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Abbott, Jacob, 41, 113.
Adams, H. G., 13, 94.
Addison, 32, 76, 82, 127.

Anselm, St., 88.
Antoninus, 75.

Aristotle, 112.

Atterbury, 32, 80, 111, 141.

Augustin, St., 51, 77.

Bacon, Lord, 88, 114.
Barton, Bernard, 66.

Basil, St., 134.

Bayley, Rev. Robert, 127.
Beattie, Dr. William, 94.

Beaumont, 138.

Blair, 27, 30, 36, 58, 65, 80, 98.
Bolingbroke, 21.

Bowring, Dr., 33, 137.
Boucher, 115.

Brown, Dr., 52.

Browne, Sir Thomas, 136.
Buonaparte, Louis, 144, 150.
Burke, 76, 84.

Burleigh, Lord, 107.

Burton, 97.

Campbell, the Rev., 92.

Carlyle, Thomas, 67, 136.
Catechism, Church, 153.

Cato, D., 134.
Cayley, C., 23.

Cecil, 115.

Chalmers, Dr., 16, 155, 159.
Chambers' Edinburgh Journal,
137, 162.

Channing, Dr., 144, 151, 156.
Cheyne, 30.
Cicero, 45, 67.

Clarendon, Lord, 106.
Clarke, Dr. Adam, 21.
Clarkson, 22.

Cobbett, 48.

Coleridge, 16, 22, 77, 114, 160.
Collier, 127.

Colton, Rev. C. C., 4, 67, 144.

Conder, Josiah, 17.

Considerations on War, 146.

Conybeare, Bishop, 15.

Cooper, J. G., 78.

Cowper, 5, 13, 43, 48, 103, 117,

Cruden's Concordance, 18, 37,
50, 79, 82, 88, 100, 111, 118,
141, 142.

Darwin, Dr., 158.

Denham, 126.

Dick, Dr. Thomas, 148.

Dickens, 41, 50.

Doddridge, Dr., 15.

Dryden, 133.

Duppa, 126.

Dymond, Jonathan, 11, 32, 54,

Edmeston, 61.

Ellis, 19.

Ephraim, St., 2.

Erasmus, 144.

Feltham, Owen, 19, 78.

Fenelon, 75.

Ferdin, 119.

Ford, John, 46.

Fox, 75, 149, 152.

Franklin, 81.

Frederick the Great, 147.

French, Mrs., 36.

Gay, 132.

Gilfillan, Robert, 108.

Gilpin, 45.

Gisborne, 160.
Grahame, 160.
Gregory, St., 77, 124.

Grillparzer, 163.

Hale, Sir Matthew, 3.

Hall, Rev. Robert, 83, 122, 161.
Harris, Rev. John, 39, 83, 127.
Harry, N. M., 99.

Heber, Bishop, 112, 142.
Herbert, Rev. George, 37.
Hogg, James, 8, 22.
Hooker, 62.

Horne, Bishop, 112.

Imperial Magazine, 123.

Jameson, Mrs., 149, 158.
Jenyns, Soame, 22.

Johnson, Dr., 9, 14, 17, 26, 29,
31, 34, 37, 40, 45, 49, 53, 56,
62, 67, 74, 76, 79, 82, 87, 90,
96, 98, 100, 109, 111, 114,
117, 118, 123, 126, 132, 135,

Jortin, 89, 134, 144.

Krummacher, Dr., 77, 102, 103.

Laberius, 99.

La Bruyère, 4.

Lavater, 98.
L'Estrange, 31.

Llandaff, Bishop of, 22.

Locke, 1, 74, 126, 127.

Macnamara, 8,73, 154.

Mant, Bishop, 119.
Marcus Antonius, 128.

Marcus Aurelius, 75.
Mason, 125.

Melmoth, 139.
Milton, 55, 75, 99, 123.

Montague, 115.

Montesquieu, 105.

Montgomery, James, 34, 79.

Moore, Thomas, 76.
More, Hannah, 22, 36, 89, 110,

113, 136.

Murray's English Reader, 17,
28, 113.

Neale, Rev. C., 78.
Newton, J., 36.
Nicoll, Robert, 119.
Northampton, Lady, 87.

Paley, Dr., 3, 21, 48.
Palgrave, Sir F., 116.
Patrick, Bishop, 2, 99, 136.
Peace, Herald of, 92.
Penn, William, 2, 28, 81.
Percy Anecdotes, 89.
Piety, Decay of, 136.
Plato, 134.
Pliny, 53.
Plutarch, 33.

Pollok, Robert, 19, 52, 55, 67.
Pope, 14, 19, 29, 99, 104, 128.
Porteus, Bishop, 6, 15, 67.
Pott, Archdeacon, 105.
Priestly, Dr., 144.
Prior, Matthew, 20.

Pythagoras, 75, 99, 132.

Quarles, 136.

Ladd, William, 63, 157, 161, 164. Richter, Jean Paul, 136.

Landon, Miss, 135.

Landor, W. S., 21.

Langdale, Lord, 81.

Ray, 49, 58.

Reflector, the, 149.

Robinson, 134.

Rochefoucault, 67.

Rogers, 45, 154.

Romilly, Sir Samuel, 156.

Saturday Magazine, 34.
Savage, the, 158.
Scott, Sir W., 4, 36, 113, 163.
Scripture, 1, 10, 15, 18, 21, 26,
29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 40, 45, 50,
54, 56, 62, 79, 86, 88, 96, 100,
102, 104, 109, 118, 124, 126,
133, 136, 161, &c.

Seneca, 67, 119.

Taylor, Bishop, 22, 77.
Temple, 40.

Thompson, 75.

Thompson, George, 10.
Tickell, 29.

Tillotson, 100.
Tupper, M. F., 98.
Trusler, 47.

Upham, T. C., 107, 145.

Shakspeare, 2, 4, 34, 45, 46, 53, Walker, 96.

89, 109, 117, 135.

Sheridan, 135.

Shuttleworth, Bishop, 43.

Sidney, Sir Philip, 74.

Sigourney, Mrs., 74, 103, 165.

Sinclair, Miss, 121.

Smith, Adam, 5.

Smith, Sir Thomas, 134.

South, 82, 127.

Southey, 73, 81, 85, 164.

Spectator, 31.

Spratt, 56, 112.
Stebbing, P., 147.
Steele, 51.
Stillingfleet, 30, 128.
Swift, 62.

Tatler, the, 48, 131.

Walpoliana, 70.

Wood, 147, 148.

Ward's Miscellany, 92.

Warwick, Arthur, 51.

Watts, Dr., 2, 33, 96, 115, 127.

Watson, Bishop, 22.

Wayland, 42.

White, Kirke, 123.

Wickliffe, 144.

Wiffen, J. H., 85.
Wilberforce, 77.
Wilkes, S. C., 126.
Wilson, Mrs. С. В., 125.
Wordsworth, 75, 119, 132.
Wright, H. C., 58, 70, 129.

Zeno, 134.

RICHARD BARRETT, Printer, 13, Mark Lane.





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