Favoritism in Railway Rates.... 419 I The Dongola Expedition The Matabele Rebellion September By Jane Marsh Parker Purple asters here at last! And thistle-seed a-blowing! And what is this in the blackbird's song?- Over and over: "Past-past-past- Stay, chattering squirrel! Why this fret And cunning spinner, why so soon Comes bitter pang in turning From youth to age. Perhaps the wood (Fisher) New Books CORRESPONDENCE NOTES AND QUERIES 437 439 THE OUTLOOK CO CLINTON HALL ASTOR PLACE NEW YORK. Recreation It will give The Outlook Company much pleasure to assist you in planning your Autumn Outing if you will write stating fully what you desire. No charge is made for this service. Suggestions for planning a vacation or a trip anywhere in the world; printed information, if issued, concerning any Transportation Line, any Tour, any Hotel, or any Pleasure or Health Resort in any part of the world, will be sent on request, without charge, to any Outlook reader. Address Recreation Department, The Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New York. The People's Line Steamers A moonlight sail up or down the Hudson River on the People's Evening Steamers the Adiron TACONIC FARM WASHINGTON, Churchill Hall stamford, dack, Drew, or Dean Richmond, is luxury of the nineteenth century. These palatial steamers are floating hotels; electric bells in every room, and tables supplied with all the delicacies of the season; meals on the European plan. The majestic steamer Adirondack is the new Queen of the Hudson, the largest steamer ever built in the world for passenger traffic, running between New York and Albany in the People's Line. It is the finest specimen of a steamboat that ever floated on the river, being four stories high, with three promenade decks. This steamer carries a very large searchlight, which is used every night, showing the villages and residences along the banks of the river. Her diningroom, being aft of the engines on the main deck, is an innovation on the Hudson River in night steamers. The Adirondack, with her sumptuous furnishing and exquisitely fitted-up staterooms, is commended to the traveling public. Berkshire Co., Mass. Rooms for Sept. and Oct. H New Hampshire 「OTEL LAKE VIEW, Mascoma Lake.-Fine and duck shooting. Reduced rates for the fall months. Forest Hills Hotel and Cottages HEART OF THE WHITE MTS. J. W. DUDLEY & CO., Proprietors, FOR AN AUTUMN OUTING Ν. Υ. Open until October first. Reduced rates for autumn months. Heated throughout. S. E. CHURCHILL, M.D. THE GLEN SPRINGS Watkins, Glen, A Sanatorium for those Seeking Health and Rest under the Medical management of experienced Physicians. Neptune Brine Ba hs, for RHEUMATISM, GOUT, and NERVOUS DISEASES. Neptune Spring is a 67° Brine, containing the largest amount of Chloride of Calcium of any Spring in the world. 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Send for illustrated circular. Oak Crest Spring Valley, N.Y. valids and aged peo- ful Ramapo Hills. A very healthy neighborhood. Pleas- Cycle Chain Graphite is used. Sample stick by mail 10c. JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., Jersey City, N.J. The Macmillan Company's New Educational Books ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY By RALPH S. TARR, B.S., F.G.S.A., Assistant Professor of Dynamic Geology and Physical Geography at Cornell University. 8vo. Cloth. 488 pp. Price, $1.40, net. t is without question a complete, comprehensive, and scientific work on a "It most subject of present interest in very important the schools. In subject-matter, illustrations, style, and clearness it is admirable. It is the valuable contribution yet made to the study of geography."-CLARENCE E. MELENEY, Assistant Supt., New York City. "I have reviewed the book very carefully, and it is excellent. The chapter on storms is especially worthy of commendation. I have no hesitation in recommending it as in every way well adapted for use in the class-room. The mechanical execution of the book is beautiful. The list of reference books at the end of each chapter makes it especially valuable to teachers and students."-EDWARD H. MCLACHLIN, Superintendent of Schools, South Hadley, Mass. "It is, I think, the best work that has appeared upon this subject. The list of reference books at the end of each chapter is, to my mind, a very valuable feature of Professor Tarr's excellent book "-WM W. RUPERT, Superintendent of Public Schools, Pottstown, Pa. "I have found it exceedingly valuable and helpful. In clear, orderly treatment, in the selection, character, and number of illustrations, in the prominence given to the physical features as illustrated in our own country, in the references to the bibliography of the various subjects, it is certainly very much the best book accessible to the American teacher." -CHARLES B. Scott, State Normal School, Oswego, N. Y. IN PREPARATION Elementary Geology For the Use of Preparatory and High Schools By RALPH S. TARR, B.S., F.G.S.A. The book wili be elementary yet scientific, and it will cover the field of geology according to the best recent knowledge. Especial attention will be given to lucid style, and the book will be fully illustrated so that the text may