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The Spectator

The Spectator has been taking a look through his own eyes at American life as it was thirty years ago. That is, he has not been studying somebody's picture of it, but has been looking at the life itself as it was reflected in its own editorial mirror-a reflection

which no picture of it, deliberately drawn for reproduction, can equal in vividness or accuracy. Many small details, significant of things that have passed away in unnoted forgetfulness, stand out sharply, and remind one of characteristics and events blurred so slowly that the process itself was unobserved.

It was purely by chance that the Spectator

came to take this look at the almost immediate past. In the library one evening he picked up "Critical and Social Essays, Reprinted from the New York Nation (1865-'66)." As he opened it, his eye lighted on this sentence : "Every one in this nation knows that 'Blow Ye the Trumpet, Blow,' was John Brown's favorite hymn, sung on his scaffold and at his

burial." The fact that everybody thirty years ago was supposed to know something that almost nobody knows to-day interested the Spectator. He started to glance through the essays to see what else there might be of common knowledge then, now wholly forgotten. He found, among many things of the same sort, the comparison of the worth of a certain kind of review to "exactly its weight in Confederate paper;" a representation of the rich man in the act of giving, as holding out his "portemonnaie"-a word hardly ever heard now, and referring (he thinks) to the pocketbook used for those old-time "shinplasters;" a statement that certain people are not found to "lag behind the age,' as the phrase is," when to-day one would say, if one were dropping into the colloquial, that such persons "keep up with the procession;" and, in an article speculating on some of the possibilities for the invention of sewing-machines, the hardly fulfilled prophecy: "Twenty years hence hand-sewing will be as curious a sight as is now hand-spinning."


The comments in these essays on dress and personal appearance struck the Spectator as odd evidence of unconscious change in thirty "The love of black broadcloth," says one of these essays, "is perhaps that weakness of the Yankee character which is best known to foreigners, and has afforded to foreign tourists the most opportunities to make little jokes in their diaries on the personnel of the American traveler." Who can tell when this habit of wearing black-to which Dickens not infrequently refers-was given up, and the ordinary, almost universal, dress of business men of to-day supplanted it? The same essay also deprecates the prevailing habit of wearing the hair long, pointing out, with no little solemnity, how long hair, especially if it be greased, soils the coat collar, and "is not pleasing, to say the least." Included with this protest against

business clothes of black broadcloth and unbarbered locks is another against the exposure

of too much shirt-front. It is noted that "no class, probably, wear so few buttons on their waistcoats as street-car conductors "-some-thing peculiarly offensive because, from the conditions of the case, their exposed linen must be begrimed with a disproportionate share of dust and dirt. When one contrasts this with the almost universal custom to-day of uniforming conductors, one is impressed by the no small advance that thirty years have made in minor æsthetics.

The conventional marks of material progress have long been the same as where the essayist says that "a man need not be very old to remember the time when there were no railroads, no steamships, and no telegraph wires," and adds elsewhere (as a surprising instance of what could be done): "Secretary Seward telegraphed the other day to a United States Consul residing not far from the Pyramids." But within a very recent time these conventional marks have been changed, almost imperceptibly. The Spectator listened

to a sermon on progress the other Sunday, in which the preacher referred to the present as the age of "bicycles, telephones, and trolley cars," making no reference to the conventional railroads, steamships, and telegraph, which have done duty so long.

Turning to the higher questions of the life of thirty years ago, the Spectator was interested to note how different was the popular attitude toward, for example, the doctrine of evolution. One essay is very severe in its censure of the late Professor Agassiz for closing a popular lecture on Darwinism with an appeal to prejudice in the words: "We are the children of God, not the children of mon

keys." "This appeal," says the essayist, "can

only be compared for irrelevancy and inconclusiveness to the well-known Democratic clincher: Do you want your daughter to marry a nigger?""-on which "clincher," as the Spectator recalls, Anna Dickinson once wrote a characteristic story entitled "What Answer?" Both "clincher" and story have passed into as complete eclipse, have been as completely outgrown, as if they had never

existed. Coming to the sphere of art, the

Spectator was reminded that certain questions then had as lively an interest as they have today, by the remark : "Somebody may, perhaps, by and by, invent something which will be an improvement on our realistic school of writing

fiction." Yet at that time Howells was an unknown novelist and critic, and the school of romanticists was as little in evidence as the school of impressionists. In art, these essays say, America had reached "the period of indiscriminate censure," while literature was still admiration." "in the period of promiscuous and often silly

There were two essays in the book which particularly interested the Spectator. One is on the tinkering of hymns, as a "crime against letters," having for its text the sixty-five "additional hymns" which had just been added to the Prayer-Book of the Episcopal Church. The prediction is made that "the leading and intelligent minds of the Episcopal Church will not accept these mutilated and injured hymns," but that there will be a re-revision." On the contrary, many of them, it is curious to note, have become so familiar in their mutilated

form that to go back to their original form now would be a mutilation; for example, the stanza beginning:

O sweet and blessed country,
The home of God's elect.

