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" Where once the sign-post caught the passing eye, Low lies that house where nut-brown draughts inspired, Where gray-beard mirth, and smiling toil retired, Where village statesmen talked with looks profound And news much older than their ale went round. "
The Vicar of Wakefield: A Tale - Página 257
por Oliver Goldsmith - 1847 - 288 páginas
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The Deserted Village, a Poem

Oliver Goldsmith - 1770 - 44 páginas
...nut-brown draughts infpired, Where grey-beard mirth and fmiling toil retired, Where village ftatefmen talked with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly ftoops to trace The parlour fplendours of that feftive place; The white-wafhed wall, the nicely fanded...
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Annual Register, Volumen13

Edmund Burke - 1771 - 592 páginas
...nut-brown draughts inspired, Where grey-beard mirth and fmiling toil retiree, Where village ilatefmen talked with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly (loops to trace The parlour fplendours of that feftive place ; The white- warned wall, the nicely-fancied...
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Retaliation: a poem. To which is added, some account of the life ..., Volumen1

Oliver Goldsmith - 1774 - 70 páginas
...nut-brown draughts infpired, Where grey-beard mirth and fmiling toil retired, Where village ftatefmen talked with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly ftoops to trace The parlour fplendours of that feftive place ; The white-wafhed wall, the nicely fanded...
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The Muse's Pocket Companion: A Collection of Poems

1785 - 306 páginas
...draught* infpir'd, Where grey-beard mirth and fmiling toil retir'd, Where village ftatefmen 'talk'd with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly ftoops to trace, The parlour fplendors of that feftive place f The white-wafh'd wall, the siceiy-fanded...
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Critical Essays on Some of the Poems of Several English Poets

John Scott, John Hoole - 1785 - 544 páginas
...draught? infpir'd, Where grey-beard mirth, and fmiling toil retir'd ; Where village ftatefmen talk'd with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly ftoops to trace, The parlour fplendors of that feftive place ; The white-wafh'd wall, the nicely fanded...
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The muse's pocket companion. A collection of poems. By lord Carlisle [and ...

Muse - 1785 - 316 páginas
...nut-brown draughts infpirM, "here grey-beard mirth and fmiling toil retir'd, "We village ftatefmen talk'd with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Pagination fondly floops to trace, flit parlour fplendors of that feflive place ; flic white-wafh'd...
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Lessons in Elocution, Or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the ...

William Scott - 1789 - 414 páginas
...draughts iriTpir'd;: \Vliere gra*beard mirth, and ftnilbg toil, retir'd ; Where village- flat efmen talk'd .-with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly (loops, to trace The parloiuvfplendours of that feftive-place : — The white-wafli'd wall ; the niceIy-fanded...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B.: With an Account ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1791 - 206 páginas
...dranghtsinfpir'd, Where grey-beard mirth, and fmiling toil retir'd, Where village ftatefmen talk'd with looks profound. And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly (loops to trace The parlour fplendors of that feftive place ; The white-waflt'd wall* the nicely fanded...
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Poems Selected and Printed by a Small Party of English, who Made this ...

1792 - 112 páginas
...draughts infpir'dj Where grey-beard mirth, and Irniling toil retir'd, Where village ftatefmen talk'd with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly ftoops to trace The parlour fplendors of that feftive place ; The white-wash'd wall, the nicely fanded...
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Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1792 - 284 páginas
...draughts infpir'd, Wheie grey-beard mirth, and finiling toil reuVd, "Where village flatefraen talk'd with looks profound, And news much older than their ale went round. Imagination fondly floops to trace The parlour fplendors of that feflive place ; The white-wafli'd wall, the nicely fanded...
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