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W. T. Harris

The late Most Rev. Peter Richard Kenrick

N. O. Nelson

George Partridge

Prof. C. M. Woodward Head of the Manual Training School

Frederic M. Crunden

Librarian of the Public School


Miss Mary C. McCulloch
Supervisor of Kindergartens

newed its youth, and is filling a constantly enlarging place in the polit-
ical and social life of the people. The "Globe-Democrat," presided
over by one of the most unique figures in American journalism, Mr.
J. B. McCullagh, has an astonishingly large circulation in the Demo-
cratic States of the Southwest, mainly due to the fact that while its
editorial columns are strictly partisan, and sometimes partial and mis-
leading, its news columns are always filled with full and impartial
accounts of passing events. I know of no partisan journal in this
country that, during a campaign, contains so many of the fully reported
speeches of its distinguished political opponents. Our German press,
led by such able men as Carl Daenzer and Dr. Preetorious, is excep-
tionally high in grade. I think there is but one French journal pub-
lished in the State. Our two great libraries are rapidly growing in
value and importance. Dr. Shaw truthfully says that "in Mr. Frederic
M. Crunden, the public librarian, St. Louis possesses one of the most
highly accomplished library administrators in the world." Since the
library has been made entirely free, and has established sub-stations in
various parts of the city, its circulation has been immensely increased.
It is housed in the upper stories of a building erected for the offices
of the public-school system, but its directors are beginning to agitate
for a new building that shall cost a million dollars. We are daily
hoping that some rich man will desire to emulate Henry Shaw, or
Wayman Crow, or James Smith, and thus secure for himself a crown
of civic immortality. I could easily pick the man, but it would not
be fair thus to discriminate among those who may wish to be generous
rivals in securing such an enviable distinction. The Mercantile Library
is governed by Mr. Horace Kephart, who has a rare genius for this
type of work. Washington University plays a noble part in what may
be called the system of popular university extension. Each year the
institution furnishes the public, at low rates, courses of lectures by
such men as John Fiske, Professor Lyon, and others, and the Ethical
Culture Society, under the energetic leadership of Mr. W. L. Sheldon,
has established, in various parts of the city, Wage-Earners' Self-Cul-
ture Clubs and Domestic Economy Schools for both sexes. The ablest
specialists in the city keep up in these schools perpetual lectureships,
and, I think, the kind of work done is peculiar to St. Louis. I know
of no other similar work in any other part of the country. Most of
the Protestant churches are showing an increased interest in this kind
of educational activity. The "Eliot Society" of the Church of the
Messiah, and the "Novel Club" of the Non-Sectarian Church, furnish
excellent illustrations. Foremost among the instruments of popular
education are the public parks. As Dr. Shaw has said, St. Louis has
neglected its eighteen miles of river front, which should have been
largely utilized for public parks, and it has, within my recollection,
destroyed at least two of the breathing-places of the city to make
room for public buildings. But the city is growing so rapidly, and
its abundant car service is so cheap, that the great mass of the people
can easily and frequently reach its semi-suburban parks. Forest
Park, with its 1,375 acres, will in a few years be almost as close to the
heart of the city as the "Common" is to the heart of Boston. Only
a few weeks ago we possessed, I think, the loveliest park of its size
in this country. It was in the very heart of the southern part of the
city. The terrible cyclone came, and in ten minutes the fair work
which nature had been building for half a century was all destroyed,
and our beautiful Lafayette Park looked like a frost-blighted or
locust-eaten bit of Kansas desert! In the very midst of this desola-
tion stands Harriet Hosmer's masterly statue of Thomas Benton, its
bowed head seeming to express a people's sorrow over the "cureless
ruin" of this exquisite spot.


St. Louis possesses several private picture galleries of very great interest. In the residences of Colonel George E. Leighton, Messrs. J. G. Chapman, Charles Parsons, Daniel Catlin, and others, may be found gems from the pencils of some of the greatest of the modern

James E. Yeatman


Rev. W. G. Eliot, D.D.