become more clear. IN PREPARATION Text-Book of Advanced Physical Geography For Use in College Classes and as a Book of Reference By RALPH S. TARR, B.S., F.G.S.A. It will be of particular value to the teacher of physical geography in the secondary school, for it will treat the subject in a more advanced way than is done in any other English book. READY SHORTLY THE AMERICAN COMMONWEALTH An Introduction to the Study of the Government and Institutions of the United States. By JAMES BRYCE, with the assistance of JESSE MACY, Professor of Political Science in Iowa College. Revised and abridged from Mr. Bryce's two-volume work on "The American Commonwealth." SELECTIONS FROM CHAUCER'S CANTERBURY TALES Edited for Schools by HIRAM CORSON, Professor of English Literature in Cornell University. Notes and Glossary are appended to the text. The notes will be more of a literary character than philological. It has not been thought necessary to give in the Glossary, except to a very limited extent, the etymology of words which are still in the language, and which are recognizable in any of their Fourteenth Century forms. Where they are not so recognizable, they are explained by their modern forms, and when necessary by additional other words defining the meanings they may have in Chaucer different from their present meanings. Teachers having classes in which such a book may prove available for introduction are asked to correspond with us in reference to specimen copies and terms for introduction. Studies in Structure and Style (Based on seven modern English Essays), by W. T. BREWSTER, A.M., Tutor in Rhetoric and English Composition at Columbia University, with an Introduction by G. R. CARPENTER, A.B., Professor of Rhetoric and English Composition at Columbia University. 12mo. Cloth. Price, $1.00. COMMENTS "It is well conceived, and the selections are excellent for their purpose."-Prof. A Brief History of the English Language By OLIVER FARRAR EMERSON, A.M., Professor in Western Reserve The aim has been to shorten and simplify the History of the English Language by the omission of technical details, especially regarding the phonology of the language, without changing materially the scope of the larger work. Exercises in Rhetoric and English By GEORGE R. CARPENTER, A.B., Professor of Rhetoric and English Com- The Elements of English Grammar By ALFRED S. WEST, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; Fellow of Univer- By ALFRED S. WEST, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; Fellow of Uni- READY SELECTIONS FROM CORNELIUS NEPOS Uniform with American Edition of "Helvetian War," "Invasion of Britain," "Cicero's Senectute," etc. By J. EDMUND BARSS, M.A., of the Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn. It will contain, besides seven "Lives" and the "Praefatio," notes, maps, a special vocabulary, word groups, and exercises based on the text for translation into Latin. Long vowels will be marked, and references given to the grammars of Allen and Greenough, Bennett, Gildersleeve-Lodge, and Harkness. The text will have the topical headings characteristic of the series. HALL AND KNIGHT'S ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA Revised and Enlarged for the use of American Schools and Colleges by FRANK L. SEVENOAK, A.M. Half leather. 12mo. $1.10. ALMOST READY Elementary Solid Geometry ALMOST READY Lock's Trigonometry for Beginners Revised for American Schools by JOHN ANTHONY Charles Smith's Elementary Algebra For the use of Preparatory Schools, High Schools, Academies, Seminaries, etc. By IRVING STRINGHAM, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics and Dean of the College Faculties in the University of California. BRIEFER EDITION. 408 pp. $1.10. This edition is the same as Chapters I.-XXVI. of the ComPLETE EDITION. 584 pp. $1.20. NEW YORK Elements of Geometry By GEORGE CUNNINGHAM EDWARDS, Associate Charles Smith's Arithmetic Revised by CHARLES HARRINGTON, Head Master of Dr. Sach's School for "I have examined it carefully, and I consider it the best work of its kind for use in the Grammar School that I have seen."-R. A. SEARING, Principal Grammar School No. 14, Rockester, N. Y. THE MACMILLAN COMPANY CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO Volume 54 W The Outlook A-Family Paper Saturday, 5 September, 1896 Number 10 R. McKINLEY'S letter of acceptance makes a period of fifteen months under the McKinley Act and a perfectly definite his position upon the financial issue. He declares specifically against the further coinage of silver until an international agreement is reached, and he makes the financial issue the primary one of the campaign. One-half of his letter is devoted to its discussion. He begins with the declaration that the free coinage of silver would mean "the free use of the mints of the United States for the few who are owners of silver bullion, but would make silver coin no freer to the many who are engaged in other enterprises." Heretofore, he says, the United States has bought silver bullion at its market price and has virtually pledged itself to maintain its silver coin at par with gold. Under a free-coinage law there would be no pledge of any sort. "The