The other essay describes at some length American reputations in England at that time. Almost the only name that was then a household word in the two countries was Longfellow's. Even Oliver Wendell Holmes and Whittier were unknown to intelligent English people. Among our statesmen, an allusion even to Daniel Webster called out no sign of recognition. Henry Ward Beecher and Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, though known, were

curiously confused. The brother was called by everybody "Mr. Beecher-Stowe," while the

London "Times" referred to him as "Mr.

Beecher-Ward." Hawthorne, Emerson, Prescott, Lowell, Dr. Channing, Bryant, and Theodore Parker were the American names most generally known on the other side, while Elihu Burritt-of whom, very likely, not a few Americans to-day are ignorant was held in "affectionate regard among multitudes of the purest and best." This, however, was due to his having delivered numerous lectures in England.

Speaking in a general way of the impression left upon him by reading these essays, the Spectator was struck by a certain conspicuous note of provincialism in them. It is not only that the social critic of the "Nation" then commented on various things which would to-day be hardly considered worth his attention, but that he commented on them with no little seriousness. There are also lacking throughout the book any but passing allusions to the great subject of "journalism," which to-day fills so large a space in all comments on social conditions. The theater, too, is barely noticed, if at all. Thirty years ago the


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Absolutely Pure.

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New Series of The Christian Union Copyright, 1896, by The Outlook Company. Entered as second-class matter in the New York Post-Office.

The Outlook is a weekly Family Paper, containing this week forty pages. The subscription price is Three Dollars a year, payable in advance.

Postage is Prepaid by the publishers for all subscriptions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. For all other countries in the Postal Union add $1.56 for postage.

Changes of Address. When a change of address is ordered, both the new and the old address must be given. The notice should be sent one week before the change is to take effect.

Discontinuances. If a subscriber wishes his copy of the paper discontinued at the expiration of his subscription, notice to that effect should be sent. Otherwise it is assumed that a continuance of the subscription is desired.

How to Remit.-Remittances should be sent by Check, Draft, Express-Order, or Money-Order payable to order of THE OUTLOOK COMPANY. Cash should be sent in Registered Letter.

Letters should be addressed:
Clinton Hall, Astor Place,
New York.

Notes and Queries

Is it a common practice among Christian families to ask "grace" at the table before eating? To me it seems a "vain repetition," and because of the frequency of meals it becomes merely a form. I have seen occasions when it has been somewhat embarrassing to invited guests who were not expecting and not accustomed to it. Please let me know what your ideas are on this subject. For myself I prefer to have all family devotions embraced under the observance of daily family reading and prayers. A CONSTANT READER.

Apart from the spirit the form is vain, but with the spirit the form goes as its natural expression. Our observation finds that the practice, though less frequent than formerly, is still common. It would be a pity to do away with it because of guests unaccustomed to it. Hotels and boarding-houses impose restrictions on it. One should, at any rate, cultivate the habit of a silent thanksgiving. If this is done, the outward form will tend to spontaneous expression upon favoring opportunity. It was Christ's practice, and there is not less but more cause amid the distractions of our daily life for imitating his example. If frequency breeds formalism, it is our fault.

What is the meaning of " unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1-under the present conditions and regardless of the commercial value of silver? A SUBSCRIBER.

The present silver dollar weighs as much as sixteen gold dollars. The silver dollar weighs 412 grains; the gold dollar 25 8-10 grains. The free coinage of gold and silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 means that whoever brings to the mint 412% grains of silver or 25 8-10 grains of gold shall receive a dollar for it. This was the system prior to 1873, and the advocates of free coinage claim that the fall in the price of silver bullion since that date has been due to the change in the law, and that the restoration of the old law will restore silver bullion to its old price, and permit the use of both metals for the expansion of the currency. International bimetallists accept this reasoning, but urge that all the leading nations must reopen their mints to the free coinage of silver if its former value is to be restored and silver and gold circulate together at par.

