VOL. II. STUDIES IN ELOQUENCE AND LOGIC. BY L. T. TOWNSEND, D. D., PROFESSOR IN BOSTON UNIVERSITY, AND DEAN OF CHAUTAUQUA SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY. NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. 1881. TO HON. LEWIS MILLER, OF AKRON, OHIO, WHOSE SUGGESTION MADE CHAUTAUQUA LAKE THE SITE OF THE FIRST SUNDAY-SCHOOL ASSEMBLY, AND WHOSE WISE COUNSELS AND NOBLE PATRONAGE HAVE, IN A LARGE DEGREE, CONTRIBUTED TO THE SUCCESS OF THE WHOLE CHAUTAUQUA MOVEMENT, THIS TREATISE IS RESPECTFULLY Dedicated. PREFACE. THE author desires to express gratitude for the commendations bestowed by the public upon Volume I. Nor is he less thankful for adverse criticisms; the most of which, doubtless, are just. If errors are discovered in this book, he would regard it a favor to have them pointed out, that corrections may be made. The author has felt that clergymen more than those of other professions will study this treatise, hence the same method as in Volume I. has been adopted, that of drawing the illustrations largely from the Bible and sermonic literature. The field remaining to be discussed under "THE ART OF SPEECH," includes Studies in Elocution and Psychology. A volume, covering these subjects, uniform with I. and II., will in due time be prepared for the Chautauqua Course by some writer not yet determined upon. |