Best Books of 1895 for a The following list, which is made up by combining the votes of 15 librarians, selected as expert judges of books, was revised by M. S. Cutler, after consultation with J. N. Larned, and accepted at the Syracuse meeting of the New York State Library Association, May 30, 1896. Books of Reference 1. Leypoldt, Mrs. A. H. and Iles, George. List of books for girls and women and their clubs. Lib. Bur., $1. 2. Willsey, J. H., comp. Harper's Book of Facts. Harper, $8. Religion 3. Balfour, A. J. Foundations of Belief. Longmans, $2. Alden's "Study of Death" and Le Roy Beaulieu's "Israel Among the Nations" are suggested as alternates for a library where it is thought Balfour would not find readers. Social Science 4. Brooks, Noah. How the Republic is Governed. Scribner, 75 cts. 5. Shaw, Albert. Municipal Government in Con 6. tinental Europe. Century, $2. Municipal Government in Great Britain. 7. Wright, C. Century, $2. D. Industrial Evolution of the United States. (Chautauqua.) Flood, $1 Education 8. Martin, G. H. Evolution of the Massachusetts Public School System. (Internat. educ. ser.) Appleton, $1.50. 9. Wiggin, Mrs. K. D., and Smith, N. A. Froebel's Gifts. (The Republic of Childhood, v., 1.) Houghton, $1. Folk-lore and Fairy-Tales 10. Harris, J. C. Mr. Rabbit at Home. Houghton, $2. 11. Lang, Andrew. My Own Fairy-book. Long mans, $2. 47. Hapgood, I. F. Russian Rambles. Houghton, People. Macmillan, $2.50. 49. Norman, Henry. Peoples and Politics of the Far East. Scribner, $4. 50. Ralph, Julian. Dixie. Harper, $2.50. 52. Stevenson, R. L. Amateur Emigrant from the 54. Arnold, Matthew. Letters of Matthew Arnold, 55. Sherman, John. Recollections of 40 Years in the 56. Stevenson, R. L. Vailima Letters, 2 v. Stone An Old Oxford Custom A quaint old custom will be revived by the Rev. G. C. Lang, the vicar of the University Church at Oxford, and the University preacher on the day of the Encænia at Oxford. He will preach the University sermon from the stone pulpit outside Magdalen Chapel in St. John's Quadrangle. It was last used about a hundred and thirty years ago by Dr. Sheppard, the brother-in-law of Dr. Routh, who held the presidency of the college as late as 1854. The practice was curiously enough discontinued, because it was feared that it would give encouragement to field preaching. It will be a pleasant memory of the Rev. G. C. Lang's short occupancy of the University Church that he should have closed by a revival of one of Remedy APERIENT. MARK REGISTERED. Years + Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient The most pleasant and effective remedy for Constipation, Sick Headache, Disorders of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Relieves distress after eating; cures Prickly Heat; heals Eruptions, reduces Fever. Sold by Druggists. Free Scholarships keeping with Oxford tradition. Westminster Harvard, Yale, Princeton, 17. Guerber, H. A. Stories of the Wagner Operas. those customs which are more especially in Three Notable Books M A PARISIAN IN AMERICA By S. C. DE SOISSONS, author of " Boston Artists." The author, who has lived in America for a number of years, has enjoyed unusual facilities for judging of America, its manners and its customs, and has written on the subject in a masterful manner, and more thoroughly than either Max O'Rellor Bourget. $1.25 16mo, cloth, ornamental cover design, A VOYAGE TO VIKING-LAND By THOMAS SEDGWICK STEELE, author of AND OTHER TALES, by SARAH WARNER BROOKS, 44. Van Dyke, Henry. Little Rivers. Scribner, the attention of the reader to the end. The book is $2. Description and Travel 45. Bourget, Paul. Outre-mer. Scribner, $1.75. 46. Davis, R. H. About Paris. Harper, $1.22. ESTES & LAURIAT, Publishers, Boston ESSRS. HERBERT S. STONE & COMPANY offer to any person securing two hundred and fifty (250) new subscribers to THE CHAP- GOSPEL HYMNS, 1 to 6. Excel. Mus. Ed., $75 76 East 9th St., New York. 215 Wabash Ave., Chicago. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES MONEY AND BANKING By HORACE WHITE POPULAR EDITION Paper. 488 pages. Illustrated. PRICE, 50 CENTS The best presentation of the current questions of finance that are now engrossing the attention of the American people. A fearless and wholesome exposure of the errors which have infested our currency from the beginning. No more cogent or trenchant plea for honest money could be made. Ought to be in the hands of every man who desires to post himself upon the matter of sound money. