THE MENAGERIE BY WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODY Thank God my brain is not inclined to cut That screaming parrot makes my blood run cold. Squeals "Rain!" to the parched herd. The monkeys scold, And jabber that it 's rain-water they want. (It makes me sick to see a monkey pant.) I'll foot it home, to try and make believe Beasts do, at any rate; especially Wild devils caged. They have the coolest way Of being something else than what you see: You pass a sleek young zebra nosing hay, A nylghau looking bored and distingué,— And think you've seen a donkey and a bird. Not on your life! Just glance back, if you dare. The zebra chews, the nylghau has n't stirred; But something's happened, Heaven knows what or where, To freeze your scalp and pompadour your hair. I'm not precisely an eolian lute Hung in the wandering winds of sentiment, 'T was like a thunder-clap from out the clear- The flying jenny, and the peanut-stand. Next minute they were old hearth-mates of mine! A gaze of hopeless envy, squalid care, Within my blood my ancient kindred spoke- Or through fern forests roared the plesiosaur And suddenly, as in a flash of light, I saw great Nature working out her plan; Through all her shapes, from mastodon to mite, Forever groping, testing, passing on To find at last the shape and soul of Man. Till in the fullness of accomplished time, Babbling aloud her shy and reticent hours; Dragging to light her blinking, slothful moods; Publishing fretful seasons when her powers Worked wild and sullen in her solitudes, Or when her mordant laughter shook the woods. Here, round about me, were her vagrant births; On that long road she went to seek mankind; But why should they, her botch-work, turn about Helpless I stood among those awful cages; Goal of heroic feet that never lagged- Deliver me from such another jury! The Judgment-day will be a picnic to 't. Their satire was more dreadful than their fury, And worst of all was just a kind of brute Disgust, and giving up, and sinking mute. Survival of the fittest adaptation, And all their other evolution terms, Seem to omit one small consideration, To wit, that tumblebugs and angleworms And souls are restless, plagued, impatient things, Crawling, but pestered with the thought of wings; Wishes are horses, as I understand. I guess a wistful polyp that has strokes Of feeling faint to gallivant on land Will come to be a scandal to his folk; Legs he will sprout, in spite of threats and jokes. And at the core of every life that crawls Or runs or flies or swims or vegetates— Churning the mammoth's heart-blood, in the galls Of shark and tiger planting gorgeous hates, Lighting the love of eagles for their mates; Yes, in the dim brain of the jellied fish The name of Man was uttered, and they heard. Upward along the æons of old war They sought him: wing and shank-bone, claw and bill, Were fashioned and rejected; wide and far They roamed the twilight jungles of their will; But still they sought him, and desired him still. Man they desired, but mind you, Perfect Man, I hardly wonder, when they come to scan They gazed with mixed emotions upon me. Well, my advice to you is, Face the creatures, It is n't pleasant when you 're stepping high If Nature made you graceful, don't get gay If meek and godly, find some place to play Besides right where three mad hyenas fuss; If you 're a sweet thing in a flower-bed hat, |