Imágenes de páginas

8. Without any fixed habitation, or other shelter than the canopy of heaven, they breathe a purer air than beneath the artificial vaults in which they are confined when subJected to the dominion of man. Hence wild horses are stronger, lighter, and more vigorous than domestic ones. The former are endued with force and dignity, but the latter possess more activity and gracefulness.

QUESTIONS.-1. Where are wild horses found? 2. In what manner do they live? 3. By whom are they governed, and how does he obtain his office? 4. How do they manage with their enemies? 5. What do you say of those found in America and New Holland? 6. How do they act in storms? 7. How do wild horses compare with domestic ones? 8. What causes this difference?


SPELL AND DEFINE.-1. Delve, to dig. 2. Diadems, the crowns, or dead-dresses worn by kings. 3. Celestial, heavenly.

Aspirations of Youth.-MONTGOMERY.

1. HIGHER, higher, will we climb,
Up the mount of glory,

That our names may live through time
In our country's story.
Happy, when her welfare calls,

He who conquers-he who falls.

2. Deeper, deeper, let us toil

In the mines of knowledge-
Nature's wealth and learning's spoil,
Win from school and college;
Delve we there for richer geins
Than the stars of diadems.

3. Onward, onward, will we press,
In the path of duty;
Virtue is true happiness,
Excellence true beauty;
Minds are of celestial bírth,
Let us make a heaven of earth.

4. Closer, closer, let us knit

Hearts and hands together,
Where our fireside comforts sit,
In the wildest weather:

O, they wander wide, who roam
For the joys of life from home.
5. Nearer, dearer, bands of love
Draw our souls in union,
To our Father's house above,
To the saints' communion;
Thither ev'ry hope ascénd,

There may all our labors end.

QUESTIONS.-1. Where should the young aspire to climb? 2. What is meant by the 'mines of knowledge? 3. Whither should we press? 4. Where are comforts to be sought, at home or abroad? 5. Where will the labors of the good end?

How should poetry be read? (See Les. XII. I.) Why does Father, in the last verse, begin with a capital? Does each line in poetry always begin with a capital? What can you say of the emphasis on the second word of each verse? (See Les. VIII. Note VI.) Wherein consists the difficulty of giving a distinct articulation in the fourth verse? (See Les 11. Note II.) How do you parse hope and ascend, last verse?


SPELL AND DEFINE.-1. Gossip, idle talk; here, the confused chatter of birds. 2. Wilding, wild. 3. Az'ure, of a sky blue; (azure space, the sky.) 4. Aspen, a kind of poplar tree.

Gladness of Nature.-BRYANT.

1. Is this a time to be cloudy and sad,

When our mother Nature laughs around;
When even the deep blue heavens look glad,
And gladness breathes from the blossoming ground?

2. There are notes of joy from the hang-bird and wren
And the gossip of swallows through all the sky;
The ground-squirrel gayly chirps by his den
And the wilding bee hums merrily by.

3. The clouds are at play in the azure space,
And their shadows at play on the bright green vale,
And here they stretch to the frolic chase,
And there they roll on the easy gale.

4. There's a dance of leaves in that aspen bower,

There's a titter of winds in that beechen tree,

There's a smile on the fruit, and a smile on the flower, And a laugh from the brook that runs to the sea.


5. And look at the broad-faced sun, how he smiles
On the dewy earth that smiles in his
On the leaping waters and gay young isles;
Aye, look, and he'll smile thy gloom away.

QUESTIONS.-1. What kind of a day is alluded to in this piece? 2. What noises were heard? 3. What can you say of the clouds and their shadows? 4. Of the leaves, winds, &c.?

Why should there be a rising inflection at the end of the first verse? Why should Nature begin with a capital? Answer.-It is "the name of an object personified, conveying an idea strictly individual." Where do you make the final poetic pause? Where the cesural? (Les. XII. 6.)


Spell and DefINE.-1. Sallied, rushed out suddenly. 2. Unconscious, not knowing. 3. Foliage, leaves of trees. 4. Miniature, small. 5. Prairy, a natural meadow. 6. Manifested, made to appear. 7. Athletic, stout. 8. Participated, took part. 9. Exploit, a deed or act. 10. Legends, tales or stories.

The Old Indian.-LANMAN.

One who had fled from the war of life.-Barry Cornwall.

1. AMONG the peculiar characters that I remember when thinking of my early days, none do I dwell upon with more pleasurable feelings than the old Indian. My first acquaintance with him took place when I was about twelve years old. It was the pleasant summer time. At an early hour of the day I had lanched my little birch canoe from the sloping bank behind our orchard, and accompanied by Rover, started on a duck hunt down the river Raisin. I would here remark that the mouth of this beautiful river is studded with islands, and has been from time immemorial

celebrated for its game. As I paddled along, I watched with an inward joy the progress of the morning.

