CHATEAUGAY CHASM HOUSE FLUME COTTAGE, Keene Valley, N.Y.-Heart CHATEAUGAY, N. Y.-Rates, $8 to $15. Open of Ad'k Mts.; site superior to all others; magnificent views; very healthful; walks and drives; abundant shade delicious water; excellent table: illus. circ.; $8 and $9. MT. MEENAHGA FERNWOOD A resort of exceptional excellence at moderate rates; an ideal place for parties wishing to economize in their expenditures. Illustrated books free. ADIRONDACKS HOTEL CHILDWOLD AND COTTAGES Windlemere Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y. Magnificent scenery; beautiful drives; shade, lawns, piazzas, sun-parlor. Commutation, 11 cts. each way. Address as above. For illustrated pamphlet and general particulars ad- NEPTUNE BRINE BATHS On LAKE MASSAWEPIE For Rheumatism, Gout, and Nervous Diseases The Highland House CATSKILL MOUNTAINS IN THE LAND GARRISON-ON-HUDSON, N.Y. Directly opposite West Point, 50 miles, 14 hours from New York City. A select family hotel. Pure mountain air; purest spring water; sanitary arrangements modern and perfect. Excellent table a specialty. Tennis, croquet, bowling, beautiful drives, fine wheeling. Open in May. Write for booklet. J. W. & G. W. GARRISON. THE ULSTER PINE HILL, W.C.T.U. OCEAN HOUSE Point o' Woods. L. I., N. Y-A restful summer THE INN AT HIGH POINT CHAS. ST. JOHN, Port Jervis, N. Y. FERNWOOD HALL LAKE OZONIA One of the most healthful and beautiful Homes in the LAKE GEORGE Hulett's Mizzen Top Hotel The most picturesque part of the Lake. Good table; boating, bathing, fishing; country attractions. Rates are moderate and there is plenty to do. For illustrated book address H. W. BUCKELL, Hulett's Landing, N. Y. CATSKILL MOUNTAINS THE ARLINGTON Now open. Beautiful location; very large rooms; hot and cold water on each floor; sanitary system perfect. Address G. W. SHOEMAKER, Hunter, Greene Co., N. Y. Catskill Mountains Quaker Hill, Dutchess Co., N. Y. OF PEACE The Ontio, Unadilla, N. Y. THE SANITARIUM UNION SPRINGS, ON CAYUGA LAKE, N. Y.. An Ideal Place for health, rest, or recreation. Pure air and water. Baths, electricity, massage. Airy rooms and. generous table. Boating and fishing. Write for circular.. Dr. FRANKLIN D. PIERCE, Supt. THOUSAND ISLANDS Among America's most charming resorts; the NEW COLUMBIAN HOTEL, at 1,000 Island Park, N. Y., and the HOTEL WESTMINSTER, Westminster Park, Alexandria Bay, N. Y.; great family hotels: modern and first-class; charges moderate. Send for descriptive pamphlet and terms. H. F. INGLEHART & SON, Proprietors. VATSKILLS.-Location unsurpassed. Terms $5.00 Cand upwards per week. Good accommodations, good table, good roads for cycling. Accommodation for 100. Descriptive circulars. COE'S HOTEL, Windham, N. Y. Oregon PORTLAND, Pennsylvania Dr. Strong's Sanitarium The Water Gap Sanitarium Hotel St. Charles OPENS JUNE 1st Delightful month in the mountains. Hotel complete with every modern convenience, including passenger elevator. For booklets, rates, etc., apply to F. H. SCOFIELD, Metropolitan Building, Madison Square, New York; or to J. H. BURTIS, JR., Propr., Hunter, N. Y. TREMBLEAU HALL LAKE CHAMPLAIN, Port Kent, N. Y. Open THE GEM OF THE ADIRONDACKS Beautiful scenery; good fishing and boating; pure running spring water throughout the house; bath-rooms, steam heat, old-time fireplace, and all conveniences. Fine drives. A quiet and restful retreat in the woods and mountains. Terms moderate. For full particulars and circulars write to W. J. AYERS & SON Hotel Ayers, Lake Duane, Franklin Co., N. Y. WILLEY HOUSE Saratoga Springs, N. Y. For health or pleasure. The appointments of a firstclass Hotel. Elevator, electric bells, sun-parlor, and promenade on the roof. Suites of rooms with baths. Massage, Electricity, all baths and health appliances. New Turkish, Russian, and Natural Sulphur-Water baths. Dry tonic air, Saratoga water, croquet, lawn-tennis, etc. Open all the vear. Send for illustrated circular. Pa. Mountain House Delaware Water Gap, Pa. Twenty-sixth season. A comfortable, attractively located, popular house at this well-known resort. Send Mrs. THEO. HAUSER & SON. for circular. Summer Rest Saratoga Springs Glen Summit Hotel Good table. Moderate rates. M. E. MORSE, Prop ADIRONDACK MOUNTAINS Leland House and Cottages SCHROON LAKE, N. Υ. LELAND, Manager IN THE ADIRONDACKS 2,000 ft. above sea level. For illustrated circular adHARVEY WILLEY, Keene, N. Y. dress STAMFORD, N. Y. Healthful, Homelike, Attractive. Send for descriptive The Largest School in the World EDUCATIONAL presided over by a peer of the realm, Lord SCHERMERHORN'S TEACHERS' AGENCY Oldest and best known in U. S. Established 1855. 