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Babies Love


because it is every particle
nourishment, easily digest-
ed and taken into the sys-
tem. It makes them happy
and healthy. The first food
manufactured in America.

WOOLRICH & CO., Palmer, Mass.


hold shoe laces securely
without tying a knot.

Think what they will mean to you: No bother about shoe-strings coming untied in the street; no ends to dangle; no loops to tangle!

PRATT FASTENERS are now recognized as an indispensable structural part of all lace shoes, and it is acknowledged that a lace shoe is unfinished and incomplete without them.


You can buy Shoes with Pratt Fasteners of Cammeyer, at Arnold's, 240 Fifth Avenue, or at Cantrell's, 25 West 23d Street, and at all of Hanan & Son's stores, all Rogers, Peet & Co.'s stores, all of Brill Bros.' stores, at both of A. Alexander's stores, of Edwin C. Burt & Co., 72 West 23d Street, at Hilton, Hughes & Co.'s, of F. O'Neill & Co.'s, and others in NewYork City; of Thayer, McNeil & Hodgkins, in Boston; Swope's in St. Louis; Potter's in Cincinnati; Kast's in San Francisco; Schumacher Bros'. Milwaukee; of DeMuth, Streeter, Foreman Shoe Co.; Elkins, Wiswall, Carson Pirie Scott & Co., Schlesinger & Mayer, Siegel, Cooper & Co., and Marshall Field & Co., Chicago, and of the best retail shoe stores in all the largest cities and towns throughout the country, as the two hundred shoe manufacturing firms now using them are sending shoes finished with them to the retail dealers everywhere.

Because Shoes with



quicker than Shoes without them. People want them!

Your retail shoe dealer CAN get them for you without charge

and Children's shoes. For Bicycle, Golf, Tennis, Baseball, Football, and all Outing and Athletic Shoes.

if you ask him. His manufacturers will use them if he asks them to when ordering. They actually hold the lace securely-all day-every day-all the timewithout its slipping or wearing the lace. They are quick! They are sure!

Agents wanted in every city and town in America. Manufacturers and retail

to specify and identify the Pratt Fastener when ordering, as there is no other shoe-lace fastener that will hold the lace reliably and satisfactorily: always. Terms and full information from


200 Market Street, Chicago.


110 Lincoln Street, Boston.

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By Lydia Avery Coonley

Ye crystal days of August that smile upon the hills,
And send your sunbeams seeking the perfume summer spills !
The blue skies are your banners; the forests wear your shields ;
The army of the harvest sets vanguard in your fields.

Warm breezes from the tropics bring waves of throbbing heat;
The locusts' scorching accents the breathless stillness greet;
The brook with gentle murmur the mossy stone enfolds,
And goldenrod has burnished the scepter that he holds.
The clouds in fleecy whiteness lift battlements that rise
To build a heavenly city upon the radiant skies;

And, high above, white mountains its shining towers enclose,

As if the heart of summer remembered winter snows.

Ye crystal nights of August, your shadows on the lawn
Grow deep when herald twilight your mystic shield has drawn;
The aspen cymbals quiver, though wind-harps all are still,
And no æolian whisper is heard upon the hill.

In breathless silence driven across the waiting sky,
A trail of fire for signal the shooting-star worlds fly;
And, while Orion watches their course of rushing light,
They vanish like a vision that thrills the breast of night.
The midnight hour approaches, and all the stars grow pale,
As, rising to the zenith, the moon withdraws her veil.
Night gathers up the jewels in star-fields thickly sown,
And crowns her queen triumphant upon a silver throne.


New Books...


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Misses Whitfield and Bliss Boarding and Day School for Girls, 41 West 124th Street, Mount Morris Park, New York City. Reopens October 1st.

YORK CITY for girl students. References given and required. For particulars address, till Sept. 15th. Box 64, Siasconset, Massachusetts.


POMONA COLLEGE, Claremont, Cal. Full College courses leading to degrees of B.A., B.L., B.S. Degrees recognized by University of California and other similar graduate schools. Thirty-five miles from Los Angeles. An Academic course. Preparatory school preparing for all institutions connected with the College. Address C. G. BALDWIN, President.



