New Hampshire WHITE MTS. THE NEW MT. PLEASANT HOUSE Kingswood Inn WOLFEBORO, N. H. ON LAKE WINNEPESAUKEE JULY 1ST TO OCTOBER IST. $2.00 PER DAY: $10.00 AND UPWARDS PER WEEK. CHAS. T. WILSON New Jersey THE FENIMORE One and a half blocks from ocean; capacity 200. For circulars address THOS. NOBLE, Asbury Park, N. J ASBURY PARK, N. J. COLEMAN HOUSE Directly on the beach. Opens June 25. New passenger elevator. For rates, diagrams, and information address A. P. MARGETTS, Chief Clerk, Asbury Park, N. J., or F. H. SCHOFIELD, 1 Madison Av., N.Y. City. THE BANNER HOUSE WILLEY HOUSE CHATEAUGAY CHASM HOUSE HIGHLAND PINES SANITARIUM FOR IN THE ADIRONDACKS 2,000 ft. above sea level. For illustrated circular address HARVEY WILLEY, Keene, N. Y. Adirondack House KEENE VALLEY, N. Y. S. KELLEY, Prop'r. Illustrated Booklet on application. LUNG TROUBLES ESTES HOUSE, Adirondacks Elevation, 1,500 feet above sea balsamic air of the pines; magnificent views; broad piazzas; electric bells and modern improvements; spring and summer best for treatment; Edson Aseptolin and other modern treatments for Lung and Throat diseases. Address HIGHLAND PINES, Corning, N. Y. MT. MEENAHGA OPENS JUNE 2d A Summer Home, with SIX COTTAGES CONNECTING. 100 Booklet sent on application to J. H. ESTES, Prop.,. Keene Valley, Essex Co. N. Y. K EENE VALLEY, N. Y. TAHAWUS- of Ad'k Mts.; site superior to all others; magnificent views; very healthful; walks and drives; abundant shade delicious water; excellent table; illus. circ.; $8 and $9. miles from New York, 1,500 ft. above sea-level. In the FERNWOOD At head of Lake George, N. Y. midst of great natural beauty. Pure water; dry, exhila- A resort of exceptional excellence at moderate rates; an ideal place for parties wishing to economize in their expenditures. Illustrated books free. ADIRONDACKS THE HOFFORT COTTAGES HOTEL CHILDWOLD FISHERS ISLAND, Ν. Υ. via New London, Conn., are the ideal summer resort; THE IRVINGTON The Highland House ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A cheerful, homelike hotel on the Beach; excellent table; reasonable terms. CHAMBERS & HOOPES. GARRISON-ON-HUDSON, N.Y. Directly opposite West Point, 50 miles, 14 hours from New York City. A select family hotel. Pure mountain air; purest spring water; sanitary arrangements modern and perfect. Excellent table a specialty. Tennis, croquet, bowling, beautiful drives, fine wheeling. Open in May. Write for booklet. J. W. & G. W. GARRISON. GLEN LAKE HOUSE AND COTTAGES On LAKE MASSAWEPIE For illustrated pamphlet and general particulars address New York office, 626 Tract Building, 150 Nassau St. WM. F. INGOLD, Manager. WOOLSEY HOUSE LIVINGSTON MANOR, SULL. CO., N. Y. 1,500 feet above the sea. Accommodates seventy-five. JOHN W. BUSSEY, Prop'r. Adirondacks INDIAN POINT HOUSE CHATEAUGAY LAKE Daily mail; cuisine perfect: $8 to $10 per week. For illustrated circular address R. M. SHUTTS, Merrill, N.Y. W.C.T.U. OCEAN HOUSE Point o' Woods, L. I., N. Y-A restful summer home on the Great South Beach, between the Bay and the Ocean. 40 miles from N. Y. Fine fishing, boating, surf and still-water bathing. Terms moderate. Open July 1st. "INTERPINES" Wickham Park, THE INN AT HIGH POINT Goshen, N. Y. A BEAUTIFUL, QUIET, RESTFUL "HOME.” Particularly adapted to Chronic and Nervous Invalids of refinement who require all the appointments of an elegant modern home, together with the constant attention of skilled physicians and trained nurses. Address FREDERICK W.SEWARD,M.D., Resident Physician. BAY VIEW HOUSE, Lake George. Beautiful healthy location. Large rooms. Rates, $5 to $7 per A high-altitude mountain resort. Elevation, 1,960 feet. No malaria, no mosquitoes. Good air, good food, pure water. New hotel, modern sanitary appliances, gas, water. Boating, fishing, livery, orchestra, etc. CHAS. ST. JOHN, Port Jervis, N. Y. FERNWOOD HALL LAKE OZONIA One of the most healthful and beautiful Homes in the LAKE GEORGE-Hulett's Mizzen Top Hotel The most picturesque part of the Lake. Good table; CATSKILL MOUNTAINS Now open. Beautiful location; very large rooms; hot Catskill Mountains Hotel St. Charles