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. Special discount on large orders. May be ordered of all booksellers. GINN & COMPANY About People -Como is the birthplace of Volta, and will celebrate in 1899 the one hundredth anniversary of his invention of the voltaic battery by an electrical exhibition and congress. -Major Von Wissman, the German Governor of East Africa, who is on sick leave, has gone to the Harz Mountains to recuperate his health, which has suffered much lately from climatic influences. After a long stay it is hoped that he will be sufficiently convalescent to take up his former place in East Africa. -The first part of a life of Fridtjof Nansen has appeared in Norway, Sweden, and Russia. The authors are W. C. Brogger and Nordahl Rolfsen, and in addition to the biography proper there will be an introductory poem by Bjornstjerne Bjornsen, and articles by Professor Retzius, Baron von Toll, and others. -A London journal says that for some time Mr. Gladstone has been going through the dozens of huge boxes in which he has carefully preserved his correspondence for years. A great many letters of little or no interest have been weeded out, but there still remain no less than 60,000 missives, which are tied up in bundles and carefully docketed. -Several years ago Marshall Harris, a wealthy lumberman of Oshkosh, Wis., bequeathed to the city $60,000, to be used in the building of a library, provided the amount THE HAIR th Ed., 25 cts. (or stamps). was increased to $100,000 by other contributions. Senator Sawyer has recently volunteered to add $25,000, and it seems probable that the remaining $15,000 will be forthcoming. -A new anecdote of Christopher North has been put in circulation. A feminine enthusiast was talking to the eccentric writer Why it Falls off, Turns Grey. THE about his "noble head;" she told him about HANDY BINDER his "frontal development" and so on. Finally, for The Outlook, made to hold compactly and conveniently twenty-six numbers, will be sent by mail on receipt of sixty cents. -The house in which William Wilberforce NEW YORK to Hull to visit the place. It will be used, TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS, hereafter as a warehouse. -A correspondent of the London " Literary World" sends it the following story regarding the late Mrs. Stowe's magnum opus; the incident happened when the book was at the height of its popularity: The mistress of a country-house in the Southwest of Scotland rang the drawing-room bell one afternoon, and, after some delay, a maid appeared. The lady gave her order, and then said, "But why did you come, Janet? Where is Alexander?" (Alexander was the footman). "Please, mum," said Janet, dropping a shame-faced curtsey, " he's been reading 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' an' he's a' begrutten." -The Boston "Transcript" says: "His Highness the Maharaja Sawai Madhu Singh, G. C. S. I., of Jeypore, Rajputana, India, has recently sent to the art library of the Essex Institute a copy of his rare and magnificent work in six great portfolio volumes, giving the best possible idea of the art tracery and exterior and interior decoration and designing of the wonderful temple and domestic architecture of India since the Mogul period. This enterprise was undertaken at his highness' expense several years ago, and the result, printed in a limited number of of copies, has been wholly exhausted. More than 300 applications were made for the last fourteen copies, one of which came to the institute. Each volume contains an elaborate presentation book-plate." For Indigestion Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate Dr. L. D. BIEBER, Phillipsburg, N. J., says: "It is an excellent remedy for indigestion, and, when diluted with water, a pleasant beverage." 102 Fulton st., New York, sell all makes under half price. Don't buy before writing them for unprejudiced advice and prices. Exchanges. Immense stock for selection. Shipped for trial. Guaranteed first class, Largest hose in the world. Dealers supplied. 