1. Are certain accusations formulated against Brigham Young justified, that pertain to his having ordered or permitted murders for the sake of profit? 2. Did he order the famous wholesale murder of a band of settlers, and did he derive benefit therefrom? 3. What is the most impartial history of the life of Brigham Young and of the Mormon Church?


Young was Governor of Utah and commander of its militia when the massacre of one hundred immigrants was committed by a Mormon force in 1857. The guilt of this rests in part upon him, as at least privy to the deed. It was not for profit, except as in support of Mormon policy. "The Mormon Delusion" (Congregational Publishing Society, Boston) is probably as truthful an account as there is.

Will you give the author of these lines:
"Night has dropped its curtain down,
And pinned it with a star."

McDonald Clarke wrote:

C. J. C.

"Whilst twilight's curtain spreading far
Was pinned with a single star."

Please inform me where I can obtain a work treating of the early settlement of the New England and Middle States. I wish something giving more de

tails than the United States Histories used in the schools. SUBSCRIBER. "The American Commonwealths Series" (Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston) will meet your desire.

I have seen a quotation which runs something like this: "Ye believe in Christ, ye must accept his words." Can you give the quotation correctly and its source? A. M. C.

We refer this query to our readers.

I find in a volume of "Parnassus," edited by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the lines asked for by "M. F." in The Outlook, entitled " The Babe," being translated from Calidasa by Sir William Jones. The

verse is given in your issue of June 20, but with many errors in wording. It is found in " Parnassus" under the heading of "Human Life."

F. L. L.

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Won't You

Dear Bread Makers, see that it is made

of the right flour

Everyone now-a-days knows that all but a little bit of the good is bolted out to make flour white.

DO give us wholesome nutritious breadyour baking is simply perfect, bless your

hearts, the fault is in the material. Get



As ground by the Franklin Mills.

Its value is in its tint-a little
off white, rich in Gluten.

If your grocer does not keep it
send us his name with your order
-we will see that you are supplied.

See that the Flour ordered bears
our label; avoid substitutes.

Franklin Mills Co., Lockport, N.Y.

Solid Silverware

Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Combs, Mirrors, and all other needful toilet articles in silver, of the choicest patterns, heavy, strong, and well made.

Particular care is given to the artistic marking of goods of this class.


206 Fifth Ave., Madison Square, New York.

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How to Disinfect. Does Your HairFallOut?

We desire to mail you free, a valuable istrated book prepared at great expense.


ple directions on disinfecting in cases f contagious diseases and in everyday life -sinks, sewers, etc. Send your address. ** "Sanitas" Co. Ld., 636 West 55th St., N. Y.

THE HAIR Why d 26th Ed., 25 cts. (or stamps).

Falls off, Turns Grey,

and the Remedy. By Prof. HARLEY PARKER. W. E. LONG & CO., 1013 Arch St., Phila,, Pa. Every one should read this little book."-Athenæum.

[blocks in formation]

The Week

The Business World

In the stock markets there was a week of falling prices, culminating on Monday of this week in a decidedly sharp drop which was arrested only by a renewal of buying on English account. Whatever the ultimate cause, the immediate reason was undoubtedly an absence of anything like a genuine demand for stocks; even at low prices there was little activity, except speculative. The railway stocks which suffered most were St. Paul, Burlington, Missouri Pacific, and Louisville. The unfavorable statements for May of the first two named roads, although anticipated, had an undoubted effect on the general market. Gold shipments were also an element in the depression. The failure of the market to show any great buoyancy in response to the nomination at St. Louis and the currency declaration in the Republican platform is now explained, by those who hold that all present stock fluctuations are due to the political situation, by the statement that the market is affected by the strength of the silver faction of the Democratic party, and in particular the past week by Mr. Whitney's frank declaration that he saw little hope of bringing about a compromise between the gold and silver advocates at Chicago. In other than railway stocks the greatest activity was in sugar, which, after falling several points last week, on Monday again fell 35% per cent. from Saturday's prices. Indications of more active trading in silver bullion are ascribed to speculative possibilities of trading on political movements. In general trade the usual summer dullness is now noticeable. The Fall River and Providence and other mills have either restricted production or are seriously discussing a reduction. Prices of agricultural products and iron and steel are slightly lower. The general feeling seems to be that no improvement in trade can reasonably be looked for until the fall season opens. The crop outlook is, as a rule, favorable. Exports of wheat were slightly less than the previous week, but nearly 800,000 bushels larger than in the same week of last year. "Bradstreet's" reports 218 business failures for the week, as compared with 265 the week previous, and 215 for the same week of last year.