Mr. F. C. Thornton, a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, wishes to receive three boys to educate. Every home comfort given under Mrs. Thornton's care. Their home is a large ranch twelve miles from Colorado Springs, where riding and other healthful exercises are provided References, Wm. F. Slocum, Jr., Pres. Colorado College, Colorado Springs; Prof. T. S. Woolsey, Yale College, Conn. Address F. C. THORNTΟΝ, Franceville Junction, Colorado.


Brookfield Center, Fairfield Co., Conn.

For Young Women, WASHINGTON, D. C.

claims the attention of thoughtful parents on the following grounds:

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Its charming location in the suburbs of Washington, Opens Oct. 7. D. C., 400 feet above the city; 20 minutes out B. & O. R.R., 20 trains a day; city and country advantages. Station on the grounds.

Its proximity to Washington, whose wonderful educational facilities are offered by no other city. Libraries, Museums, Departments of Government, Congress, Foreign Legations, official and social life at the National Capital, are all interesting and profitable study.

Its equable climate, free from the rigors of the Northern winter, inviting outdoor life. Tennis, basket-ball, bowling, croquet, riding, etc.

Its complete equipment. Handsome $75,000 building, 330 feet front, 400 feet verandas, Libraries, Laboratory, Fine Gymnasium, extensive and picturesque grounds. Courses of study planned especially for the development of womanly women; also College preparation. 25 teachers, 70 resident pupils. Graduate courses in Music, Art, and Elocution

A bright, cheery, happy, artistic, and loving home. Health a matter of first consideration. Personal care in sickness and in health. Abundant table. Every home comfort. No Nerve-Straining Examinations; promotions depend on daily grades. Training in CharacterBuilding given by a mother who has made it a study. See catalogue, page 35. Limited number enables us to select our students carefully and to supervise habits, manners, associations, etc.


Provision made for pleasure and happiness as well as study. See our calendar of Pleasant Home Happenings. Expense, $350 to $400. Early application States represented last session. Write for catalogue giving views of the school and opinions of enthusiastic patrons. Address J. A. I. CASSEDY, Pres., P. O. Box 211, Forest Glen, Md.

The Curtis School for Young Boys Chevy Chase French and English Boarding

A strong life in school and out, full of normal activities and healthy conditions. A clean moral atmosphere, a loyalty, a high purpose-full of help for your boy's manhood. Home life; single rooms. $500. 22d year. A book full of suggestion. FREDERICK'S CURTIS.


For College or for Business.
The 103d year will open Sept. 16.

Address E. D. WOODBURY, Principal, Cheshire, Conn.

The Housatonic Valley Institute Cornwall

Among the Berkshire Hills of Northwestern Connecticut. Home School for boys. Classical, Scientific, Business, Preparatory Courses. Thirteenth year.

H. B. MacFarland, S. B., L. W. Arnold, A. B., Principals

The Misses Stowe HOMESTEAD

SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, Greenwich, Ct. A Family School for 12 Girls.

Academy and Home for 10 Boys


71st year of Academy, 17th of Home. Preparation for College or Business. Absolutely healthful location and genuine home, with refined surroundings. Gymnasium. References required. J. H. ROOT, Principal.

Woodside Seminary Terms, $500 to

$700. City ad vantages for culture and study. Rural surroundings. Miss SARA J. SMITH, Principal, Hartford, Conn.

THE TACONIC SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Lakeville, Conn.-Opens Sept. 30. Admission to college by certificates. Miss ELIZA HARDY WARD, Principal.

and Day School for Young Ladies.-Half an hour from Washington, D. C., by electriccars. French the Language of the house. Reopens October 1, 1896. Address Mlle. Lea Bouligny, P. O. Station E, Washington, D. C.



Thorough courses. Experienced facuity. Bountiful table. Charming location in park of ten acres. New buildings, elegantly furnished. F. MENEFEE, President, Washington, D. C.

Washington, D. C. (Cor. M and Eleventh Sts., N. W.)

Mount Vernon Seminary

English, French, and German Boarding and Day School for Young Girls. Opens September thirtieth.

Boston, Mass.

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Ashley Hall Home School

Mrs. ELIZABETH J. SOMERS, Principal.


QRANCE, Paris. St. Margaret's Church French the language of the household. Autumn term opens October 1. Terms, $1,000 a year. Address Miss JULIA H. C. ACLY, 50 Avenue d'Jéna.