bullion-owner on the basis of present values would receive the silver dollar for fiftythree cents' worth of silver, and other people would be required to receive it as a full dollar in the payment of debts. The Government would get nothing from the transaction." If the free coinage of silver should raise the value of silver bullion so that a silver dollar would be at par with a gold dollar, " then we would have no cheaper money than now, and it would be no easier to get." Free coinage would not, however, thus raise the value of silver bullion. It would mean "the debasement of our currency to the amount of the difference between the commercial and the coin value of the silver dollar." Already, says Mr. McKinley, the United States has put in circulation $624,000,000 of silver, or paper representing silver. This, he says, is more silver than any other civilized nation circulates. The Republican party, he declares, proposes to keep all our present silver at par with gold, but not to issue more until an international agreement can be reached. He declares that the free coinage of silver by this country would not promote international bimetallism, but defer and possibly defeat it. It would simply " destroy confidence, impair the obligation of contract, and create a panic of unparalleled severity." Summing up his argument, Mr. McKinley says: "It is not an increase in the volume of money which is the need of the time, but an increase in the volume of business. Not an increase of coin, but an increase of confidence. Not more coinage, but a more active use of money coined. Not open mints for the unlimited coinage of the silver of the world, but open mills for the full and unrestricted labor of American workingmen." Turning now to the question of the tariff, Mr. McKinley pictures the conditions in December, 1892, as set forth by President Harrison's last message, and the conditions to-day. He says that the change has been brought about by the Wilson tariff bill, which has reduced revenue so as to produce a deficit, and has increased importation so as to take work from our own laborers and have it performed abroad. Upon this last point he compares exports and imports for period of fifteen months under the Wilson Act. During the months selected our imports did decrease less than our exports. It may be observed, however, that the contrary is true if we compare the whole of the last three years with the whole of the three years preceding. Our average yearly imports have declined $124,000,000, while our average exports have declined but $60,000,000. If we restore a high protective tariff, Mr. McKinley urges, the deficit in the public revenues will be replaced by a surplus, confidence will be restored, and our labor will be employed. Especially, he says, will the farmer be helped by an increased tariff, for the farmer has especially suffered from the Wilson Bill, which made wool free and greatly reduced its value. Mr. McKinley concludes his letter with a eulogy of the Republican planks in favor of pensions, the development of American shipping, and civil service reform, and a call upon all loyal citizens to unite in putting down the spirit of hostility between classes and sections declared to animate the Democratic platform. The Republican campaign in New York was formally opened on Thursday evening of last week by a massmeeting at Carnegie Hall in this city, which was addressed by ex-President Harrison. Mr. Harrison began his speech by saying that there never had been a time in his life when he had so high a respect for so many Democrats. The readiness of so many of them to bolt from their party was a proof to him of the strength of patriotism within the Democratic party. The Democratic bolters, however, were asking too much when they urged that the Republican party should "reorganize itself because the Democratic party had disorganized itself." The defeat of Mr. Bryan could be accomplished only through the Republican party, and Democrats who believed that Mr. Bryan's defeat was of supreme importance should support the Republican party. Mr. Harrison proceeded to summarize the Chicago platform. He declared that its denunciation of President Cleveland for sending troops into Illinois without awaiting the request of the Governor was a denunciation of him for enforcing National law. He declared that the arraignment of the Federal Courts for using "the familiar writ of injunction" to suppress violence was a dangerous assault upon constitutional government, and that the suggestion that the Supreme Court should be reorganized so as to reverse its recent decision against the income tax was an attack upon the independence of the judiciary. Mr. Harrison said that he was inclined to put these issues to the front. He did not propose to discuss the tariff question. This, he said, had been disposed of by the recent hard times, due, he believed, to the Wilson Act. Regarding the free coinage of silver, he said that Jefferson and Hamilton, when fixing a ratio, had ascertained as nearly as they could the ratio prevailing in the markets of the world. The free coinage of the two metals at the ratio of 16 to 1, when the market ratio was 31 to 1, was, said Mr. |