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George E. Leighton
Late President of the Commercial
Club of St. Louis

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The finest work of the celebrated Wimar is to be found here, together with interesting examples from the brush of the man who exceeded, in pure native genius, I think, all other American portrait-painters, Chester Harding. Harding lacked technical education, but he was a brilliant colorist, and possessed a rare faculty for securing likenesses. The Art School, under Professor Ives, is gradually laying the sure foundation for a great public art gallery, and has been instrumental in sending to the art schools of Europe many promising students. In the field of architecture, St. Louis has "suffered many things of many" architects. In its earlier days it adopted for domestic purposes a modification of the stately houses found on the old Southern plantations. Such dwellings were interesting to the eye and suited to our climate. But alongside of these were created a multitude of the ugliest and most uniformly unattractive houses that ever afflicted a patient people. Some of the older public buildings were handsome and interesting. For instance, the dome of the old Court House is dignified and stately, and is made more interesting by interior decorations from the pencil of Wimar, while the Episcopal Cathedral needs but

a tower and spire to make it a most acceptable specimen of Gothic work. But, with a few exceptions, the public buildings and churches of St. Louis were depressing in their plainness. About fifteen years ago we enjoyed a radical conversion, architecturally speaking. Peabody and Stearns, of Boston, built the Crow Memorial Hall and the


Church of the Messiah. The latter was recognized at once as the handsomest building in the city. The Hon. Dorman B. Eaton says it is the handsomest church building on this continent. Since then the demand of the people for architectural beauty has never languished. But very few distinctly ugly buildings, public or private, have been erected. The newer churches are especially excellent. The new City Hall is a serious artistic mistake, but competent judges tell me that, inside of fifty years, when age has partly obliterated its startling colors, and the growing trees have half hidden its shape,

it will be quite endurable. As an evidence of our rapidly growing artistic taste I need but give a brief history of one office building. The architect said that he was going to erect a building the like of which could not be found west of New York. He more than redeemed his promise. I do not know to what school this building belongs. It bore a startling resemblance to the stately ruins of Stone

henge, if that prehistoric pile should be restored by the plentiful use of white pine painted. If architecture is "frozen music," this building might be aptly described as a petrified nightmare. It stood for several years to blast the vision of mankind, and then its ghastly front was voluntarily covered by its owner with a mask of warm and pleasing brick! Domestic architecture is making multitudes of converts every year among us. Few houses, even of the cheapest kind, are being erected simply for shelter. They all bear the touch of real or intended beauty. In its love and appreciation of music, St. Louis



reveals the very strong influence of its German population. Its musical conservatories not only furnish the highest type of vocal and instrumental instruction, but the city furnishes a large musical constituency for the support and encouragement of the best quality of classical art. In connection with our annual Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Exposition, we have for six consecutive weeks three daily cheap concerts, aggregating, perhaps, a daily attendance of nearly 10,000 people.



St. Louis is well supplied with purely social clubs. The Mercantile is the largest, and has the somewhat unique feature of being open, at all hours and every day, to the wives, mothers, sisters, and sweethearts of its members. The Noonday is simply a dining club. The St. Louis Club occupies a very handsome building designed by Peabody and Stearns. The University Club is just about moving its quarters to the western center of population. The Jews have a magnificent club-house in the fashionable part of the town, and the Germania was for a generation the principal German club. Perhaps no organization of like character has done so much and designs to do so much for the better life of the city as the Commercial Club. Our whole system of reconstructed streets was based upon

a report offered to this club by Colonel George E. Leighton. The club has shown a profound and intelligent interest in every scheme of municipal and national reform. Colonel Leighton's papers on Currency and Coinage and the National Banking System were models of exhaustive treatment of these vexed questions; while other members have been equally active in giving to the world through this club the fruits of their commercial, political, scientific, and professional studies. But no institution in the city has been more intelligently active in its educational, artistic, scientific, sociological, and philanthropic interests than the Wednesday Club, which is formed and controlled entirely by women. It would require an entire article to do fair justice to this flourishing organization. Suffice to say that in the public and private kindergartens, in the Training School for Nurses, in all the penal and philanthropic institutions, in the art schools, in every place where intelligent and selfdenying public spirit is demanded, there you find a representative or a committee of the Wednesday Club.