Advances in Coal

An immediate general advance in prices for coal

seems certain. The Phila

delphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company have announced an advance of twenty-five cents per ton, bringing the price of broken coal at tide-water, "f. o. b.," to $3.75 gross; that of egg coal, $4; that of stove coal, $4.25. The other leading companies will no doubt follow this example. This is the third distinct advance in price made this year. The possibility of bringing about these advances has been in the mutual agreement of the great coal-producing companies to restrict their output. The production from January to May this year has been about a million and a quarter tons less than for the same month last year. There has been no formal agreement upon this policy, but a general understanding and mutual interest have brought it about. It is stated that the total tonnage for the six months to come will be about twentyfive million tons; this would be larger than the output for the first half of the year; the policy of keeping the output down in the first half of the year and increasing it in the latter half, when the demand is greater, is shrewd and wise from the point of view of the trade. Of course the consumer cannot be expected to be pleased with any advance in price.

Our Foreign Trade

Preliminary statistics of foreign trade for the month of May and the eleven months of the fiscal year ending therewith have been issued by the Chief of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department. The figures, which are corrected to June 13, show (as summarized in "Bradstreet's") that for the eleven months ending with May the exports were valued at $815,971,764, which represents an increase of over $63,400,000 as compared with the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year. Of the total exports of merchandise $17,705,292


worth were classed as foreign, as compared AMERICAN FIRE

with $12,915,829 in the corresponding eleven months of the preceding fiscal year. The imports for the eleven months were valued at $723,260,747, an increase of nearly $53,000,000 as compared with the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year. The imports free of duty were valued at $344,630,792, an increase of over $12,100,000 as compared with the eleven months of the year preceding, while the dutiable imports were valued at $378,629,955, an increase of over $40,800,000 as compared with the corresponding period of the fiscal year 1894–95. For the eleven months ending with May the exports exceeded the imports in value by $92,711,017, as compared with an excess of exports amounting to $82,262,414 in the preceding eleven months' period.

There is still a strong deMunicipal Bonds mand for first-class municipal securities at high prices. This is illustrated in the "Financial Chronicle's" record of sales, which shows as to April last that fifteen municipalities in that month put out $3,160,600 new bonds, and other municipalities, which did not report prices, put out $1,361,250 more-total for a dull month of $4,521,850. Nevertheless, also, they commanded good prices as compared with last year. Fall River 4's to run th rty years sold at 110.68, where a year ago similar securities by the same city brought only 107.37.

In an interesting newspaper Japan's Progress interview with Hoshi Toru, the new Japanese Minister, who lately arrived in this country, he said: "Japan has made wonderful progress in all lines of manufactured products, but I do not think that the country can be called a rival of the United States. Our factories are still in their infancy, and it will be many years before we can really be said to be competitors of the United States. We have committees now en route to this country to inspect your electrical progress. You are not to believe from this that we are wholly deficient in this regard in our country, but we are always looking for an improvement in everything that we have. As regards the late war, I do not believe that the feeling has entirely died out; what you would call patriotism is still manifest throughout the country. As regards Korea, it is true that both Russia and Japan have a watchful eye over it, but it is an independent country. The relations between Japan and Russia are most friendly. America, and by America I mean the United States, has always had a warm place in the hearts of the Japanese, and we have for everything pertaining to the United States a most warm and enthusiastic feeling. There is no danger in the world of Japan becoming a formidable foe to your industries."


Cotton Manufactures

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Do you want to sell a WESTERN MORTGAGE or Western Land-avoid foreclosure costs-stop sending good money after bad-get a good 5 per cent. investment instead? State exact location, condition of title, and your lowest price. Over $2,000,000 in Western securities successfully handled by the present management of this corporation. THE BOSTON


able Building, Boston. Send for our Bond List.



"The South appears not to be afraid of overdoing the cotton manufacturing business," says the Louisville "Courier-Journal," "as new chartered almost every week. According to the figures of the "American Wool and Cotton Reporter," more than one hundred cottonmill companies have been organized and chartered since January 1, 1895. Most of these have been in the Carolinas and Georgia. As there is another great cotton crop in prospect, these new concerns ought to start off with a good season. If the South is to continue the heavy production of the past few years, the only way in which it can prevent financial distress is by working up the raw material at home. This being done, there need be no alarm over possibly 10,000,000 or 12,000,000 bale yields. Five-cent cotton cannot stand the present costly system of handling by which each bale is made to pay $2.50 to $3 in needless commissions and expenses, but it can be made up at home and add enormously to the wealth of the producing section."

