1 AN ENQUIRY ΙΝΤΟ The GROUNDS and REASONS, or what those principles are, on which two of our anniversary folemnities are founded : VIZ. :: That on the 30th of January, being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles the First, appointed to be kept as a day of fafting; AND That on the 5th of November, being the day of our deliverance from Popery and flavery, by the happy arrival of his late Majesty King William the Third, appointed to be kept as a day of publick thanksgiving. ENQUIRY Concerning the GROUNDS and REASONS, OR What those principles are, on which two of our anniversary folemnities are founded: VIZ. That on the 30th of January, being the day of the martyrdom of King Charles the First, appointed to be kept as a day of fafting; and that on the 5th of November, being the day of our deliverance from Popery and slavery, by the happy arrival of his late Majesty King William the Third, appointed to be kept as a day of thanksgiving. To which is added, The Sufficiency of Reason in Matters of Religion, farther confidered. Wherein is shewn, That reason, when carefully used and followed, is to every man, who is answerable to God for his actions, under any or all the most disadvantageous circumstances he can possibly fall into, whether he resides in China, or at the Cape of Good-Hope, a fufficient guide in matters of religion; that is, it is sufficient to guide him to God's favour, and the happiness of another world. By THOMAS CHUB В. LONDON: Printed for T. Cox, at the Lamb under the Royal-Exchange. 1732. [Price 15.] Hebferv 4-23-37 33854 2773 .C56 AN ENQUIRY INTO The grounds and reasons, or what those principles are, upon which two of our anniversary folemnities are founded, viz. that on Jan. 30. and that on Nov. 5. B Y way of introduction to the following reflections, I shall transcribe a paragraph or two of the Reverend Dr. Croxall's Sermon, preached on the 30th of January, 1729, before the honourable house of Commons. "Among the several anniversaries, by " our wife legislators appointed to be ob" served, and for the celebration of which, proper offices of divine service have been "compiled by the pastors of our church, "there are two of more special note; "which, because of the different events " that B |