52-page illus. cat, free. SUBSCRIBERS' WANTS Want advertisements of thirty words or less will be published under this heading at one dollar a week. Four cents a week is charged for each word in excess of thirty. WANTED-By an intelligent, capable young woman, a position as companion and secretary. Understands stenography and typewriting, and is accustomed to responsibility. No objection to traveling. Highest references. Seven years in present position. Address Miss W., 124 West Second St., Los Angeles, Cal. FOR FREE ROOM RENT in New York, a gentleman, recently instructor in leading Boston preparatory school, now a graduate student at Columbia College. will oversee the studies and conduct of young student. Excellent references. Address Box 889, Wiscasset, Maine. A LADY TEACHER, of experience in several of the best private schools in New York, viz., "The Charlier Institute," "Columbia Institute," is open for an engagement. Address "TEACHER," care Rev. A. D. Vail, D.D., 104 East 86th Street, New York. A KINDERGARTNER, graduate of a New York training class, with experience in mission and private work, desires a kindergarten position for the ensuing winter. References. Address KINDERGARTNER, Blowing Rock, North Carolina. THE PRINCIPALS of a day school twelve miles from New York would like to receive into their home three young ladies. Pleasant family life; opportunities to enjoy art and music in the city. F. T., No. 1,561, care The Outlook. WANTED-By a young lady artist, position in a boarding-school to teach drawing, painting, and History of Art. Has had several years' experience; can furnish references. Address A. P. C., No. 1,651, care The Outlook. A LADY of domestic habits wishes a position as housekeeper and the charge of motherless children. References given. Address M. L., No. 1,653, care Outlook Co. WANTED TO RENT IN MONTCLAIR, N. J., house of 8 or 9 rooms. House must have modern improvements. Address No. 1,618, care The Outlook. The Week The Business World is In financial circles the event of the week has been the completion of the plan of the bankers of New York and other cities to restore the Treasury gold reserve, by exchanging about $20,000,000 of their own gold for legal tenders, and by forestalling, by a pool arrangement as to exchange, the relief which might be expected from the usual fall movement of exchange toward this country on account of the fall exports. We speak editorially of this plan elsewhere. The result in Wall Street was to arrest the depression prevalent in the early part of the week, but the market is still far from strong. On Monday of this week it was stagnant, and sales were small. On Saturday prices averaged about 11⁄2 per cent. higher than on Saturday of the previous week, though there were declines in Manhattan, Burlington and Quincy, and a few other stocks. It is to be noted that there has been no rise in the price of silver bullion, and the conclusion drawn by many that there exists no real fear of silver free coinage becoming an actuality, and that the fear of a new bond issue (now averted, at least for some months) was the cause of the depression. The weekly statement of the banks showed a decrease of over twelve millions in deposit, of six millions in specie, and of over five millions in legal tenders; of course, the decrease in specie is due to the great gold transaction with the Government, while the decrease in deposits is mainly due to the gold exports. Reports of general trade from the country at large are not encouraging. Purchasers are holding back everywhere. Not a few strikes and closing of mills are recorded. Exports of wheat continue to increase, as compared with the previous week, and with last year, but are far short of the totals for the same week in 1894 and 1893. Business failures for the week (" Bradstreet's" report) were 280 as against 255 the week before, and 239 in the same week last year. Street Railway Fares Extraordinary low rates per mile are indicated by the distances for which a passenger may ride for a single fivecent fare, by the use of transfers, on some of the street railways, as may be seen in the following table compiled by the "Street Railway Journal:" Track Miles for Rate per mile. promising. The crop is decidedly in advance Progress of the Newspaper accounts for the previous year. The exports of corn from New Orleans for the past twelve months amounted to 19,676,703 bushels, compared with but 2,572,362 bushels for 1895. During this period New York secured but 23,527,779 bushels, while with fair rates in effect from the West it should have handled at least 40,000,000 bushels. "The cause of all this ruinous diversion," says the "Inter-Ocean," "is summed up in the words Joint Traffic Association. This combine, which is nothing more than a scheme to inflate American railroad stocks in Europe, stubbornly refuses to either reduce rates from Chicago to the East or to readjust them in a way to meet the strong competition of the roads leading to the Southern and Southeastern ports, which are not members of this confidence organization." The report of the Navi Our Merchant Marine gation Bureau shows that during the year ending June 30, 1896, 709 vessels of 204,000 regarding the progress made with the construc- two sections. On