OPENS JUNE 1st Delightful month in the mountains. Hotel complete with every modern convenience, including passenger elevator. For booklets, rates, etc., apply to F. H. SCOFIELD, Metropolitan Building, Madison Square, New York; or to J. H. BURTIS, JR., Propr., Hunter, N. Y. Vermont Middletown THOUSAND ISLANDS The Montvert Mit Among America's most charming resorts; the NEW COLUMBIAN HOTEL, at 1,000 Island Park, N. Y., and the HOTEL WESTMINSTER, Westminster Park, Alexandria Bay, N. Y.; great family hotels: modern and first-class; charges moderate. Send for descriptive pamphlet and terms. H. F. INGLEHART & SON, Proprietors. THOUSAND ISLANDS Vermont Celebrated for its magnificent scenery, bracing air, fine drives, and Mineral Springs which possess medicinal and healing properties which have made their fame worldwide. 3,000 feet above the sea, its elevated position ensures a dry atmosphere in which malaria is unknown, and where sufferers from hay fever obtain immediate relief. Accommodations for 350. Appointments, cuisine, and service of the highest order. Send for pamphlet, terms, etc E. W. EAGER, Manager THE FRONTENAC CRESCENT VALLEY HOUSE ST. LAWRENCE RIVER This favorite Hotel of the 1,000 Islands offers every CEDAR GROVE COTTAGE, on Lake Champlain, Candards pelocations, d MATSKILLS.-Location unsurpassed. Terms $5.00 Oregon DORTLAND, OR.-THE PORTLAND. One Pennsylvania THE GLENWOOD DELAWARE WATER GAP, Pa. Capacity 200. A popular and healthy mountain resort Mountain House STAND GREENHURST Glen Summit Hotel IN THE CATSKILLS First class in all respects, recently enlarged and improved. Open grate fires. Bath-rooms and closets. Sanitary connection with village sewer. Terms reasonable. For circulars and all particulars address E. E. VAN DYKE. "THE CATSKILLS" GLEN SUMMIT, PA. OPEN JUNE 20. On L. V. R. R., four and one- For booklets and other information apply to FRED. The Greycourt Inn MOUNTAIN SUNSET HOUSE STAMFORD, N. Y. Electricity. Send for circular. S. J. BROWN Windlemere Tarrytown-on-Hudson, N.Y. Magnificent scenery; beautiful drives; shade, lawns, piazzas, sun-parlor. Commutation, 11 cts, each way. Address as above. NEPTUNE BRINE BATHS For Rheumatism, Gout, and Nervous Diseases WERNERSVILLE, PA. WALTER'S SANITARIUM Walter's Park or Wernersville, Pa. The Glen Springs for illustrated catalogue A Sanatorium for those Seeking A medical staff experienced in the use of the Waters. All approved therapeutic appliances and modern improvements. ALL FORMS OF BATHS. VALUABLE MINERAL SPRINGS NEPTUNE SPRING is a 67 per cent. Brine, containng the largest amount of Chloride of Calcium of any Spring in the world. Location overlooks thirty miles of Plimpton Hotel and Annexes Pawlet, Vt. Finest Family Resort in Vermont. Green Mountains. Fine roads for wheelmen. Prices right. For circulars, C. B. HALL. The Green Mountain Lodge WATERBURY CENTER, VT. A charming re- ARCADIA RETREAT SUBSCRIBERS' WANTS Want advertisements of thirty words or less will be published under this heading at one dollar a week. Four cents a week is charged for each word in excess of thirty. FOR SALE.-70 Niagara Falls City Lots, in one tract, bordering on Pierce Ave., Willow Ave., 27th and Sugar Sts. First-class location either for investment or improvement. Purchasable direct from owner, undersigned. No real estate agents or professional landboomers interested. Address or call on C. R. THORNE (Agt. L. V. R.R.), Niagara Falls, N. Y., Station A. WANTED-By a clergyman's daughter, a position as companion to lady, or to undertake the care of small children: can teach them the English branches, French, and music. Address Miss MORAN, St. Denis P.O., Maryland. A YOUNG LADY, refined and cultured, successful with children, would like a position as governess or tutor; or would be glad to travel as companion to invalid or children. Address No. 1,525, The Outlook. PLEASANT HOME for four adults in private cottage on Massachusetts coast. For particulars apply to GEO. M. FLETCHER, Prop'r. G. H., No. 1,498, care The Outlook. FRANCE, Paris. St. Margaret's Church School. A French and American School for Girls. French the