PART I POEMS OF NATURE. 'Tis born with all: the love of Nature's works Infused at the creation of the kind. And, though the Almighty Maker has throughout Diversified, that two were never found Twins at all points-yet this obtains in all, That all discern a beauty in his works, And all can taste them: minds that have been form'd And tutor'd with a relish more exact, But none without some relish, none unmoved. COWPER. Nature's voice is sweet Wherever heard; her works, wherever seen, ELLIOTT. B POEMS OF NATURE. The World is too much with us. THE world is too much with us; late and soon, We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! WORDSWORTH. Ministrations of Nature. WITH other ministrations thou, O Nature, Thy sunny hues, fair forms, and breathing sweets, To be a jarring and discordant thing COLERIDGE. |