THE CRAFTSMAN. N° 218. SATURDAY, Sept. 5, 1730. To CALEB D'ANVERS, Esï; Mr. D'ANVERS, S INCE the bufy Scene of the Year is over at home, and we may perhaps wait feveral Months before the fuccefsful Negotiations of France furnish us with new Hopes of a general Pacification, and give you occafion to carry your Speculations forward, it may be proper enough for you to caft your Eyes backwards; to reflect on your own Conduct; and to call yourself to Account before your own Tribunal. I am so much perfuaded of the Integrity of your Intentions, that I do not in the leaft fufpect you will think my Advice impertinent; and therefore I shall attempt to lead your Thoughts on this Subject, by giving you an Account of fome Parts of a Converfation, at which I happened to be prefent very lately. VOL. VII. A Seve 416144 |