this section many of the .0040 .0028 .0051 City. New York. .0056 .0033 .0050 .0043 The "Journal" says: "Brooklyn appears to take the palm by giving an electric ride of 18 miles for 5 cents, but Chicago beats this in the case of a steam road, which carries passen gers a straight trip of 21 miles for a single nickel, and goes to the expense of printing, selling, collecting, and auditing a ticket for each trip also. But, taking the actual distance traveled, street railway rates are not so remark Channels of From time to time we hear ably low compared with those of steam roads, through New York. At the People's Party DISCREET PEOPLE LIFE ANNUITIES for an immense number of their fares are received for short trips of 1,2 or 3 miles, for which 5 cents is a profitable rate, and passen gers are constantly leaving and arriving on every run through a populous city. On the long runs the business would be done at a heavy loss were it not for the large returns from the short trips." In New York City there can be made out at least one route under the present system of transfers by which a passenger could, theoretically, ride for ever. The crop bulletin issued by the Weather Bureau for the week ending July 20 says that the week has been generally favorable for growing crops in the principal agricultural States. Too much rain, however, has caused damage to grain in shock in the Ohio Valley and in Tennessee. Corn has made excellent progress during the week, and the outlook for this crop in the great corn States continues most Convention, in St. Louis, one delegate is They provide a fixed income for life, and for Elderly People yield double the usual rate of interest. Security absolute. Information given and orders executed by B. C. CARPENTER, 256 Broadway, N. Y. THE "16 to 1” QUESTION? interests yau, doesn't it, if you "can put down one and carry off 16?" An investment in IRRIGATED IDAHO FRUIT FARM LANDS, if made now, will repay you twentyfold in ten years. The most fertile soil in the world (with perpetual water right) situated upon the main line of the R., near the town of Orchard, Idaho, is offered in blocks of from 5 to 40 acres upon the most easy terms. Homes built for bona-fide settlers. School, Depot, fire protection, and unequaled drinking water. A few choice town lots also for sale. If you want literature and maps or to ask questions,address Supt. of Lands, IDAHO FRUIT CO., 50 Broadway, N. Y. This Company is composed of men whose reputation is national. The Crops 25 CTS PISO'S CURE FOR Font Cough Syrup. Tastes Gooo. Use 25 CTS The Outlook A-Family-Paper New Series of The Christian Union Copyright, 18%, by The Outlook Company. Entered as second-class matter in the New York Post-Office. The Outlook is a weekly Family Paper, containing this week forty pages. The subscription price is Three Dollars a year, payable in advance. Postage is Prepaid by the publishers for all subscriptions in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. For all other countries in the Postal Union add $1.56 for postage. Changes of Address.-When a change of address is ordered, both the new and the old address must be given. The notice should be sent one week before the change is to take effect. Discontinuances.—If a subscriber wishes his copy of the paper discontinued at the expiration of his subscription, notice to that effect should be sent. Otherwise it is assumed that a continuance of the subscription is desired. How to Remit.-Remittances should be sent by Check, Draft, Express-Order, or Money-Order payable to order of THE OUTLOOK COMPANY. Cash should be sent in Registered Letter. Letters should be addressed: Clinton Hall, Astor Place, Bits of Fun New York. Mrs. Dearborn-Is she unmarried? Mrs. Lakefront-Decidedly so. She has been unmarried three times. -Truth. The man who says the right thing at the right time is the man who says nothing at all when in doubt. - Interstate Grocer. Teacher-Tell me a few of the most important things existing to-day which did not exist a hundred years ago. Tommy-Us.Paris Messenger. Master-How was this vase smashed, Mary? Mary-If you please, sir, it tumbled down and broke itself. Master-Humph! The automatic brake again. - Tid-Bits. Little Clarence-Pa? Mr. Callipers-Well ? Little Clarence-Which is the more abominable, pa, the man who knows it all or the man who has always heard it before? - Truth. "Those sandwiches remind me of my native town," said a Massachusetts man at the railway restaurant. "Deadham?" asked the girl at the counter. "No; Needham."