimpses, sometimes full views, of Longfellow, Holmes, Whittier. Mr. Fields, Bishop Brooks, Mrs. Thaxter, Miss Larcom. Mrs. Lydia Maria Child, and others. The book is delightfully written, printed on excellent paper, and very tastefully bound. Cape Cod By HENRY D. THOREAU. Holiday Edition. Thoreau's unequaled description of Cape Cod is : supplemented by a hundred admirable illustrations, printed in colors on the margins. Their great variety, the happy choice of subjects, and their high artistic character, make this a notable Holiday book. Marm Lisa BY KATE DOUGLAS WIGGIN, author of "The Little Marm Lisa is a fresh child-figure in fiction. The very interesting story describes the quickening of her clouded and burdened life till her pathetic faithfulness ripens, in the climax, into heroism. It is the longest story, and one of the best, Mrs. Wiggin has written. The Country of the By SARAH ORNE JEWETT, author of "The This summer story of a village on the coast of Maine and the adjacent islands forms one of the most delightful of Miss Jewett's books. It is marked by all those fine qualities which make her stories so charming a part of American literature. Barker's Luck, and By BRET HARTE. 16mo, $1.25. Another book of Mr. Harte's inimitable stories, of which the public never has quite enough. A-Birding on a Bronco A delightful book on birds aud their nests in With numerous illustrations. Sold by Booksellers. Sent, postpaid, by HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & CO., Boston 11 EAST 17TH STREET, NEW YORK The Pathfinder the national news review for BUSY PEOPLE. Condensed, classified, comprehensive, nonpartisan, clean. Gives facts, not opin15 cents. Address PATHFINDER, Washington, D. FOR YOU AND YOURS Whether for your own use in library or office, or to help the young folks Standard American Encyclopedia Prepared under the editorial supervision of John Clark Ridpath, LL.D, author of "Rid path's Histories," etc., assisted by a large corps of editors and over 100 eminent scholars and specialists. A Superb Reference Work covering the entire field of human knowledge, thought, and endeavor, including The Arts, Sciences, Philosophy, History, Biography, Geography, Astronomy, Geology, Meteorology, Navigation, Exploration, Discovery, Agriculture, Horticulture, Commerce, Finance, Ethnology, Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, Physiology, Mineralogy, Electricity, Theology, Law, Medicine, Political Economy, Statistics, Etc. Fresh from the Press THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA is brought down to the present time, and contains hundreds of articles on subjects not treated in any other Encyclopedia. It also embraces over 500 pages of appendixes, including a Biographical Dictionary, a Dictionary of Technical terms, a Gazetteer of the United States, the Latest Census Reports, Late State and National Statistics, Results of State and Territorial Elections, Latest Statistics of the Population of the World, and a mine of miscellaneous information, political, social, civil, and military, all classified and arranged for ready reference. Until Dec. 1st ONE DOLLAR Secures IMMEDIATE POSSESSION of the entire set of 8 volumes. Balance payable $1.50 monthly for I year. THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA is the LATEST OF ALL general reference works. All others are from 5 to 10 years old, and are silent regarding RECENT topics of universal interest. THE STANDARD AMERICAN" contains hundreds of NEW ARTICLES on subjects not treated in any of them, such, for instance, as "THE X-RAY." "ARGON," "HORSELESS CARRIAGES," "THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION,”“COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY," etc. It also gives biographies of hundreds of people who have LATELY become famous, and whom the other encyclopedias do not mention,such, for instance, as PROF. ROENTGEN, discoverer of the “X-RAY," IAN MACLAREN, DR. NANSEN, the explorer, NOTE THESE RUDYARD KIPLING. It embraces all that is useful in all the other encyclopedias with much they do not contain. It is the One Great, Practical Reference Library for the Professional and Business Man, the Teacher and the Student. Magnificently With over 3,500 engravings, including numerous engraved portraits of cele- OUR GREAT INTRODUCTORY OFFER To secure widespread and favorable publicity for THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, we have decided to place a few introductory sets in each community throughout the country for comparison with all other reference works as to plan, scope, lateness of treatment, and general practical and educational value. We feel that every set thus placed will create a demand for others. While the distribution will be general in extent, it will last for a limited time only, after which our regular subscription sale will begin, at prices ranging from $48 to $72 a set, according to style of binding. Now, however, to quickly and thoroughly introduce the work, as above stated, we make the price merely nominal (about the cost of manufacture), the distribution being limited to the month of November, reserving the privilege of withdrawing the offer at any