3 East 14th St., N. Y. Rothschild, who is regarded with love and eign Jews, and has a staff of 100 teachers. It is well known that this is Lord Rothschild's pet institution, and that were it not for his munificent support the school would be unable to meet its vast expenditure. It is owing to his generosity that free breakfasts are given every morning to all children who wish to take them, no questions being asked. Again, he presents every boy with a suit of clothes and a pair of boots, and every girl with a dress and a pair of boots in the month of April, near the Jewish Passover. An idea of the poverty of the children may be gleaned from the fact that not more than two per cent. of them decline to avail themselves of this charity. A second pair of boots is offered in the month of October to every child whose boots are not likely to last during the approaching winter. It is scarcely necessary to state that few do not get them. A very popular feature in the school is the CRESCENT VALLEY HOUSE savings-bank department, instituted by the Want advertisements of thirty words or less will be published under this heading at one dollar a week. Four cents a week is charged for each word in excess of thirty. A BUSY MOTHER (teacher) needs a woman to help in the care of her baby, one year old, and to do the family mending. This is not a refuge for the indigent, incompetent gentlewomen who live in fear of doing something menial. The nurse is expected to be a lady in manners and speech, but she must perform willingly all the offices of a nurse. Address. stating age, qualifications, and payment expected, Box 358, Richmond Hill, L. I. FOR SALE.-70 Niagara Falls City Lots, in one tract, bordering on Pierce Ave., Willow Ave., 27th and Sugar Sts. First-class location either for investment or improvement. Purchasable direct from owner, undersigned. No real estate agents or professional landboomers interested. Address or call on C. R. THORNE (Agt. L. V. R.R.), Niagara Falls, N. Y., Station A. WANTED-By a clergyman's daughter, a position as companion to lady, or to undertake the care of small children: can teach them the English branches, French, and music. Address Miss MORAN, St. Denis P.O., Maryland. PLEASANT HOME for four adults in private cottage on Massachusetts coast. For particulars apply to G. H.. No. 1,498, care The Outlook. kindly president. In order to encourage hab- A Lighthouse Without a Light The most extraordinary of all lighthouses is A DESIRABLE SCHOOL IN NEW YORK CITY to be found on Arnish Rock, Stornoway Bay ing lamp in the lantern, and no attendant ever The way in which this peculiar lighthouse The consequence is that to all intents and purposes a lighthouse exists which has neither lamp nor lighthouse-keeper, and yet which gives as serviceable a light-taking into account the requirements of this locality-as if an elaborate and costly lighthouse, with lamps, service room, bed-room, living-room, storeroom, oilroom, water-tanks, and all other accessories, were erected on the summit of the rock.- TitBits. The Lawton Simplex FOR SALE Particulars address WEST SIDE, NO. 1,554, Outlook office California POMONA COLLEGE, Claremont, Cal. Full Connecticut Brookfield Center, Fairfield Co., Conn. The Curtis School for Young Boys A strong life in school and out, full of normal activities and healthy conditions. A clean moral atmosphere, a loyalty, a high purpose-full of help for your boy's manhood. Home life: single rooms. A $50022 years book full of suggestion. FREDERICKS CURTIS. The Housatonic Valley Institute Cornwall Among the Berkshire Hills of Northwestern Connecticut. H. B. MacFarland. S. B., L. W. Arnold, A. B., Principals Printer Hotchkiss School saves time and labor; money too100 letters, postal cards, copies of music, drawings, or typewritten GET Pure, wholesome, LAKEVILLE, CONN. Prepares for the best colleges and scientific schools Mrs. Mead's School For Girls AIKEN'S BOARDING AND DAY STAMFORD, CONN. MISS LOW'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (For other advertisements in this departmen following pages.) Connecticut Massachusetts Massachusetts THE CHOATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS | Mount Doma Home School for Girls KINDERGARTEN NORMAL MARK PITMAN, A.M., Principal Wallingford, Conn. Hon. Wm. G. Choate. New York. Rev. Edward Everett