5% mills are being 6%

Made in strictly first-class Real Estate Mortgages, State, County, City, and School Warrants and Bonds, with a view to absolute security and prompt interest payments. Best references Correspondence solicited.

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A FIXED INCOME FOR LIFE is secured by a Perfected Annuity Bond. They banish care, and thus prolong life. They double the income of elderly people. Adapted to all ages. SECURITY ABSOLUTE. Address (stating age)

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25 CTS.

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Providence Line

From New York for Boston, Worcester, the North and East. The Connecticut and Massachusetts leave New Pier 36, N. R., one block above Canal St., at 5:30 P.M., daily, except Sunday. Full night's rest; shortest rail ride. Fine orchestra on each steamer. STONINGTON LINE, for Narragansett Pier and Watch Hill. Steamers leave New York at 6 P.M.


International Navigation Company's


From Piers 14 and 15, North River, New York (foot of Fulton St.)



St Paul.... July 1, 10 A.M.
Paris..(Sat.) July 4, 10 A.Μ.
New York. July 8, 10 A.Μ.
St Louis... July 15, 10 A.Μ.
St Paul.... July 22, 10 A.M.
New York.. July 29, 10 A.Μ.
Paris... Aug. 5, 10 Α.Μ.
St Louis... Aug. 12, 10 A.Μ.

St Paul.... Aug. 19, 10 Α.Μ.
Paris... Aug. 26, 10 Α.Μ.
NewYork(Sat.) Aug. 29,10AM
St Louis.... Sept. 2, 10 л.м.
St Paul.....Sept. 9, 10 л.м.
Paris..... Sept. 16, 10 A.Μ.
New York(Sat.) Sep. 19, 10AM
St Louis.. Sept. 23, 10 Α.Μ.



Westernland, July 8,12 noon Kensington, Aug. 12, 12 noon
Southwark, July 15, 1:30 P.M. Westernl'nd, Aug. 19, 12noon
Berlin...... July 22, 12 noon Southwark, Aug. 26,12 noon
Noordland, July 29, 12 noon Noordland, Sept. 2, 12 noon
Friesland.. Aug. 5, 12 noon Friesland.. Sept. 9, 12 noon

6 Bowling Green, New York
305-307 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
143 La Salle St., Chicago.

609 Market St. (Grand Hotel Bldg.), San Francisco.

[blocks in formation]

Gen'l Pass. Agent,

[blocks in formation]

UNION PACIFIC Walton Van Loan says:

The Overland Route-World's Pictorial Line



It was the Route in '49!
It is the Route To-Day, and
Will be for All Time to Come!

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For tickets and full information or address any
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Ever summered in Nova Scotia? It's ideal-cool, healthful, beautiful in scenery, romantic in history, perfect for cycling, boating, bathing, and fishing. And a charming 17-hour sail, at a $5.00 fare ($9.00 for the round trip) takes you to


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It sails from Lewis Wharf Tuesday and Friday, at
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Gateway of Nova Scotia, from which you can reach the
beautiful Annapolis Valley, the famous Evangeline coun-
try, or the wonderful South Shore.
Beautiful Nova
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Send ten cents postage for it or write for free folder to
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Lakes of Muskoka

and Magnetawan River


The great Summer Resort for Health and Pleasure.
Steamers twice daily from Muskoka Wharf (Graven-
hurst); daily from Burks Falls (Magnetawan Route),
For further information see joint folders of the Grand
Trunk Railway and this Company.

FOR SALE Beautiful Camp and Cottage Site, south shore of Lake Winnipesaukee, N. H.; about half acre, hill and beach; small grove; icehouse (filled), boat-house, boat, canvas canoe, tent, etc. Photos may be seen at Outlook Office. F. A. OBER, Orange, N. J. 15 Tremont Avenue.


To tent, house at "The Hainiet," Hulett's Landing, occupied by owner until this year. On edge of lake; 10 rooms; finely furnished: boats; bathing house: tent, etc., just as used by family. Rent moderate. Inquire of SALTER STORRS CLARK, 58 William St., N.Y.City.

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Enlarged, improved, first-class in all respects; home

CHELSEA INN and COTTAGES Hampton Hill, Conn., Windham Co. Location on one of the highest and most picturesque hill-tops in the State; connecting farm supplies fresh vegetables, milk and cream; all kinds of berries; a great variety of wild flowers. Cottages to rent in part or entire; rates from $8 to $12 per week. Parties seeking a cool, quiet, healthful and restful place in the country, write for circular. F. E. WHITTAKER.