— Boston Commercial. In an Irish daily there recently appeared this advertisement: "Wanted-A gentleman to undertake the sale of a patent medicine; the advertiser guarantees it will be profitable to the undertaker." - Household Words. "It's remarkable to see how much condensed milk is being used nowadays," remarked the summer boarder. "Yes," replied the guileless dairyman as he reached for the pump-handle, "and how much expanded milk, too."-Washington Star. "I hear your family are at Bolivar-by-theSea?" "Yes." "How is it down there?" "Well, if it wasn't for the hotels and the mosquitoes and the noise of the ocean and the people and the sand it wouldn't be half bad if you couldn't go anywhere else."-Harper's Bazar. A gentleman was assisting at a bazaar last winter by reciting now and again during the evening. He had recited once or twice, and the people were sitting about chaffing, when he heard one of the committee go up to the chairman and whisper: "Hadn't Mr. better give us another recitation now?" Whereupon the chairman replied: "No, not yet; let them enjoy themselves a bit longer." -Tid-Bits. A New England clergyman was for some time disturbed by the members of the choir. Finally, he found a way of quieting them. After the long prayer one Sunday he announced a hymn, as usual, and added: “I hope the entire congregation will join in singing this grand old hymn; and I know the choir will, for I heard them humming it during the prayer."-Lewiston Journal. The late Lord Chief Justice of England used to tell his friends this anecdote at his own expense: Driving in his coupé toward his court one morning an accident happened to it at Grosvenor Square. Fearing he would be belated, he called a nearby cab from the street rank, and bade the Jehu drive him as rapidly as possible to the court of justice. "And where be they?" "What, a London cabby, and don't know where the law courts are at Old Temple Bar?" "Oh, the law courts, is it? But you said the courts of justice." On his way to his judicial seat the Chief Justice saw at once that a line was drawn in the common mind between law and justice. As if, for instance, while one was dispensed, the other was dispensed with.The Green Bag. In a well-known bank in Edinburgh the clerks are presided over by a rather impetuous manager, whose violent fits of temper very often dominate his reason. For instance, the other day, he was wiring into one of them about his bad work. "Look here, Jones," he thundered, "this won't do! These figures are a perfect disgrace to a clerk! I could get an office boy to make better figures than those, and I tell you I won't have it! Now look at that five. It just looks like three. What do you mean, sir, by making such beastly figures ? Explain !" "I-er-I beg pardon, sir," suggested the trembling clerk, his heart fluttering terribly; "but-er-well, you see, sir, it is a three." "A three!" roared the manager. "Why, you idiot, it looks just like a five!" And then the subject dropped for an indefinite period.-Scottish-American. a Old Mrs. K., an orthodox member of the Society of Friends, was noted for her uncompromising truthfulness. The story is told of her that one day, when out driving with her daughter, they met a young acquaintance of Miss K.'s. Mrs. K. halted her horse while the two girls chatted for a moment, and Miss K. took the opportunity to invite her friend to spend the following day with her. Mrs. K., who was not fond of young people, maintained a rigid silence during the invitation. The friend drove on. In a few minutes the K. carriage came dashing up again behind her. Mrs. K. had evidently been taken to task by her daughter for her lack of courtesy, and wished to set herself right. Leaning out of her wagon, she called to the astonished young woman: "I want to say, Anna B., that I haven't any objections to thee coming tomorrow!"-New York Tribune. Laughing Babies are loved by everbody. Those raised on the Gail Borden Eagle Brand Condensed Milk are comparatively free from sickness. Infant Health is a valuable pamphlet for mothers. Send your address for a copy to the New York Condensed Milk Company, New York. Drum in position DEAFNESS and Head Noises relieved by using Wilson's Common Sense Ear Drums. New scientific invention: different from all other devices. The only safe, simple, comfortable and invisible Ear Drum in the world. Helps where medical skill fails. No wire or string attachment. Write for pamphlet. WILSON EAR DRUM CO. Ofmces: 155 Trust Bldg., Louisville, Ky. R. 171,1192 Broadway, N. Y. Recreation Department It will give The Outlook Company much pleasure to assist you in planning your Summer Outing if you will write stating fully