A teacher will conduct pupils from New York to Paris in September. Address, until Sept. 1, Miss Mary Davy, care Finch. Van Slyck & Young, St. Paul, Minn.


BERLIN, GERMANY American Home School for Girls Mrs. MARY B. WILLARD, Principal, will spend the month of August in the United States, and will return to Germany with pupils in September. Address 2019 O Street, Washington, D. C.

for Young Ladies. Ten miles from Boston. Music, Art, and Languages. Thorough preparation for College. Miss WHITTEMORE, Principal, Montvale, Mass.



MOUNT HOLYOKE COLLEGE offers three courses. Music and Art. Library, Laboratories, Cabinets, and Observatory. The sixtieth year opens Sept. 17th, 1896. Board and tuition, $250. Mrs. E. S. MEAD, President.

ATTRACTIVE LIFE CALLING An unequaled opportunity for some of our best men and women in the new profession"-lay Sunday-school and Missionary work. The School for Christian Workers, Springfield, Mass., should enter 100 leaders Sept. 2d in order to begin to fill the demand. New: Ladies Home. recognized practical missionary instructor, decision by trustees to place Institution on highest educational basis and secure as president a leader among college and seminary presidents. Arouse your friends and send for catalog.

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WESLEYAN ACADEMY WILBRAHAM, MASS. Both Sexes. Nine Courses. Specialists in Classics, Arts, and Music. Enlarged endowment insures superior advantages at moderate expense. 80th year. Opens Sept. 16, 1896. For Catalogue address Rev. WM. R. NEWHALL, Prin.


The Quincy Mansion School for Girls

Will open at Quincy, Sept, 23.. Regular Courses; experienced teachers; special attention paid to vocal and instrumental music: certificate admits to college; building, class-rooms on first floor; stairs few and easy; beautiful grounds-four acres, view of Boston, the harbor, and Massachusetts Bay; rooms high and light; fireplaces; steam heat electric lights; open plumbing; 13 min. ride from Boston. Send for prospectus to

Dr. HORACE MANN WILLARD, Wollaston, Mass.

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Main Building

New Jersey

Riverview Academy


61st year. Gives Boys a thorough preparation for College, for Business Life, and for Govt. schools. Riverview students are found in all colleges and scientific schools. The Instructors, nine of whom are resident, are men of experience in their departments. United States officer detailed at Riverview by Secretary of War. The Buildings of the school are beautifully situated on high ground overlooking the Hudson. Careful attention has been given to drainage, lighting, and ventilation. J. B. BISBEE, Α.Μ.


OME AND SCHOOL FOR THREE BOYS Under Thirteen Years of Age.-Two ladies, one a teacher, would be glad to receive into their home three boys under thirteen years of age, with a view to prevaring them for high-school or preparatory studies. A Christian home and careful instruction are promised. The boys would also enjoy many collateral advantages in connection with the Lawrenceville School. Reference is made by permission to the Head Master, Dr. Mackenzie. Address A. F. JAMIESON, Lawrenceville. New Jersey.

Montelair Military Academy,

Montclair, N. J.

There is a point in a boy's life where the home influence must begin to weaken and outside influences to gain. Beyond this the parent influences him indirectly, namely, by selecting his companions and surroundings.

In this school, education means more than the study of books. Moral and

The Phillips Exeter Academy physical excellence, as well, are prime

The 114th year begins September 16th, 1896. Eighty Scholarships awarded to students of high standing. For Catalogue and illustrated Supplement address HARLAN P. AMEN, Principal, Exeter, N. H.


No boy will be admitted whose record will not bear a careful examination. Our

COLBY ACADEMY, New London, N. H. boys, though by no means perfect, are

$200 to $250 a Year. Co-educational. 44th Year. Send for Catalogue. Rev. GEO. W. GILE, PRESIDENT

New Jersey IVY HALL BRIDGETON NEW for Young Ladies Certificate admits to Smith, Established 1861. Mis. J. ALLEN MAXWELL, Principal.

Home College Preparatory School

SOUTH JERSEY INSTITUTE Bridgeton, 27th year begins Sept. 16. Both sexes. Prepares for any College, Teaching, or Business. French German Art, Music, Gymnasium. Competent Physical Director. Spacious campus and athletic field. Pure water, drainage perfect. H. K. TRASK, Principal.