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NEW illustrated book, describing this unequaled
summer resort section, offering the BEST TABLE
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Prices from $5 per week upwards.
Mailed free, on receipt five cents postage, on appli-
cation to
S.P. A., 353 Broadway, New York. G.P.A., St. Albans, Vt.


Summer Homes.-Write the Maine Central R. R., Pass. Dept., Portland, Maine. Full summer service in effect June 21st to White Mountains, Bar Harbor, Rangeley Lakes, Moosehead Lake, St. Andrews. Guide-books, folders, and full information on application.

and Cottages



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A number of furnished cottages, with hotel service and
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Under new management. Accommodations for coaching parties. OSCAR FLORENCE, Manager.



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300 rooms. Rates, $2 to $4 per day. Season rates on application. ALBERT W. BEE, Lessee and Manager. 1,100 feet above the sea. Season June 25 to Oct. 1 HARRY A. EDGERLY, Proprietor 220 Devonshire St., Boston, Mass.


Ty'n-y-Coed Portable Camping Houses



Beautiful scenery; gigantic cliffs; delightful drives: golf links. For rates, circulars, etc., address JOHN A. SHERLOCK, Eastport, Maine.

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The thing to take to the Seashore or Mountains

All sizes. Moderate in price. Good floors and roofs. Nicely finished. Per-
fect protection from wind and rain. No nails or screws to put in. Any one
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Send 4c. in stamps for Illustrated Catalog.


CORONA, L. I., N. Y.


ERKSHIRE HILLS."-Old Homestead Farm, head Pontoosuc Lake. Boating, fishing fine bicycling: two mails daily. On main road from Lenox to Williamstown. Write for circular. CARRIER. DOW, Lanesboro, Mass.

Marblehead Rockmerer Points

Will open Ninth Season. For health, pure air, fine views, unequaled. Prominent headland; grounds and beach for bathing, boating, and fishing private for our quests. Special rates for June. Address J. R. GILES.


30 Miles at Sea

If you would stay at the leading hotel, it will be

[blocks in formation]

We make all kinds of Frame Houses, large or small, Club Houses, Churches, Chapels, Cottages, &c.

New Hampshire


AND COTTAGES, BETHLEHEM, N. H. Located on the highest point in town; wide lawns thorough heating for late guests; accommodates 150. Send for guide to Bethlehem. F. H. ABBOTT, Prop.

An Ideal Mountain Resort

Jerusalem Spring House


Terms moderate. Special rates for June, Sept.. and Oct. Jerusalem Spring Water challenges the world for its medicinal qualities, purity, and excellence. D. H. MAYNARD.

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On beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee. A modern hote well equipped. Excellent cuisine. Location offers al advantages of both mountain and lake. Fine bass fishing. Pure water supply from belknap Spring; temperature of water, 44°. Write for illustrated booklet.

A. W. EAGER, Manager.

Forest Hills Hotel

and Cottages

HEART OF THE WHITE MTS. Golf link, wheel track, casino. Up to date in every respect. MAY TO NOVEMBER. J. W. DUDLEY & CO., Proprietors, Franconia, Ν. Η.


Open June 1. Fine views of the mountains. A pretty booklet is sent free. J. A. BARNES' SONS.

Jackson, White Mountains, N. H.

whires The Iron Mountain House


Turks Head Inn


Extreme point of Cape Ann, overlooking Thatcher's Island. Fine sea views and bathing beach. Will open for the season in June. For plans and circulars address J. F. HARVEY, The Ericson, 373 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston.


Will open June 1. Special rates until July 15. Send for illustrated circular. W. A. MESERVE.



Is now open. Fine location; large and pleasant rooms table supplied with cream and berries from large farm connected. Send for circulars, with plan of rooms, etc. J. L. POTTLE, Prop.



GEO. W. CRAWFORD & SON, Jefferson Highland, N. Η.

THE GREYLOCK The Grand Mont Vernon,

WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. The best hotel, and the most beautiful village, in the Berkshires. Open May 15th. For circulars or rates address SEISER AND VINING. Proprietors.

Ν. Η.


BERKSHIRE HILLS, MASS. 1,500 feet above the sea. Rates to suit the times.



BETHLEHEM, N.H. 1,600 feet above sea-level. Delightful summer home for families. Send for booklet. E. STIMPSON.


CLOSES OCTOBER 1. OPENS JUNE 29. Address Hotel Vendôme, Boston, or Profile House Ν. Η. TAFT & GREENLEAF.

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