time when we consider a sufficient number of these introductory sets, at the special price, has been distributed. How to Secure Splendid Sets SEND $I to THE ENCYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING CO., 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City, and a full set of eight volumes of THE NEW STANDARD AMERICAN ENCYCLOPEDIA, in cloth binding, will be forwarded to you at once. The balance is payable at the rate of $1.50 monthly for one year, or about 5 cents a day. If you prefer the half-morocco binding, the monthly payment will be $2, and for full sheep, $2.50 per month for the year. We recommend the half-morocco style, which is particularly elegant and serviceable and will last a lifetime. If not as represented any set may be returned within ten days and money will be promptly refunded. Our confidence that the volumes will be cheerfully paid for is shown by sending a $48 set of books on payment of only $1. We also feel that you will thoroughly appreciate the superb new work and speak favorably of it to others. Sample pages and illustrations sent on application until the offer is withdrawn. Address ions. Economizes time and money. $1 a year: trial 13 weeks, THE ENCYCLOPEDIA PUBLISHING CO. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York City CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS' ANNOUNCEMENT SENTIMENTAL TOMMY The Story of his Boyhood. By James M. Barrie. With 11 full-page Illustrations by William Hatherell. 12mo, $1.50. "There is every reason to think that 'Sentimental Tommy, J. 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"Nowhere have Mr. Stockton's powers been exerted with better effect than in this book. In its quaint humor and its romantic adventure it makes a very noticeable book indeed, and one which cannot fail to widen its author's reputation."-Philadelphia Telegraph. THE EDGE OF THE ORIENT. By Robert Howard | MY VILLAGE. By E. Boyd Smith. THE SPRIGHTLY ROMANCE OF MARSAC. COLONIAL DAYS IN OLD NEW YORK. By PROBLEMS OF MODERN DEMOCRACY. By 150 Illustrations from Original Drawings With nearly by the Author. 12mo, $2.00. IN OLE VIRGINIA. By Thomas Nelson Page. LOVE IN OLD CLOATHES and Other Stories. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 153-157 Fifth Avenue, New York For the Church, the Social Meeting, and the Home The Plymouth Hymnal Edited by Lyman Abbott With the co-operation of Herbert Vaughan Abbott and Charles H. Morse Rev. GEO. W. BELSEY, First Congregational Church Geneva, O., says: "I find it to be the most complete and satisfactory hymn-book of which I have any knowledge. No book is better fitted for congregational use, and none will find a larger place in the esteem of our churches." Rev. FRANK E. KENYON, First Congregational Church, Denmark, Iowa, says: "The Plymouth Hymnal has been in use in our church services for five months. We have found it entirely satisfactory in every respect. Our pleasure in the book increases every time we use it." For Sunday-Schools, Prayer-Meetings, and Missions The Plymouth Edited by Thomas G. Shearman This book has had the test of experience in Sundayschools and prayer-meetings, and is enthusiastically approved wherever it has been used or seen. Specimen pages of either of the above books will be gladly sent to any one on application. A returnable copy of either will be sent FREE to any pastor, teacher, or choirmaster, with a view to introduction. THE OUTLOOK CO., 13 Astor Place, New York SPECIAL We will inclose mention in your order that you saw this offer in The Outlook. A TALKING MACHINE for the family at so low a price that it is brought within the purchasing power of everybody is one of the latest achievements of scientific invention. THE BERLINER GRAMOPHONE talks distinctly, sings every song with expression, plays the piano, cornet, banjo, and in fact every musical instrument with precision and pleasing effect. The plate called "The Morning on the Farm" gives a perfect reproduction of the lowing of cattle, crowing of the rooster, the call of the hawk, the neigh of the horses, the bleating of the sheep, and in fact every sound which is familiar to the farm-yard. The records are endless in variety, including nearly every song you are acquainted with. Accompanying illustration shows the machine operated with hearing-tubes for two people; these do not go with the machine. Hearing-tubes, so that any number of people may hear, are furnished at 75 cents extra for each person. Two records are included with every machine. Extra records, 60 cents each, $6.00 per dozen. For the illustration of the machine provided with the horn, see The Outlook of September 26th. The National Gramophone Co. refers by permission to the publisher of The Outlook. NOTE. We have had so many requests from Outlook subscribers that this offer be extended from Nov. 1st that we have decided to make the time limit Nov. 30th, 1896. ALL FOR $15 GRAMOPHONE OUTFIT COMPLETE, INCLUDING AMPLIFYING TRUMPET, CASE FOR MACHINE, AND TWO SELECTIONS, $15.00 We will, on receipt of price, send it, express prepaid, to any express office in the United States NATIONAL GRAMOPHONE CO., 874 Broadway, N. Y. For Sale by all Music Dealers |