St. Louis has one form of beneficence which keeps alive the memories of that bitter civil strife, the perils and hardships and heartburnings of which she felt, perhaps, more than any other city in the land. But that memory is kept green in the blessed spirit of the Gospel. In the early stages of the Rebellion a number of devoted men and women, anticipating the terrible suffering of that unhappy time, formed the Western Sanitary Commission. Under the order of General Fremont, the Commission consisted of James E. Yeatman, Carlos Greeley, Dr. J. B. Johnson, George Partridge, and Dr. Eliot. Contributions of money and sanitary stores passed into the hands of the Commission amounting to more than $4,000,000. At the close of the war Mr. Greeley, the Treasurer, held about $230,000, which, by judicious investment, was increased to $335,000. Of this amount about $86,000 went to the purchase and maintenance of the Soldiers' Orphan Home, and about $15,000 to the support of soldiers' orphans who were not in the Home. These contributions were strictly germane to the object for which the fund was created. In the further discharge of its trust the Commission gave $7,800 to the Female Guardian Home, $13,000 to the Woman's Christian Home, $9,000 to the Workingwoman's Home, $13,000 to the Nurses' Training School, $7,500 to the Provident Association, $14,000 to the Colored Orphans' Home, $22,800 to the Memorial Home for the Aged, $30,000 to provide scholarships especially for the children of soldiers in Washington University and $10,000 towards its Sustentation Fund, and $18,000 to the Lincoln Freedman Monument Fund. This leaves a permanent fund of $50,000. The administration of this money for all noble purposes remains in the hands of the Commission, of which the revered James E. Yeatman is still the head. A story of rare and touching interest is attached to the last contribution mentioned in the list. Soon after the murder of Abraham Lincoln, Charlotte Scott, an emancipated slave, gave her former master, then a Union refugee from Virginia, the sum of five dollars, her first earnings as a free woman, begging that it might be used "to make a monument to Massa Lincoln, the best friend the colored people ever had." This money was sent to General T. H. C. Smith, who forwarded it to Mr. James E. Yeatman, with this letter:

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in the studio of Thomas Ball a group in marble representing the Emancipation Act. Dr. Eliot told the touching story of the poor colored woman, and Mr. Ball generously agreed to have the group cast in bronze, charging only for the actual labor of the Munich foundry. In the original group there was the ideal figure of a slave. This was changed, at Dr. Eliot's suggestion, and in the noble work as it now appears in Washington is the "counterfeit presentment" of Archer Alexander, the last slave ever captured in Missouri under the Fugitive Slave Law. Archer was for many years a consistent member of the Church of the Messiah, whose noble pastor had rescued him from the house of bondage, and made him the representative of his race in a work which commemorates the noblest deed done by his country's noblest man.

The Ground-Robin

By Richard Burton

From a low birch-tree just outside my window,
Here in the wind-fresh green New Hampshire country,
All through the day, and even at the nightfall,
Cheery, distinct, his heart a home for hope,
His throat full swollen with desire of music,
A little ground-robin sits and sings,
Symbol of summer, neighbor dear to me.

I never hear his note in other places;
But when June comes, and I return to live
Among the birches and memorial pines,
Lo, faithful to the tryst, alert and buoyant,
His strain familiar greets my welcoming soul,
And seems the type of all time-keeping things,
Rebuking chance and change. Illusion sweet
Uprises with the sound of all the birds

I know, this songster speaks most plain to me,
Making impermanence a very myth.

So carol on, ground-robin! each green year

I listen for you, and 'twould be a grief

Beyond mere words, some June, some fragrant morrow,
To sit and hearken by the open window
In vain, for in a flood of fond regret
Would come a sense of loss, of unrequited
Love, of faith broken at length, of fickle
Friendship, and joy too beautiful to last :
Sing on, ground-robin, sing!

Bits of Wisdom

Let us have faith that right makes might, and in this faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty, as we understand it. Abraham Lincoln.

An obstinate man does not hold opinions, but they hold him; for when he is once possessed with an error, it is, like a devil, only cast out with great difficulty.-Bishop Butler.

Of an idle, unrevolving man destiny can make nothing more than a mere enameled vessel of dishonor, let her spend on him what coloring she may. Let the idle think of this.-Carlyle.

A hundred years hence what difference will it make whether you were rich or poor, a peer or a peasant? But what difference may it not make whether you did what was right or what was wrong?" Architects of Fate."

He who opposes his own judgment against the consent of the times ought to be backed with unanswerable truths; he that has truth on his side is a fool, as well as a coward, if he is afraid to own it because of the currency or multitude of other men's. opinions. De Foe.

Longfellow once said to Mary Anderson: "See some good picture-in nature, if possible, or on canvas-hear a page of the best music, or read a great poem daily. You will always find a free half-hour for one or the other, and at the end of the year your mind will shine with such an accumulation of jewels as will astonish even yourself."



Moody the Evangelist

By the Rev. H. W. Webb-Peploe, D.D.