language of the household. Autumn term JULIA H. C. ACLY, 50 Avenue d'Jéna. SCHERMERHORN'S TEACHERS' AGENCY opens October 1. Terms, $1,000 a year. Address Miss A teacher will conduct pupils from New York to Paris in September. Address, until Sept. 1, Miss Mary Davy, care Finch Van Slyck & Young, St. Paul, Minn. Germany BERLIN, GERMANY American Home School for Girls Mrs. MARY B. WILLARD, Principal, will spend the month of August in the United States, and will return to Germany with pupils in September. Address 2019 O Street, Washington, D. C. Miss Peebles and Miss Thompson's 30, 32, and 34 East 57th St., New York Special students admitted. 160-162 West 74th Street, New York MADEMOISELLE VELTIN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. COLLEGE PREPARATION. FIRE-PROOF SCHOOL BUILDING. California POMONA COLLEGE, Claremont, Cal. Full College courses leading to degrees of B.A., B.L., B.S. Degrees recognized by University of California and other similar graduate schools. Thirty-five miles from Los Angeles. An Academic course. Preparatory school preparing for all institutions connected with the College. Address C. G. BALDWIN, President. Connecticut Brookfield Center, Fairfield Co., Conn. The Curtis School for Young Boys A strong life in school and out, full of normal activities and healthy conditions. A clean moral atmosphere, a loyalty, a high purpose-full of help for your boy's manhood. Home life: single rooms. $500. 22d year. A book full of suggestion. FREDERICK'S CURTIS. The Housatonic Valley Institute Cornwall Among the Berkshire Hills of Northwestern Connecticut. Home School for boys. Classical, Scientific, Business, Preparatory Courses. Thirteenth year. H. B. MacFarland. S. B., L. W. Arnold, A. B., Principals. The Misses Stowe HOSTESTEAS Principals of the SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Greenwich, Ct. A Family School for 12 Girls. Woodside Seminary Terms $500 to $700. City advantages for culture and study. Rural surroundings. Miss SARA J. SMITH, Principal, Hartford, Conn. THE Hotchkiss School LAKEVILLE, CONN. Prepares for the best colleges and scientific schools. The next year will begin Sept. 16, 1896. EDWARD G. COY, Head Master. Mrs. Mead's School For Girls and Young Ladies College Preparatory and Elective courses of Study. Vocal and Instrumental Music, Art, Languages. Certificate admits to Wellesley, Vassar, and other colleges. Hillside, Norwalk, Connecticut. Its broadly planned course of study. Boston proximity both necessitates and helps to furnish the best of teachers, including many specialists; with one hundred and twenty pupils, a faculty of thirty. Four years' course; in some things equal to college work; in others, planned rather for home and womanly life. Two studies required and two to be chosen from a list of eight or ten electives. One preparatory year. Special students admitted if eighteen years or over, or graduates of high schools. 3d. Its homelike air and character. Training in self-government; limited number (many declined every fall for lack of room), personal oversight in habits, manners, care of person, room, etc.; comforts not stinted. 4th. Its handiwork and other unusual departments. Pioneer school in scientific teaching of Cooking, Millinery, Dress-Cutting, Business Law for Women, H Home Sanitation, Swimming. Regular expense for school year, $500. For illustrated catalogue address (mentioning The Outlook), C. G. BRAGDON, Principal. OLDOLYME, Boxwood School for Girls Eastern Teachers' Agency Conn. Elective and college preparatory. Special advantages in Art and Music. Separate department for girls under twelve. Mrs. RICHARD SILL GRISWOLD. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Daily drill in Miss Aiken's method. Prepares for college. For terms and circular apply to Principal Mrs. HARRIET BEECHER SCOVILLE DEVAN, Stamford, Conn. STAMFORD, CONN. MISS LOW'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Miss Low and Miss HEYWOOD, Principals. YOUNG LADIES' INSTITUTE Windsor, Conn, A Home School for Girls of all ages. Refers to the Board of Examiners of five colleges as to the thoroughness of its instruction, and to its patrons for the care of the health and morals of its pupils. Terms, $350 to $500. For circulars address Miss J. S. WILLIAMS, Prin. District of Columbia Chevy Chase French and English Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies.-Half an hour from Washington, D. C., by electriccars. French the Language of the house. Reopens October 1, 1896. Address Mlle. Léa Bouligny, P. O. Station E, Washington, D. С. WASHINGTON COLLEGE FOR YOUNG LADIES Thorough courses. Experienced faculty. Bountiful table. Charming location in park of ten acres. New buildings, elegantly furnished. F. MENEFEE, President, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. (Cor. M and Eleventh Sts., N.W.) Mount Vernon Seminary English, French, and German Boarding and Day School for Young Girls. Opens September thirtieth. Mrs. ELIZABETH J. SOMERS, Principal. DEP'T OF THE Industrial Institute SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Two years' course. D Send for catalogue. Announcement URING the Summer of 1896, instruction in all the subjects necessary for admission to the best colleges and scientific schools will be given at Cotuit, Massachusetts, under the direction of Principal Charles E. Fish. The courses of instruction are for the benefit of four classes of Students: 1. Candidates who have received conditions at the entrance examinations. 2. Candidates who have postponed examinations until September. 3. Students in Secondary Schools, who, by reason of illness or other cause, have deficiencies to make up. 4. Students in Secondary Schools who wish to anticipate studies and save time in the preparation for college. For descriptive circular address CHARLES E. FISH, Principal, The Waban School, Waban, Mass. QUINCY MANSION The Quincy Mansion School for Girls Will open at Quincy, Sept. 23. Regular Courses; experienced teachers; special attention paid to vocal and instrumental music; certificate admits to college; new school building; class-rooms on first floor; stairs few and easy; beautiful grounds-four acres; view of Boston, the harbor, and Massachusetts Bay; rooms high and light; fireplaces; steam heat; electric lights; open plumbing; 13 min. ride from Boston. Send for prospectus to Dr. HORACE MANN WILLARD, Wollaston, Mass. Miss Kimball's School for Girls Worcester, Mass. Thorough preparation for College. Intermediate, Academic, and Special Courses. Send for Illustrated Circular. [IGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY, WorHIGHLANDMILITARIA cester (" 41st year. Best preparation for College, Professional or Business Lite. Healthful location. Careful selection and supervision of students. Small Classes. JOSEPH ALDEN SHAW, A.M., Head Master. New Hampshire The Fletcher Prize of $500 BRADFORD ACADEMY prize, according to the will of the Hon. Richard Fletcher, Williston Seminary Easthampton, Mass. 18 Newbury St., Boston, Mass. Miss Frances V. Emerson Successor to Miss Abby H. Johnson. School for Girls. College Preparatory. Regular and advanced Courses. The Trustees of Dartmouth College offer the above Founded 1803. For the higher education of young THE CAMBRIDGE SCHOOL Aselect private for the best essay calculated to counteract the present tendency to a "Fatal Conformity to the World." Subject for 1896, "Should any restrictions, legal or moral, be placed upon the accumulation of wealth?" No essay to be less than 200 pages or more than 250 pages of 270 words each. Copy to be typewritten and to be in hand on Dec. 20, 1896, Circular containing further particulars forwarded if desired. WILLIAM J. TUCKER, President of Dartmouth College. Hanover, N. H., June 1, 1896. Academy for Boys. Prelaboratories in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology for training for medical schools. Fifty-sixth year opens Sept. 10, 1896. WM. GALLAGHER, Ph.D., Principal. $200 to $250 a Year. Co-educational. 