what you desire. No charge is made for this service. Suggestions for planning a vacation or a trip anywhere in the world; printed information, if issued, concerning any Transportation Line, anv Tour, any Hotel, or any Pleasure or Health Resort in any part of the world, will be sent on request, without charge, to any Outlook reader. The Perplexing Problem Address Recreation Department, The Outlook, 13 Astor Place, New York. of a summer outing is solved by the handsome new book just issued by the Delaware and Hudson Railroad, containing illustrations of localities, hotels, and boarding-houses, maps, rates, routes, etc. Sent free on receipt of 4 cents postage. J. W. Burdick, General Passenger Agent, Albany, N. Y. H. G. Young, Second Vice-President. Country Farm for Sale called "Star Lake Farm." Finely located near Lake Sunapee. Is 2,000 ft. above sea-level, supplied by the coldest and purest of water, and where the air is clear and bracing. 115 acres of land, some of which is covered with maple trees, some is pasture, and some is well cleared and well fenced. Hennery for 175 fowls, stabling for 4 horses, room for 20 cattle, silo or ice house, buildings all good, etc., etc. 12 ponds and lakes within 4 miles of property. The farm, which is to be sold before Sept. 1st, 18%, must be seen to be appreciated. Intending buyers accommodated on premises without extra charge. A chance of a lifetime. For information address M. T. CHASE, Georges Mills, N. Η. RED STAR LINE UNION PACIFIC NEW YORK-ANTWERP Friesland.. Aug. 5, 12 noon Friesland.. Sept. 9, 12 noon Kensington, Aug. 12, 12 noon Kensington, Sept. 16, 12 noon Westernl'nd, Aug. 19, 12noon Westernl'nd, Sept. 23, 12noon Southwark, Aug. 26,12 noon Sotuhwark. Sept. 30, 10 л.м. Noordland. Sept. 2, 12 noon Noordland.. Oct. 7, 12 noon INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY 6 Bowling Green, New York 305-307 Walnut St., Philadelphia. 143 La Salle St., Chicago. 609 Market St. (Grand Hotel Bldg.), San Francisco. CHESTER, ENGLAND QUEEN HOTEL First-Class Hotel, connected with the General Railway by covered Way. Lift. H. T. GOULD, Manager. TRAVEL 17 HOURS TO PARADISE THE BEAUTIFUL LAND On the map it's Nova Scotia; in literature it's called "Acadia, Evangeline's Land;" but every vacationist calls it "The Summer Paradise." A land of cool nights and bright days; of enchanting views and perfect climate; a land of rest and recreation; of lakes and streams, and fish and game. Then the 17-hour sail on THE FINE STEEL STEAMERS THE "BOSTON” AND “YARMOUTH" the fastest, stanchest, steadiest steamers that sail out of Boston Harbor. You leave Lewis Wharf, Boston, every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday at 12 noonthe next morning you are at Yarmouth, the portal of the Province. "Beautiful Nova Scotia," a handsome 60-page book, with 40 photo-engravings, will tell you all about it -where to go-what to do-how much it costs-everything. Write for it (putting in 10 cents for postage) or send for free circular to J. F. SPINNEY, Agent YARMOUTH STEAMSHIP CO. 43 Lewis Wharf, Boston, Mass. OW PRICES FOR BOARD in Attractive Pass. Dept., Portland, Maine. Full summer service in effect June 21st to White Mountains, Bar Harbor, Rangeley Lakes, Moosehead Lake, St. Andrews. Guide-books, folders, and full information on application. SUMMER COTTAGES Cottage at Silver Bay on Lake George Well furnished, either with board or without, will be let at nominal rent for remainder of season. Apply to HAROLD R. CODMAN, Silver Bay, Warren Co., N.Y HOTELS AND RESORTS Canada Miss Leonard's BOARDING Established 1865. HOUSE QUEBEC, CANADA Colorado COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.: The Antlers Illustrated book, describing Colorado Springs, sent on request by E. BARNETT, Proprietor. Connecticut Pequot House and Cottages NEW LONDON, CONN. NOW OPEN "A delightful combination of seashore and country life at the Pequot." A number of furnished cottages, with hotel service and board, to let for the season. For terms and circulars address WEANTINAUG INN New Milford, Conn. Under new management. Accommodations for coaching parties. OSCAR FLORENCE, Manager. Maine “THE OVERLAND LIMITED" Pullman Palace epers; Dining Cars; Free Reclin- Union Pacific agent, or E. L. LOMAX, Gen. Pass. & Tkt. RAMSDELL LINE Steamers leave Pier 24 N. R., foot Franklin St.. for Cranston's, West Point, Cold Spring, Cornwall, Fishkil. Landing, and Newburg, week days, 5 P.M.; Sunday, 9 Α.Μ.: 132d St. & N. R. 9:25 A.M. Returning leave Newburg daily 7 P.M. U S. Hotel at Newburg landing. Dinner 50 cents SUMMER HOMES ON LONG ISLAND |