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Chapter 128. An act to amend an act, and to re-enact an act, entitled "An

act relating to revenue and taxation," which became a law

November eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, the

Governor not having signed or returned same to the House

in which it originated within the time prescribed by the

Constitution, and as amended by an act, entitled An act to

amend an act, entitled An act relating to revenue and taxa-

tion, which became a law without the approval of the Gov-

ernor November eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-two,"

which was approved June ninth, eighteen hundred and

ninety-three and as amended by an act, entitled "An act to

amend an act, entitled An act relating to revenue and taxa-

tion, approved November eleventh, eighteen hundred and

"ninety-two," which was approved March seventh, eighteen

hundred and ninety-four, and as amended by an act, entitled

An act to amend an act, entitled An act relating to revenue

and taxation, which became a law without the approval of

the Governor November eleventh, eighteen hundred and

ninety-two," which was approved March fifteenth, eighteen

hundred and ninety-four, and as amended by an act, entitled

"An act to amend section one, article six, of chapter one

hundred and three of Session Acts of one thousand eight

hundred and ninety-one, ninety-two, ninety-three, entitled

An act relating to revenue and taxation, which became a law

November eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-two,"

which was approved March fifteenth, eighteen hundred and

ninety-four, and as amended by an act, entitled "An act to

amend section seven, article six, of an act relating to reve-

nue and taxation," which was approved March nineteenth,

eighteen hundred and ninety-four. And as amended by an

act, entitled "An act to amend an act, entitled An act to

amend an act, entitled An act relating to revenue and taxa-

tion, Session Acts, eigteen hundred and ninety-one, ninety-

two, ninety-three, which became a law, November eleventh,

eighteen hundred and ninety-two, approved June ninth,

eighteen hundred and ninety-three," which was approved

March twenty-second, eighteen hundred and ninety-four.

And as amended by an act, entitled "An act to amend an act,

approved November eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-

two, relating to revenue and taxation, and to amend an

amendment to said act of June ninth, eighteen hun-

dred and ninety-three, relating to peddlers," which was

approved March twenty-second, eighteen hundred and

ninety-four and as amended by an act, entitled "An act to

amend and re-enact section nineteen of an act, entitled An

act relating to revenue and taxation, approved November

eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as amended by

section two, chapter forty-five, of the Session Acts of eight-

een hundred and ninety-four, the same being section four

thousand one hundred and forty-seven of the Kentucky

Statutes," which was approved March seventeenth, eighteen

hundred and ninety-six. And as amended by an act, enti-

tled "An act to amend and re-enact section one of an act, en-

titled An act regulating revenue and taxation, approved No-

vember eleven, eighteen hundred and ninety-two," approved

May eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and as

amended by an act, entitled "An act to amend section four

thousand one hundred and fifty-one of article seven, chapter

one hundred and eight, revenue and taxation, Kentucky

Statutes (General Statutes, 1078), acts eighteen hundred and

eighty-six." Approved May twelfth, eighteen hundred and

ninety-seven, and amended by an act, entitled "An act to

amend an act, entitled An act to regulate the assessment of

property for taxation and the payment thereon belonging to

non-residents of the counties in which the same is situated,

approved March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-

four," which was approved March seventeenth, nineteen hun-

dred, and as amended by an act, entitled "An act relating to

the taxation of the shares of stock of national banks, being

chapter twenty-three of the Session Acts of nineteen hun-

dred, approved March twenty-first, nineteen hundred, so that

said act of November eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-

two, and as amended by the above-stated subsequent acts

and amendments thereto, as now amended and re-enacted,

will read as follows

No. 15.

No. 14. Resolution to promote the improvements of Clark's river .......404

Resolution requesting Congressmen from this Commonwealth to

favor a bill for the erection of a monument to the Tippecanoe



No. 16. Resolution urging our senators and Representatives in Congress

to insist upon a provision in naval appropriation bill requiring

all war vessels to be built in navy yards of United States ......406

No. 17. Resolution requesting Congress to make such reparation as they

can to Admiral W. S. Schley, and extending to him an invitation

to visit the Legislature


No. 18. Resolution relative to prohibiting collectors of revenue from is-

suing licenses in local option districts

No. 19. Resolution of thanks on behalf of the Third Kentucky Regiment

in the late war with Spain, to Mrs. Flora Gowell and others, of

Newport News, Virginia



No. 20. Resolution providing for an adjournment of the General Assembly

for the purpose of visiting the State institutions located at Lex-









AN ACT to put the State Banks and Trust Companies on the same footing with the National Banks of this State in reference to the over-payment of taxes.

State banks and trust companies on

same footing with

national banks in overpayment of

WHEREAS, A number of State and National banks and trust companies of this State for several years, beginning with the year eighteen hundred and ninety-three, have paid reference to the into the Treasury of this State taxes under and in accord- taxes. ance with the Revenue Act of eighteen hundred and eightysix, known as the Hewitt law, under which they were, except to a limited extent, given immunity from local taxation; and,

WHEREAS, The Court of Appeals decided that all banks and trust companies which had accepted the provisions of the Hewitt law were bound, under pain of forfeiting their respective charters, to pay thereunder; and,

WHEREAS, It was finally decided by the Supreme Court that the Revenue Act of November eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, had superseded the Hewitt act as to all but a limited number of banks; and,

Banks entitled to


Requirements as to local taxes

WHEREAS, Under this decision, the banks and trust companies of this State, with the small exception aforesaid, were compelled for all the years since and including eighteen hundred and ninety-three, to pay local taxes from which the Hewitt law exempted them, and to secure which exemption they paid more than was due to the State; and,

WHEREAS, By an act of the General Assembly of this State, approved March twenty-first, nineteen hundred, entitled "An act relating to taxation of the shares of stock of national banks," restitution is made to the national banks of the difference between what they had paid to the State under the Hewitt act and what they should have paid under the general revenue law of the State, if they had been liable to pay under that law; and,

WHEREAS, It is now deemed no more than just that the banks and trust companies shall be refunded the amount or taxes improperly paid to the State, thereby placing them upon the same footing of the national banks; therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky:

§ 1. That wherever any State bank or trust company has, for any year or years, paid State taxes under the Hewitt law in excess of the State taxes required by the general revenue law of this State for the same year or years, said bank shall be entitled to credit, and it shall be the duty of the Auditor to allow said bank or trust company credit by said excess upon State taxes hereafter required to be paid under the general revenue law,

Provided, That no bank or trust company shall be entitled to the benefits or privileges of this act until all legal demands against same for local taxes have been adjusted; and proof of payments or adjustments shall be filed with

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