Bordentown (N. J.) Female College For young ladies and girls. Languages, art, and music. Ideal honte school. Send for catalogue.

BORDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE MILITARY. Prepares for Colleges and Government Academies. Music: Military Training; Government, a combination of parental and military. No compromise on tobacco. liquor, or hazing. Rev. T. H. LANDON, A.M., Prin. Capt. T. D. LANDON, Com'd't.

Englewood, N. J. (14 miles from New York)

Dwight School for Girls yeth

New, pleasant home; finest educational advantages. College preparation. Miss CREIGHTON. Miss FARRAR.

MISS GERRISH'S School for Girls
Englewood, New Jersey
Collegiate and special courses of study.


above the average, and are striving to live the clean and honorable life of a true gentleman.

Head Master,

Miss Dana's School for Girls,

Morristown, New Jersey, will reopen September 23. Certificate admits to Smith, Wellesley, Baltimore Colleges. Music and Aft. Resident native French and German teachers. Nearness to New York affords spe cial advantages. Boarding pupils, $700,

Miss Townsend's School for Girls Academic and college preparatory departments. Special courses. Sept. 29. 54 Park Place, Newark, N. J.

The Misses Anable's English, French, and German Boarding and Day School NEW BRUNSWICK, NEW JERSEY College Preparation, Art, and Music. Apply for circulars.

SUMMIT, N. J. Near New York

The Kent Place School for Girls Principal, Mrs. Sarah Woodman Paul, late of Wellesley College. Modern methods. College preparation. Home comforts for boarding pupils.


New York

138-140 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Boarding and Day School for Girls. 46th year opens September 24th. College preparation. Terms, $700. For circulars address the Seminary.



New York


A Classical Seminary of high grade for boys and girls. Beautiful and healthful location in the Hudson River Valley, A record of forty-two years of uninterrupted successful educational work. Conservatory of Music, Art, and Elocution. 43d year begins Sept. 16. For catalogues address Rev. A. H. FLACK, A.M., Principal, Claverack, N. Y.

HOUGHTON SEMINARY For Young Women, affords best facilities for scholarship. culture, and sound moral training amid pleasant, healthA. G. BENEDICT, A.M., Clinton, N. Y.

surroundings. College preparatory.


Granger Place School for Girls A Collegiate Course of Study. Diplomas given. Pre paratory course admits to leading colleges by certificate. Special attention given to the culture of girls who are not expecting to enter college, but desire a thorough and practical education.

New York Military Academy


For boarding cadets only. Distinctively military in organization and discipline. Located on the Hudson River four miles from West Point, in a region famous for its beauty and healthfulness. For catalogue address

S. C. JONES, C.E., Superintendent.

Fort Edward Collegiate Institute

For young women and girls. A choice of six courses or special studies. 39th year Sept. 22d, 1896. $350. Illustrated catalogue. JOS. E. KING, Pres., Fort Edward, N. Y.


Boys' school, Prepares for College or Scientific School. Cottage dormitories: new gymnasium; anmple grounds for sports. Opens Sept. 10th. Send for particulars to F. L. SHEPARDSON, A.M., Principal.

MISS BENNETT'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Irvington-on-Hudson, N. Y. Opens Sept. 23d, 1896. An exceptional school with the most desirable school features, 20 miles from New York. Refers to Charles

Dudley Warner, &c. Apply to the Principals,

Miss F. BENNETT, Miss W. ROSE.



Next term begins September 16th, 1896.
Apply to WM. VERBECK.

NEW YORK, Newburgh.
The Misses Mackie's School for Girls
Academic and College-Preparatory. Special advantages
in Art and Music. Certificate admits to Vassar and

One and a half hours from New York.

The Peekskill Military Academy

Peekskill, N. Y.-63d year. Send for illustrated catalogue. Col. LOUIS H. ORLEMAN, Prin.

The Clinton Classical School for Boys Open all the year. Fall term begins Sept. 17th. CHARLES W. CLINTON, Ph.D., Principal, Peekskill-on-Hudson, N. Y.

Young Ladies' Seminary
Preparation for College. Seminary Course. Post-Grad- CAYUGA LAKE MILITARY ACADEMY LYNDON HALL SCHOOL

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