1896. Meat. Fish. Fruit and Vege tables. Flour. Grain for Stock and Table. Summary of Current Expenses for Year ending Sept. 30, 1897. Tea, Coffee and Chocolate. Total, 128 85 153 60 $1,248 06 $385 39 $82 36 $528 00 $1,584 36 $94 66 $553 37 $413 77 $1,215 68 $2,488 13 $1,983 71 $156 95 80 00 29 31 87 22 152 91 15 60 39 00 43 73 111 34 60 82 Sugar and Molasses. Butter and Cheese. Other Groceries and Provisions. Clothing, Shoes, etc. Fuel and Lights. Medicine and Medical Sup plies. |