Vicar of St. Paul's, Onslow Square, and Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral, London

N American judged from an Englishman's

standpoint may, by some, be expected to receive but scant justice; as, unfortunately, the idea has of late become prevalent that the two nations do not understand each other, and that neither can rightly appreciate the other. A more foolish we might say fatal-notion could hardly be set on foot, and the sooner it is confined to its proper "limbo" the better. Who should be able rightly to estimate or appraise the virtues and faults of their fellow-men if Americans and Englishmen cannot do this for one another? Cousins may we not say brethren?-by birth; speaking one language; inheriting common traditions and customs; trained in similar habits of life; approximating ever more and more closely to one another through the advances of science and the general habits of society; and, above all, enjoying, for the most part, the greatest and most glorious advantage of an open Bible, and of the blessed religion deduced therefrom; and yet having, what so few European nations enjoy, the opportunity of judging one another from a distance, and of considering one another's merits or demerits without reference to national rivalries (either in politics or in social matters), none should, we imagine, be better able to do justice to one another than members of the English and American nations.

Strange, therefore, as it may appear at first sight to the American readers of this journal that an Englishman should have been asked to survey an American work, and a clergyman of the Church of England to write upon an American evangelist, who (though with a wondrously universal spirit of brotherhood toward all Protestant churches) yet distinctly claims to be a Congregationalist, it may, after all, be considered, we hope, that, so far as opportunities of observing Mr. D. L. Moody have been given to him, the writer of this article can do justice to the great American preacher and organizer whom Northfield and Chicago both claim as their evangelist.

In no sense is it proposed to offer a new biography of Mr. Moody. Already a number of these exist, and the columns of a weekly periodical like The Outlook may hardly offer space for any but the briefest sketch of such a

man, whose life from its very commencement has been filled with both incident and interest. The object with which we here call attention to Mr. Moody is that, as his work has now been carried on for what is called "a generation," the general bearings of that work and its prospects of enduring may be calmly and faithfully considered. by the public.

All work must be initiated by an individual man, but all works do not prove to be really great, nor do they



stand the test of time; while of the individuals who initiate works in this world, few indeed live long enough to allow of their works being tested by the crucial test of time, and fewer still of those who survive to see the works which they initiated become effective and powerful have that real greatness of soul which will enable them to let the works be spoken of as "great" while they themselves remain "small," and are content to remain exactly what they were at the beginningviz., mere instruments whom Gcd is pleased to adopt and employ, and who never think of claiming either credit or glory for themselves. Wherever the instrument has been exalted, even in the smallest degree, then, and to that extent, the work has proportionately suffered. This is acknowledged, theoretically,


all, and yet whither

creation of one man, and a place where everything, spiritual, social, and material, is literally made to subserve the one end for which that man lives and works without ceasing-viz., the glory of God in the saving of souls, by bringing them to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour. To this one single law of life there is hardly an exception; for, while there are both a Unitarian church and a Roman Catholic church in Northfield, and some of the inhabitants are, of course, busily occupied



shall we turn to discover more than one in a thousand who can see great results from their works without claiming greatness for themselves? This seems to be the touchstone of human effort upon earth; and, judged by this standard of excellence, few indeed can bear the scrutiny even of their faulty comrades in the struggle.

The first thing which strikes the observant visitor to Northfield, East Massachusetts, is that the whole place is governed by one dominant mind, and exists as a township for one definite purpose. Other places are known for their natural attrac

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of bitter opposition to his institutions and to his work, the stranger hears of nothing but love and good will, even from those who do not agree with him doctrinally and theologically.

Of Mr. Moody's work as an evangelist in every part of the world, or of his grand educational establishments at Northfield and Mount Hermon, it is not the writer's province to speak in detail. The incidents and the statistics connected with these are the common property of all English-speaking people both in America and in Europe.


to the whole valley. The magnificent avenue which runs for one and one-half miles through the township gives one of the finest drives that can be seen in any land-the long line of villas lying on either side of the avenue makes the place an ideal residence for the wealthy and the weary-and yet, of all this, the visitor hears and thinks little, until he finds how it enhances the delights of his visit; but what he does hear and think of is that Northfield, with its neighboring settlement of Mount Hermon on the west bank of the Connecticut, is, in its present condition, practically the

That to which we would now call attention are the three remarkable facts, first, that Mr. Moody is more highly esteemed in his own native town than in any other part of the world (if this be possible); secondly, that the wonderful monuments of his shrewdness and determination which greet the stranger

in Northfield and Mount Hermon, and which represent an enormous capital


in money, with a magnificent display of wisdom in their location and arrangement, are the work of a man who neither professes to have had an education preparing him for such results, nor claims at the present moment to enjoy wisdom or learning qualifying him to build and order such enormous establishments; and, thirdly, that while the whole township would seem to be subject to Mr. Moody's dictation and arrangement, everything is so ordered as to be for the general welfare of the inhabitants, and no one would even dare to suggest that

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