2. The farm-houses that had long been sleeping amid the silence of night, were now enlivened by their inmates, who had sallied forth to perform their allotted duties. At one moment my ears were saluted by a choris of voices from some neighboring poultry yard, mingled with the lowing of cows and the jingling of bells in the sheep fold. And then I heard the singing of larks in the open fields, the neighing of a horse, or the shout of some happy boy. The mists, freightened by the sunbeams, were rising from the river, and

from the trees on either side the dew was falling. I looked upon the changing landscape smiling in its freshness, and felt my heart swell within me, for I beheld the glory and the goodness of God, and I “blessed him unaware."

3. The ducks were very shy that day, and the few that 1 did shoot were taken on the wing. It was now nearly midday, and I was about making up my mind to return home when I beheld a single canvass back rise from the water in the distance, and seemingly unconscious of my presence. fly directly over my head. I fired at it, and the feathers flew. Slowly but surely the bird descended and at last fell upon an island a quarter of a mile away. This was soon reached, and a long hour did I search for my game among the bushes and grass, but I sought in vain.

4. This island was about two furlongs in length and one in width. At one end was a group of a dozen lofty sycamores, and at the other three black pines stood together, like robbers plotting the destruction of an enemy. Between and

beneath these, the dark green and luxuriant foliage of less ambitious trees, formed to all appearance a solid mass. Here, the light green ivy encircled some youthful ash, from whose top it wandered among the limbs of other trees; and there, the clustering fruit hung in great abundance rom the brown grape vine.


5. While rambling about this island, to satisfy my cu riosity, I discovered in its center a little clearing or minia ture prairy, on which stood a single wigwam. A wreath of smoke rose from its chimney between the trees, gracefully curling upward to the sky. I entered the hut, and beheld the form of an Indian, who was engaged in cooking his noon day meal. At first he was surprised at my presence, but when I told him that I was merely on a hunting excursion, his countenance changed, and he manifested much pleasure.

6. His kindness and my boyish familiarity conspired to make us soon acquainted. He was a tall, athletic, well-proportioned man, with dark eagle eyes. His long locks of hair, which had once vied with the raven's wing, were now whitening with age. I will not dwell upon the particulars of that interview. Let it suffice to know that I departed from that "green and lovely isle," feeling that I had a friend in the person of that old Indian.

7. Many a day during that summer and the ensuing autumn did I spend in his society-Many a table luxury

brought I to his lonely dwelling. Many a lesson has he taught me, in the arts of fishing and hunting. Long years have flown since then. But the wild and pure enjoyments in which I then participated with this old Indian, are deeply engraven on the tablet of my memory.

8. We used often to enter our respective canoes and explore the neighboring creeks and rivers, little islands of the bay, and others, far out into the lake. We would bathe together, at one time wading out from the sandy and sloping shore, and again leaping and diving from some abrupt headland into the clear water-so clear and pure that the shells upon the bottom were distinctly seen at the depth of twenty feet or more.


9. I never troubled myself about the origin of this old Indian. His name, to what nation he belonged, or his reasons for thus living alone, were things which I never desired to know; I was content to be with him, and during our various excursions to listen to his wild legends, his narratives of strange adventures and exploits, which he would recount in broke English, though always with the eloquence of nature. 10. Oft-times I could not comprehend his meaning,especially when he described the beauties of the Spirit-Land, which he said existed far beyond the setting sun; and also when he told me of its valleys, and mountains and forests, smiling under the influence of perpetual summer, where the singing of birds was always heard, and where the buffalo, the horse, the deer, the antelope, the bear, the wolf, the panther, the musk rat, and the otter, flourished and fattened for its inhabitants.

11. When we looked upon the lurid lightning, and listened to the sullen war of the distant thunder, he would raise his hands to heaven, exclaiming, "the Great Spirit is angry," and kneeling down, would kiss the ground in fear and adoration. Pleasantly, indeed, did the days of that summer and the ensuing autumn pass away. Winter came, and the waters of the ever-murmuring Raisin were clasped in his icy chains. In a little time I lost sight of my old friend, for his island home was desɔlate-he had departed— no one knew where. Spring came, and I was sent to an eastern city to school.

QUESTIONS.-1. Where is the river Raisin? 2. Describe the morning in which our young friend sailed down this river. 3. What circumstance led to an acquaintance with the old Indian? 4. How was the

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