Hale, D.D., Boston. References Dr. Francis Bacon, New Haven. Hon. Nathaniel Shipman, Hartford. Auburndale, Mass. (10 miles from Boston) Lasell Seminary Young Women suggests to parents seeking a good school consideration of the foll following points in its methods: 1st. Its special care of health. Resident Nurse supervising work, diet, and exercise: abundant food in good variety, and well cooked; early and long sleep, a fine gymnasium, furnished by Dr. Sargent of Harvard; bowling-alley and swimming-bath; no regular or foreknown examinations, etc. 2d. Its broadly planned course of study. Boston proximity both necessitates and helps to furnish the best of teachers, including many specialists; with one hundred and twenty pupils, a faculty of thirty. Four years' course; in some things equal to college work; in others, planned rather for home and womanly life. Two studies required and two to be chosen from a list of eight or ten electives. One preparatory year. Special students admitted if eighteen years or over, or graduates of high schools. 3d. Its homelike air and character. Training in self-government; limited number (many declined every fall for lack of room), personal oversight in habits, manners, care of person, room, etc.; comforts not stinted. 4th. Its handiwork and other unusual departments. Pioneer school in scientific teaching of Cooking, Millinery, Dress-Cutting, Business Law for Women, Home Sanitation, Swimming. Regular expense for school year, $500. For illustrated catalogue address (mentioning The Outlook), C. G. BRAGDON, Principal. Prepares for college. Send for circular. Rev. E. C. WINSLOW, A.M., Amherst, Mass. AK GROVE HOME SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, AMHERST, MASS. Mrs. W. F. Stearns's Home School In the heart of Boston, accessible to musical events of every nature, with comprehensive courses in music, elocution and modern languages, under the best masters that money can bring together, with a large, commodious and suitable building is it any wonder that the New England 1. Candidates who have received conditions at the entrance examinations. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other cause, have deficiencies to make up 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. For descriptive circular address CHARLES E. FISH, Principal, The Waban School, Waban, Mass. Conservatory MUSIC WESLEVAN has become the most famous of its kind in America? Send for prospectus to Frank W. Hale, General Manager, Boston, Mass. Chauncy-Hall and Berkeley SCHOOLS Boylston, cor. Berkeley Sts., Back Bay, Boston Sixty-ninth year (Chauncy-Hall) opens Sept. 21. WESLEYAN ACADEMY WILBRAHAM, MASS-Both Sexes. Nine Courses. Specialists in Classics, Arts, and Music. Enlarged endowment insures superior advantages at moderate expense. 80th year. Opens Sept. 16, 18%. For Catalogue address Rev. WM. R. NEWHALL, Prin. QUINCY MANSION The Quincy Mansion School for Girls Will open at Quincy, Sept. 23. Regular Courses; experi- The consolidation of Chauncy-Hall, the oldest Miss Kimball's School for Girls Worcester, WORCESTER ACADEMY Prepares boys for any College or Scientific School. Buildings new with every modern improvement of School-House, Dormitories, Dining-Hall, Gymnasium, and Infirmary with trained nurse. Playground and oval unexcelled. 63d year begins Sept.9, 18%. D. W. ABERCROMBIE, A.M., Prin., Worcester, Mass. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Courses of Study in Mechanical, Civil, and Electrical Engineering, and Chemistry. 158-Page Catalogue, showing appointments secured by graduates, mailed free. Expenses low. 20th year. T. C. MENDENHALL, President. New Hampshire The Phillips Exeter Academy The 114th year begins September 16th, 1896. Eighty Scholarships awarded to students of high standing. For Catalogue and illustrated Supplement address HARLAN P. AMEN, Principal, Exeter, N. H. COLBY ACADEMY, New London, N. H. $200 to $250 a Year. Co-educational. 44th Year. Send for Catalogue. Rev. GEO. W. GILE, PRESIDENT New Jersey IVY HALL JERSEY. Home and BRIDGETON, NEW College Preparatory School for Young Ladies. Certificate admits to Smith. Established 1861. Mrs. J. ALLEN MAXWELL, Principal. N. J. SOUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE Bridgeton, 27th year begins Sept. 16. Both sexes. Prepares for any College, Teaching, or Business. French, German, Art, Music, Gymnasium. Competent Physical Director. Spacious campus and athletic field. Pure water, drainage perfect. H. K. TRASK, Principal. Main Building EASTERN Riverview Academy POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. 