Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary


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Página 270 - and the. lawyers working together to find ways to improve, the situation. Senator THURMOND. Some have suggested that the Federal Trade Commission and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice be combined into one antitrust enforcement agency. What are, your views on that? Is it practical? I wonder what you'll have to say about this? Mr.
Página 122 - Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 45(b). The docket: Calendar, Other Records Required The clerk shall keep a book known as the docket, in such form and style as may be prescribed by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts with the approval of the Judicial Conference of the United
Página 111 - Office of Management and Budget annual estimates of the expenditures and appropriations necessary for the maintenance and operation of the courts and the Administrative Office and the operation of the judicial survivors annuity fund, and such supplemental and deficiency estimates as may be required from time to time for the same
Página 122 - Administrative Office of the United States Courts, with the approval of the Judicial Conference of the United States may prescribe. Among the records required to be kept by the clerk shall be a book known as the "criminal docket" in which, among other things, shall be entered each order of judgment of the court. The entry of an order or
Página 109 - (1) Supervise all administrative matters relating to the offices of clerks and other clerical and administrative personnel of the courts; (2) Examine the state of the dockets of the courts; secure information as to the courts' need of assistance; prepare and transmit quarterly to the chief judges of the circuits, statistical data and reports as to the
Página 628 - preference found for appeal. Interlocutory appeals No preference found. Social security appeals under 42 USC section 405(g) ". . . subject to review in the same manner as a judgment in other civil actions." 42 USC section 504 (e) "as expeditiously as possible." Fifth Circuit cases of whatever type which have been reversed and/or
Página 118 - ...shall keep such other books and records and make such reports as may be prescribed by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts with the approval of the Judicial Conference of the United
Página 18 - comprehensive charter of economic liberty aimed at preserving free and unfettered competition." The social and economic benefits that competition can bring include the! reduction of costs and prices,
Página 122 - civil docket" of such form and style as may be prescribed by the Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts with the approval of the Judicial Conference of the United
Página 626 - 29 USC 110—Appeals from court, issue or deny temporary injunction re a labor dispute—heard with the greatest possible expedition, giving the proceedings precedence over all other matters except older matters of the same character. Appeals by the Board under 29 USC 160. Subsection (i) provides that the petition shall be heard expeditiously and If possible within 10 days after docketing.

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