44th Year. Send for Catalogue. Rev. GEO. W. GILE, PRESIDENT New Hampshire The Phillips Exeter Academy The 114th year begins September 16th, 1896. Eighty Scholarships awarded to students of high standing. For Catalogue and illustrated Supplement address HARLAN P. AMEN, Principal, Exeter, N. H. New Jersey IVY HALL BRIDGETON, NEW College Preparatory School for Young Ladies. Certificate admits to Smith. Established 1861. Mrs. J. ALLEN MAXWELL, Principal. N. J. SOUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE Bridgeton, 27th year begins Sept. 16. Both sexes. Prepares for any College, Teaching, or Business. French, German, Art, Music, Gymnasium. Competent Physical Director. Spacious campus and athletic field. Pure water, drainage perfect. H. K. TRASK, Principal. BORDENTOWN MUITA MILITARY INSTITUTE Prepares for Colleges and Government Academies. Music; Military Training; Government, a combination of parental and military. No compromise on tobacco. liquor, or hazing. Rev. T. H. LANDON, A.M., Prin. Capt. T. D. LANDON, Com'd't. Bordentown (N. J.) Female College For young ladies and girls. Languages, art, and music. Ideal home school. Send for catalogue. ANGLEWOOD, N. J. (14 miles from New York). Home and Day School. College preparation. Special Miss CREIGHTON, Miss FARRAR. courses. Main Building New York CANANDAIGUA, N. Y. Riverview Academy POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. 61st year. Gives Boys a thorough preparation for College, for Business Life, and for Govt. schools. Riverview students are found in all colleges and scientific schools. The Instructors, nine of whom are resident, are men of experience in their departments. United States officer detailed at Riverview by Secretary of War. The Buildings of the school are beautifully situated on high ground overlooking the Hudson. Careful attention has been given to drainage, lighting, and ventilation. J. B. BISBEE, A.M. Ohio OXFORD, OHIO Granger Place School for Girls THE WESTERN A College and Seminary Lakewood Heights School Leipsic, New Eng. Conservatory, Vassar. Moderate rates. "Among the Pines." Classical, Scientific, and Commercial Courses. JAMES W. MOREY, Principal. Lakewood, N. J. Montclair Military Academy, Montclair, N. J. The school boy is father to the college and business man-special gifts and weaknesses show themselves in school life. It is this fact that makes small classes most effective. Our classes are limited to ten pupils. Visit the school, or send for a circular. J. G. MACVICAR, Head Master. MISS BENNETT'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS BRYN MAWR COLLEGE BRYN MAWR, Miss Townsend college Preparation. The Clinton Classical School for Boys 54 Park Place, NEWARK, N. J. Miss Dana's School for Girls, The Misses Anable's English, French, SUMMIT, N. J. Near New York The Kent Place School for Girls HAMILTON W. MABIE, President. 284 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Open all the year. Fall term begins Sept. 17th. CHARLES W. CLINTON, Ph.D., Principal, Peekskill-on-Hudson, N. Y. LYNDON HALL SCHOOL For Young Ladies. 48th year. College preparation. SAMUEL WELLS BUCK, A.M., Poughkeepsie, N. Y Sing-Sing-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. OSSINING SCHOOL FOR girls Prepares for college. Advance courses in Art and Music. Albert Ross Parsons, Musical Director. One hour from New York. 29th year begins Sept. 23d. Miss C. C. FULLER, Principal. A college for women. Offers undergraduate and graduate instruction. Awards annually two European Fellowships (value $500), seven Graduate Scholarships (value $200 to $300), and nine Resident Graduate Fellowships (value $525), in Greek, Latin, English, German, and Teutonic Philology, Romance Languages, History or Political Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Biology. Competition open till April 15th. Full undergraduate and graduate courses in these departments and in Philosophy and Physics. Courses in Archæology and Geology, and graduate courses in Semitic Languages. For general program or graduate pamphlet, address as above. BETHEL MILITARY ACADEMY, VIRGINIA. from Washington in Northern Virginia. Prepares for advanced study and for business. Charges extremely low. Patronage from 22 States. Address for illustrated catalogue opens Col. R. A. MCINTYRE, Bethel Academy P. O., Va. |