61st year. Gives Boys a thorough preparation for Miss E. F. FOSTER, Telephone, Boston, 775-2. 50 BROMFIELD ST., BOSTON, MASS. Teachers furnished for all grades of public and private schools. Specialists in any desired branches. Tutors and Governesses. New York CASCADILLA SCHOOL ITHACA, N. Y. Leading fitting school for The Misses Anable's English, French, Cascadilla School Resi- of Cornell University. Adand German Boarding and Day School NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY College Preparation, Art, and Music. Apply for circulars. SUMMIT, N. J. Near New York The Kent Place School for Girls HAMILTON W. MABIE, President. New York 284 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. dence dress C.V. PARSELL A.M., Prin. NEW YORK, Newburgh. The Misses Mackie's School for Girls One and a half hours from New York. The Peekskill Military Academy Peekskill, N. Y.-63d year. Send for illustrated cata- BUFFALO SEMINARY Open all the year. Fall term begins Sept. 17th. The forty-sixth year. For circulars address Mrs. C. F. HARTT, Principal. The Lady Jane Grey School Binghamton, N. Y.-Home School for Young Ladies and Little Girls. Address Mrs. JANE GREY HYDE. THE HUDSON RIVER INSTITUTE A Classical Seminary of high grade for boys and girls. Beautiful and healthful location in the Hudson River Valley. A record of forty-two years of uninterrupted successful educational work. Conservatory of Music, Art, and Elocution. 43d year begins Sept. 16. For catalogues address Rev. A. H. FLACK, A.M., Principal, Claverack, N. Y. HOUGHTON SEMINARY For Young Women, affords best facilities for scholarship, culture, and sound moral training amid pleasant, healthful surroundings. College preparatory. A. G. BENEDICT, A.M., Clinton, N. Y. CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. The Clinton Classical School for Boys LYNDON HALL SCHOOL For Young Ladies. 48th year. College preparation. Mount Pleasant Military Academy THE WALTON-WELLESLEY SCHOOL A high-grade sehool for boys. Fits for college and for BERKELEY ACADEMY Ramapo Moun- School for Girls. Col HOME INSTITUTE A Boarding and Day Granger Place School for Girls IRVING INSTITUTE FOR BOYS A Collegiate Course of Study. Diplomas given. Preparatory course admits to leading colleges by certificate. Special attention given to the culture of girls who are not expecting to enter college, but desire a thorough and practical education. Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N. Y. 25 miles from N. Y. Ohio 1020 Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio New York Military Academy | Miss Mittleberger's School for Girls 2101 and 2103 Spruce St., Philadelphia For Girls. Possesses finest private property in city. Boarding and day. 15th year. Academic, College Preparatory, and Musical Depts. For illus. catalogue and references address Dr. and Mrs. JAMES R. DANFORTH. ETHEL MILITARY ACADEMY, VIRGINIA. -Value, $100,000. Located 56 miles from Washington in Northern Virginia. Prepares for advanced study and for business. Charges extremely low. Patronage from 22 States. Address for illustrated catalogue Col. R. A. MCINTYRE, Bethel Academy P. O., Va. ROANOKE COLLEGE, SALEM, VA. Courses for Degrees, with Electives. Large Library. Working Laboratory. Beautiful, healthful mountain location. Good morals. Very moderate expenses. Catalogue, with views, free. Address THE PRESIDENT. Does Your HairFallOut? Is it getting thin-lessening in volume? If so, I can help you. If totally bald do not write. Select family patronage for ten years. Send self-addressed stamped envelope to Miss RACHEL T. WYATT, Centerville, Mass. T HOSE answering advertisements appearing in The Outlook will confer a favor upon the advertiser as well as the publisher by mentioning this publication. 4 Better than Most Bicycles The public is wise in values. It judges merit shrewdly. Bicycles of unknown worth will not sell at $100—the Columbia price. We might just as well offer Hartford Bicycles at $100, instead of $70, $65, $50, and $45. Yet the $50 Hartford is a better bicycle than many of the machines listing at $100. One hundred dollars is the right price for the unequaled, unapproached COLUMBIA. Fifty dollars is less than the right price for pattern 3 or 4 Hartford. Our prices are the same to all. You know what you are buying. Visit the nearest Columbia agent or General Offices and Factories, Hartford, Conn. |